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Commit 91cd8d9f authored by Vakhtang Tsulaia's avatar Vakhtang Tsulaia
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Merge branch 'vmmSpeedupRound2_master' into 'master'

Manual sweep of "Speedup of the MM electronics simulation "

See merge request atlas/athena!38020
parents 87c9f607 033a44bc
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......@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ class MM_ElectronicsToolInput {
~MM_ElectronicsToolInput() {}
std::vector<int> NumberOfStripsPos() const { return m_NumberOfStripsPos; }
std::vector<std::vector<float>> chipCharge() const { return m_chipCharge; }
std::vector<std::vector<float>> chipTime() const { return m_chipTime; }
const std::vector<int>& NumberOfStripsPos() const { return m_NumberOfStripsPos; }
const std::vector<std::vector<float>>& chipCharge() const { return m_chipCharge; }
const std::vector<std::vector<float>>& chipTime() const { return m_chipTime; }
Identifier digitID() const { return m_digitID; }
float kineticEnergy() const { return m_kineticEnergy; }
......@@ -181,5 +181,13 @@ private:
//Declaring private message stream member.
mutable Athena::MsgStreamMember m_msg = Athena::MsgStreamMember("MMStripResponseSimulation");
// seperate random number generation for performance monitoring
float getTransversDiffusion(float posY);
float getLongitudinalDiffusion(float posY);
float getEffectiveCharge();
float getPathLengthTraveled();
......@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ class VMM_Shaper{
double vmmResponse(const std::vector<float> &effectiveCharge, const std::vector<float> &electronsTime, double time) const;
double findPeak(const std::vector<float> &effectiveCharge, const std::vector<float> &electronsTime, const double electronicsThreshold) const;
bool aboveThresholdSimple(const std::vector<float> &effectiveCharge, const std::vector<float> &electronsTime, const double electronicsThreshold) const;
double m_pole0_ns;
double m_re_pole1_ns;
double m_im_pole1_ns;
......@@ -114,7 +114,11 @@ void MM_StripsResponseSimulation::initFunctions()
m_longitudinalDiffusionFunction = new TF1("longdiff","gaus", -5., 5.);
m_transverseDiffusionFunction = new TF1("transdiff", "1.*TMath::Exp(-TMath::Power(x,2.)/(2.*[0]*[0])) + 0.001*TMath::Exp(-TMath::Power(x,2)/(2.*[1]*[1]))", -1., 1.);
//m_transverseDiffusionFunction = new TF1("transdiff", "1.*TMath::Exp(-TMath::Power(x,2.)/(2.*[0]*[0])) + 0.001*TMath::Exp(-TMath::Power(x,2)/(2.*[1]*[1]))", -1., 1.);
m_transverseDiffusionFunction = new TF1("transdiff", "gaus(0) + gaus(3)", -1., 1.);
//m_transverseDiffusionFunction = new TF1("transdiff", "gaus", -1., 1.);
m_random = new TRandom3(0);
......@@ -202,7 +206,7 @@ void MM_StripsResponseSimulation::whichStrips( const float & hitx,
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("LorentzAngle vs theta: " <<lorentzAngle <<" " <<theta);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Function pointer points to " << m_interactionDensityFunction);
float pathLengthTraveled = ( 1. / m_interactionDensityFunction->GetRandom() ) * -1. * std::log( m_random->Uniform() );
float pathLengthTraveled = getPathLengthTraveled();
float pathLength = m_driftGapWidth/std::cos(theta); // Increasing path length based on XZ angle
pathLength /= std::cos(alpha); // Further increasing path length for YZ angle
......@@ -231,19 +235,19 @@ void MM_StripsResponseSimulation::whichStrips( const float & hitx,
for (auto& Electron : IonizationCluster.getElectrons()){
m_longitudinalDiffusionFunction->SetParameters(1.0, 0., initialPosition.Y()*m_longitudinalDiffusionSigma);
// m_longitudinalDiffusionFunction->SetParameters(1.0, 0., initialPosition.Y()*m_longitudinalDiffusionSigma);
if ( m_longitudinalDiffusionSigma == 0 || m_transverseDiffusionSigma == 0) {
// if ( m_longitudinalDiffusionSigma == 0 || m_transverseDiffusionSigma == 0) {
m_transverseDiffusionFunction->SetParameters( initialPosition.Y()*m_transverseDiffusionSigma , 0.0);
// m_transverseDiffusionFunction->SetParameters( initialPosition.Y()*m_transverseDiffusionSigma , 0.0);
} else {
// } else {
m_transverseDiffusionFunction->SetParameters( initialPosition.Y()*m_transverseDiffusionSigma , 1.0);
// m_transverseDiffusionFunction->SetParameters( initialPosition.Y()*m_transverseDiffusionSigma , 1.0);
// }
Electron->setOffsetPosition(m_transverseDiffusionFunction->GetRandom(), m_longitudinalDiffusionFunction->GetRandom());
Electron->setOffsetPosition(getTransversDiffusion(initialPosition.Y()) , getLongitudinalDiffusion(initialPosition.Y()) );
......@@ -254,7 +258,8 @@ void MM_StripsResponseSimulation::whichStrips( const float & hitx,
for (auto& Electron : IonizationCluster.getElectrons()){
float effectiveCharge = m_polyaFunction->GetRandom();
//float effectiveCharge = m_polyaFunction->GetRandom();
float effectiveCharge = getEffectiveCharge();
Electron->setCharge( effectiveCharge );
......@@ -275,7 +280,7 @@ void MM_StripsResponseSimulation::whichStrips( const float & hitx,
pathLengthTraveled += (1. / m_interactionDensityFunction->GetRandom() ) * -1. * std::log( m_random->Uniform() );
pathLengthTraveled += getPathLengthTraveled();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Path length traveled: " << pathLengthTraveled);
......@@ -332,6 +337,33 @@ void MM_StripsResponseSimulation::whichStrips( const float & hitx,
} // end of whichStrips()
float MM_StripsResponseSimulation::getTransversDiffusion(float posY){
if ( m_longitudinalDiffusionSigma == 0 || m_transverseDiffusionSigma == 0) {
m_transverseDiffusionFunction->SetParameter(2, posY*m_transverseDiffusionSigma);
m_transverseDiffusionFunction->SetParameter(5, 0.0);
} else {
m_transverseDiffusionFunction->SetParameter(2, posY*m_transverseDiffusionSigma);
m_transverseDiffusionFunction->SetParameter(5, 1.0);
return m_transverseDiffusionFunction->GetRandom();
float MM_StripsResponseSimulation::getLongitudinalDiffusion(float posY){
m_longitudinalDiffusionFunction->SetParameters(1.0, 0., posY*m_longitudinalDiffusionSigma);
return m_longitudinalDiffusionFunction->GetRandom();
float MM_StripsResponseSimulation::getEffectiveCharge(){return m_polyaFunction->GetRandom();}
float MM_StripsResponseSimulation::getPathLengthTraveled(){
return ( 1. / m_interactionDensityFunction->GetRandom() ) * -1. * log( m_random->Uniform() );
......@@ -42,16 +42,20 @@ void VMM_Shaper::initialize() {
// preCalculate factor to avoid recalculating for each electron
m_preCalculationVMMShaper = chargeScaleFactor*m_peakTimeChargeScaling*std::pow(m_a, 3)*m_pole0*m_pole1_square;
m_pole0_ns = m_pole0*(10^-9);
m_re_pole1_ns = m_re_pole1*(10^-9);
m_im_pole1_ns = m_im_pole1*(10^-9);
double VMM_Shaper::vmmResponse(const std::vector<float> &effectiveCharge, const std::vector<float> &electronsTime, double time) const{
double response = 0;
for (unsigned int i_electron = 0; i_electron < effectiveCharge.size(); i_electron++) {
if (time < continue;
double t = (*(10^-9);
double t = (;
// now follows the vmm shaper response function provided by G. Iakovidis
// It is described in section 7.1.3 of
double st =*m_preCalculationVMMShaper*((K0*std::exp(-t*m_pole0))+(2.*m_k1_abs*std::exp(-t*m_re_pole1)*std::cos(-t*m_im_pole1+m_argK1)));
double st =*m_preCalculationVMMShaper*((K0*std::exp(-t*m_pole0_ns))+(2.*m_k1_abs*std::exp(-t*m_re_pole1_ns)*std::cos(-t*m_im_pole1_ns+m_argK1)));
response += st;
return response;
......@@ -74,13 +78,29 @@ void VMM_Shaper::vmmThresholdResponse(const std::vector<float> &effectiveCharge,
double startTime = m_lowerTimeWindow;
double minElectronTime = *std::min_element(electronsTime.begin(), electronsTime.end());
if (startTime < minElectronTime) startTime = minElectronTime; // if smallest strip times are higher then the lower time window, just start the loop from the smallest electron time
double tmpTimeAtThreshold = -9999;
for (double time = startTime; time < m_upperTimeWindow; time += m_timeStep) {
if (vmmResponse(effectiveCharge, electronsTime, time) >= electronicsThreshold) {
tmpTimeAtThreshold = time;
for (double time = startTime; time < minElectronTime + 0.9*m_peakTime; time += 10*m_timeStep) { // quick search till the first possible peak
if(vmmResponse(effectiveCharge, electronsTime, time) <= electronicsThreshold ) continue;
for(double fineTime = time; fineTime >= time - 10*m_timeStep; fineTime -= m_timeStep) { // since value above threshold was found, loop back in time to find the crossing with the timeStep precission
if(vmmResponse(effectiveCharge, electronsTime, fineTime) >= electronicsThreshold) continue;
tmpTimeAtThreshold = fineTime + 0.5*m_timeStep; // get time between time above and time below threshold
if(tmpTimeAtThreshold == -9999) { // threshold crossing not yet found
// check if first possible peak was before start time
double tmpStartTime = std::max(minElectronTime + 0.9*m_peakTime, startTime);
for (double time = tmpStartTime; time < m_upperTimeWindow; time += m_timeStep) {
if (vmmResponse(effectiveCharge, electronsTime, time) >= electronicsThreshold) {
tmpTimeAtThreshold = time;
if (tmpTimeAtThreshold == -9999) return;
......@@ -97,44 +117,58 @@ double VMM_Shaper::findPeak(const std::vector<float> &effectiveCharge, const std
if(effectiveCharge.size()==0) return -9999; // protect min_element
double startTime = m_lowerTimeWindow;
double minElectronTime = *std::min_element(electronsTime.begin(), electronsTime.end());
minElectronTime += 0.8*m_peakTime; // only start looking for the peak close to the first possible peak
if(startTime < minElectronTime) startTime = minElectronTime; // if smallest strip times are higher then the lower time window, just start the loop from the smallest electron time
double oldResponse = 0;
double oldDerivative = 0 , currentDerivative = 0;
//double currentDerivative = 0;
for (double time = startTime; time < m_upperTimeWindow; time += m_timeStep) {
double timeStepScaleFactor = 5.0;
double response = vmmResponse(effectiveCharge, electronsTime, time);
for (double time = startTime; time < m_upperTimeWindow; time += m_timeStep*timeStepScaleFactor) {
oldDerivative = currentDerivative;
currentDerivative = (response-oldResponse) * m_inverseTimeStep;
// check if sign of derivative has not changed ==> no peak; or if response is below threshold
if (oldDerivative*currentDerivative >= 0 || oldResponse < electronicsThreshold) {oldResponse = response; continue;}
double response = vmmResponse(effectiveCharge, electronsTime, time);
if(oldResponse < response){oldResponse=response; continue;}
oldResponse = response;
// from here one its assumed that a peak above threshold was found
int searchWindow = 5;
// check if the derivative is monoton falling within the given window of 5 bins
bool checkDerivative = true;
double tmp_checkOldDerivative = 0, tmp_checkCurrentDerivative = 0;
double tmp_checkOldResponse = 0;
std::vector<double> tmpTime, tmpResponse;
int searchWindow = 5;
for (int i_timeOfPeak = -searchWindow; i_timeOfPeak <= searchWindow; i_timeOfPeak ++) {
double response = vmmResponse(effectiveCharge, electronsTime, time + i_timeOfPeak * m_timeStep);
tmp_checkOldDerivative = tmp_checkCurrentDerivative;
tmp_checkCurrentDerivative = (response - tmp_checkOldResponse) * m_inverseTimeStep;
tmp_checkOldResponse = response;
for(double fineTime = (time-1.5*m_timeStep*timeStepScaleFactor); fineTime < time+0.5*m_timeStep*timeStepScaleFactor; fineTime += m_timeStep) {
if (i_timeOfPeak >= -searchWindow + 2 // needs two iterations to fill the variables
&& tmp_checkOldDerivative < tmp_checkCurrentDerivative) { // derivative is not falling monothonic
checkDerivative = false;
int nBins = tmpTime.size();
for(int i_time = 1; i_time < nBins-1;i_time++){
if(< continue;
if( < electronicsThreshold) break;
bool checkTimeWindow = false;
for(int i_timeOfPeak = i_time - searchWindow + 1; i_timeOfPeak <= i_time + searchWindow; i_timeOfPeak++) {
if(i_timeOfPeak < 1 || i_timeOfPeak == nBins - 1) continue;
double oldDerivative = ( -;
double newDerivative = ( -;
if (newDerivative > oldDerivative){
checkTimeWindow = false;
} else {
checkTimeWindow = true;
if(checkTimeWindow) return;
if (!checkDerivative) continue;
return time - m_timeStep;
return -9999; // no peak found
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