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Commit b341074e authored by Adam Edward Barton's avatar Adam Edward Barton
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Merge branch 'MultiComponentStateModeCalculator_MT' into 'master'

ATLASRECTS-4612 MultiComponentStateModeCalculator : Remove mutable state, counters atomic, pass the array of vectors of mixture as arguement

See merge request atlas/athena!14567
parents 981197fe d8279c73
No related merge requests found
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
begin : Thursday 6th July 2006
author : atkinson
email :
description : Class to calculate the mode (q/p) of a gaussian mixture
description : Class to calculate the mode (q/p) of a gaussian mixtureArray
#ifndef Trk_MultiComponentStateModeCalculator_H
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ description : Class to calculate the mode (q/p) of a gaussian mixture
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "TrkGaussianSumFilter/IMultiComponentStateModeCalculator.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
namespace Trk{
......@@ -38,72 +41,75 @@ class MultiComponentStateModeCalculator : public AthAlgTool, virtual public IMul
StatusCode finalize();
//!< IMultiComponentStateModeCalculator interface method to calculate mode
Amg::VectorX calculateMode( const MultiComponentState& ) const;
//!< Private method to extract the weight, mean and sigma values from the multi-component state
void fillMixture( const MultiComponentState& ) const;
//!< Private method to find the mode using the Newton-Raphson method based on a starting guess
double findMode( double, int ) const;
//!< Private method to determine the pdf of the cashed mixture at a given value
double pdf( double, int ) const;
//!< Private method to determine the first order derivative of the pdf at a given value
double d1pdf( double, int ) const;
//!< Private method to determine the second order derivative of the pdf at a given value
double d2pdf( double, int) const;
//!< Private method to determine the value of the a gaussian distribution at a given value
double gaus( double x, double mean, double sigma ) const;
double findModeGlobal(double, int) const;
double width( int i) const;
double findRoot(double &result, double xlo, double xhi, double value, double i) const;
virtual Amg::VectorX calculateMode( const MultiComponentState& ) const override;
//!< Private mixture structure
//!< Private Mixture structure
struct Mixture{
// Default constructor
// Constructor with arguments
Mixture( double aWeight, double aMean, double aSigma )
Mixture( double aWeight, double aMean, double aSigma ):
weight( aWeight ),
mean( aMean ),
sigma( aSigma )
double weight;
double mean;
double sigma;
//!< Private method to extract the weight, mean and sigma values from the multi-component state
void fillMixture( std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
const MultiComponentState& ) const;
//!< Private method to find the mode using the Newton-Raphson method based on a starting guess
double findMode( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double, int ) const;
//!< Private method to determine the pdf of the cashed mixtureArray at a given value
double pdf( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double, int ) const;
//!< Private method to determine the first order derivative of the pdf at a given value
double d1pdf( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double, int ) const;
//!< Private method to determine the second order derivative of the pdf at a given value
double d2pdf( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double, int) const;
//!< Private method to determine the value of the a gaussian distribution at a given value
double gaus( double x, double mean, double sigma ) const;
double findModeGlobal(const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double, int) const;
double width( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
int i) const;
double findRoot(const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double &result, double xlo, double xhi, double value, double i) const;
int m_outputlevel; //!< to cache current output level
mutable std::vector< Mixture > m_mixture[5]; //!< Mixture
//ModeCalualtor Stats
mutable int m_NumberOfCalls;
mutable int m_ConverganceFilures;
mutable int m_NoErrorMatrix;
mutable int m_MixtureSizeZero;
mutable std::atomic<int> m_NumberOfCalls;
mutable std::atomic<int> m_ConverganceFilures;
mutable std::atomic<int> m_NoErrorMatrix;
mutable std::atomic<int> m_MixtureSizeZero;
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ description : Implementation code for MultiComponentStateModeCalculator
//#include "EventPrimitives/AmgMatrixPlugin.h"
#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
#include <map>
Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator( const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent )
......@@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ StatusCode Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::finalize()
Amg::VectorX Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::calculateMode( const Trk::MultiComponentState& multiComponentState ) const
Amg::VectorX Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::calculateMode(const Trk::MultiComponentState& multiComponentState ) const
......@@ -83,63 +81,65 @@ Amg::VectorX Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::calculateMode( const Trk::M
return modes;
fillMixture( multiComponentState );
std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5> mixtureArray{};
fillMixture( mixtureArray,multiComponentState );
int tmp_MixtureSizeZero{0};
for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){
std::multimap< double, double, std::greater<double> > para_startMap;
// Loop over the mixture and find the starting point
std::vector<Mixture>::const_iterator component = m_mixture[i].begin();
// Loop over the mixtureArray and find the starting point
std::vector<Mixture>::const_iterator component = mixtureArray[i].begin();
if (m_mixture[i].size() == 0) ++m_MixtureSizeZero;
if (mixtureArray[i].size() == 0) {
for( ; component != m_mixture[i].end() ; ++component )
para_startMap.insert( std::pair<double, double>( pdf( component->mean, i), component->mean ) );
for( ; component != mixtureArray[i].end() ; ++component ){
para_startMap.insert( std::pair<double, double>( pdf( mixtureArray,component->mean, i), component->mean ) );
double para_start = para_startMap.begin()->second;
modes[i] = findMode( para_start, i ) ;
modes[i] = findMode( mixtureArray,para_start, i ) ;
// Calculate the FWHM and return this back so that it can be used to correct the covariance matrix
if( para_start != modes[i] ){
// mode calculation was successful now calulate FWHM
double currentWidth = width(i);
double currentWidth = width(mixtureArray,i);
modes[i+5] = -1; // Failure is flagged with a value less than 0;
double pdfVal = pdf( modes[i], i );
double pdfVal = pdf( mixtureArray,modes[i], i );
double highX(0);
double lowX(0);
double upperbound =modes[i] + 1.5 * currentWidth;
if( pdf( upperbound, i ) > pdfVal*0.5 ){
if( pdf( mixtureArray,upperbound, i ) > pdfVal*0.5 ){
upperbound += currentWidth;
} else {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( "HighX PDFval, high val, low val [ " << pdfVal << ", " << pdf( modes[i], i ) << ", " << pdf( upperbound, i ) << "]") ;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( "HighX PDFval, high val, low val [ " << pdfVal << ", " << pdf( mixtureArray,modes[i], i ) << ", " << pdf( mixtureArray,upperbound, i ) << "]") ;
bool highXFound = findRoot( highX, modes[i], upperbound, pdfVal*0.5, i);
bool highXFound = findRoot( mixtureArray,highX, modes[i], upperbound, pdfVal*0.5, i);
double lowerbound =modes[i] - 1.5 * currentWidth;
if( pdf( lowerbound, i ) > pdfVal*0.5 ){
if( pdf( mixtureArray,lowerbound, i ) > pdfVal*0.5 ){
lowerbound -= currentWidth;
} else {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( "LowX PDFval, high val, low val [ " << pdfVal << ", " << pdf( lowerbound, i ) << ", " << pdf( modes[i], i ) << "]") ;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( "LowX PDFval, high val, low val [ " << pdfVal << ", " << pdf( mixtureArray,lowerbound, i ) << ", " << pdf( mixtureArray,modes[i], i ) << "]") ;
bool lowXFound = findRoot( lowX , lowerbound, modes[i], pdfVal*0.5, i);
bool lowXFound = findRoot( mixtureArray,lowX , lowerbound, modes[i], pdfVal*0.5, i);
if (highXFound && lowXFound ){
double FWHM = highX - lowX;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "PDFval, high val, low val [ " << pdfVal << ", " << pdf( highX, i ) << ", " << pdf( lowX, i ) << "]") ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "PDFval, high val, low val [ " << pdfVal << ", " << pdf( mixtureArray,highX, i ) << ", " << pdf( mixtureArray,lowX, i ) << "]") ;
if( FWHM <= 0 ) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(i << " Width is neagtive? " << highX << " " << lowX << " " << modes[i] );
......@@ -161,19 +161,19 @@ Amg::VectorX Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::calculateMode( const Trk::M
return modes;
void Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::fillMixture( const Trk::MultiComponentState& multiComponentState ) const
void Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::fillMixture( std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
const Trk::MultiComponentState& multiComponentState ) const
for (int i=0; i<5; i++){
// Loop over all the components in the multi-component state
......@@ -205,11 +205,8 @@ void Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::fillMixture( const Trk::MultiCompon
Mixture mixture(weight, mean, sigma );
m_mixture[i].push_back( mixture );
Mixture newmixture(weight, mean, sigma );
mixtureArray[i].push_back( newmixture);
......@@ -217,7 +214,8 @@ void Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::fillMixture( const Trk::MultiCompon
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findMode( double xStart, int i ) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findMode( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double xStart, int i ) const
int iteration(0);
......@@ -230,16 +228,17 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findMode( double xStart, int i )
double previousMode(mode);
if (d2pdf( previousMode, i) != 0.0) {
mode = previousMode - d1pdf( previousMode, i ) / d2pdf( previousMode, i );
if (d2pdf( mixtureArray,previousMode, i) != 0.0) {
mode = previousMode - d1pdf(mixtureArray,previousMode, i ) / d2pdf( mixtureArray,previousMode, i );
else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Second derivative is zero ... Returning the original value" );
return xStart;
if ( ( pdf(mode, i) + pdf(previousMode, i)) != 0.0 ) {
tolerance = fabs( pdf(mode, i) - pdf(previousMode, i) ) / ( pdf(mode, i) + pdf(previousMode, i) );
if ( ( pdf(mixtureArray,mode, i) + pdf(mixtureArray,previousMode, i)) != 0.0 ) {
tolerance = fabs( pdf(mixtureArray,mode, i) - pdf(mixtureArray,previousMode, i) )
/ ( pdf(mixtureArray,mode, i) + pdf(mixtureArray,previousMode, i) );
else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Dividing by zero ... Returning the original value" );
......@@ -260,7 +259,8 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findMode( double xStart, int i )
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findModeGlobal(double mean,int i) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findModeGlobal( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double mean,int i) const
double start(-1);
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findModeGlobal(double mean,int i)
double iterate(fabs(mean/1000));
for (double counter(start); counter < end; counter+=iterate) {
double value(pdf(counter,i));
double value(pdf(mixtureArray,counter,i));
if (value > maximum) {
maximum = value;
mode = counter;
......@@ -288,28 +288,30 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findModeGlobal(double mean,int i)
return mode;
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::pdf( double x, int i ) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::pdf( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double x, int i ) const
double pdf(0.);
std::vector< Mixture >::const_iterator component = m_mixture[i].begin();
std::vector< Mixture >::const_iterator component = mixtureArray[i].begin();
for ( ; component != m_mixture[i].end() ; ++component )
for ( ; component != mixtureArray[i].end() ; ++component )
pdf += component->weight * gaus( x, component->mean, component->sigma );
return pdf;
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::d1pdf( double x, int i ) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::d1pdf( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double x, int i ) const
double result(0.);
std::vector< Mixture >::const_iterator component = m_mixture[i].begin();
std::vector< Mixture >::const_iterator component = mixtureArray[i].begin();
for( ; component != m_mixture[i].end() ; ++component ){
for( ; component != mixtureArray[i].end() ; ++component ){
double z = ( x - component->mean ) / component->sigma;
......@@ -321,15 +323,16 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::d1pdf( double x, int i ) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::d2pdf( double x, int i ) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::d2pdf( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double x, int i ) const
double result(0.);
std::vector< Mixture >::const_iterator component = m_mixture[i].begin();
std::vector< Mixture >::const_iterator component = mixtureArray[i].begin();
for( ; component != m_mixture[i].end() ; ++component ){
for( ; component != mixtureArray[i].end() ; ++component ){
double z = ( x - component->mean ) / component->sigma;
......@@ -356,14 +359,15 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::gaus( double x, double mean, doub
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::width( int i ) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::width( const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray ,
int i ) const
double pdf(0.);
std::vector< Mixture >::const_iterator component = m_mixture[i].begin();
std::vector< Mixture >::const_iterator component = mixtureArray[i].begin();
for ( ; component != m_mixture[i].end() ; ++component )
for ( ; component != mixtureArray[i].end() ; ++component )
pdf += component->weight * component->sigma;
return pdf;
......@@ -372,7 +376,10 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::width( int i ) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findRoot(double &result, double xlo, double xhi, double value, double i) const
double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findRoot(const std::array<std::vector< Mixture >,5>& mixtureArray,
double &result, double xlo,
double xhi, double value,
double i) const
// Do the root finding using the Brent-Decker method. Returns a boolean status and
// loads 'result' with our best guess at the root if true.
......@@ -381,8 +388,8 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findRoot(double &result, double x
double a(xlo),b(xhi);
double fa= pdf(a, i) - value;
double fb= pdf(b, i) - value;
double fa= pdf(mixtureArray,a,i) - value;
double fb= pdf(mixtureArray,b,i) - value;
if(fb*fa > 0) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "BrentRootFinder::findRoot: initial interval does not bracket a root: ("
......@@ -479,7 +486,7 @@ double Trk::MultiComponentStateModeCalculator::findRoot(double &result, double x
else {
b += (m > 0 ? +tol : -tol);
fb= pdf(b, i) - value;
fb= pdf(mixtureArray,b, i) - value;
// Return our best guess if we run out of iterations
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