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Commit cb7dd923 authored by Adam Edward Barton's avatar Adam Edward Barton
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Merge branch 'ISF_TI_arttest' into 'master'

ISF art test and Transform integration

See merge request atlas/athena!38344
parents 84340e46 8fff94b9
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......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def makeLongBeamspotVertexPositioner(name="LongBeamspotVertexPositioner", **kwar
return Simulation__LongBeamspotVertexPositioner(name, **kwargs)
def BeamEffectsAlgBasicCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs):
def BeamEffectsAlgCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs):
"""Return an accumulator and algorithm for beam effects, wihout output"""
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
alg = Simulation__BeamEffectsAlg(name="BeamEffectsAlg", **kwargs)
......@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ def BeamEffectsAlgBasicCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs):
return acc
def BeamEffectsAlgCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs):
def BeamEffectsAlgOutputCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs):
"""Return an accumulator and algorithm for beam effects, with output"""
acc = BeamEffectsAlgBasicCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs)
acc = BeamEffectsAlgCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs)
# Set to write HITS pool file
alg = acc.getPrimary()
ItemList = ["McEventCollection#" + alg.OutputMcEventCollection]
......@@ -135,4 +135,7 @@ def createSimConfigFlags():
return RunToTimestampDict
scf.addFlag("Sim.RunToTimestampDict", lambda prevFlags: getRunToTimestampDict())
scf.addFlag("Sim.BeamPipeCut", 100.0)
scf.addFlag("Sim.TightMuonStepping", False)
return scf
......@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ def Kernel_GenericSimulatorMTCfg(flags, name="ISF_Kernel_GenericSimulatorMT", **
kwargs.setdefault("InputEvgenCollection", "BeamTruthEvent")
kwargs.setdefault("OutputTruthCollection", "TruthEvent")
#Write MetaData container
from G4AtlasApps.G4Atlas_MetadataNew import writeSimulationParametersMetadata
acc.addEventAlgo(CompFactory.ISF.SimKernelMT(name, **kwargs))
return acc
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import sys
from PyJobTransforms.CommonRunArgsToFlags import commonRunArgsToFlags
from OverlayConfiguration.OverlayHelpers import accFromFragment
# based on
def EvtIdModifierSvc_add_modifier(svc,
......@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ def defaultSimulationFlags(ConfigFlags):
ConfigFlags.GeoModel.Align.Dynamic = False
#Frozen showers OFF = 0
ConfigFlags.Sim.LArParameterization = 2
# ConfigFlags.Sim.LArParameterization = 2
#set the detector flags: - all on currently
......@@ -158,14 +159,14 @@ def fromRunArgs(runArgs):
# Pre-exec
#simFlags error?
# if hasattr(runArgs, 'preExec') and runArgs.preExec != 'NONE' and runArgs.preExec:
# for cmd in runArgs.preExec:
# exec(cmd)
if hasattr(runArgs, 'preExec') and runArgs.preExec != 'NONE' and runArgs.preExec:
for cmd in runArgs.preExec:
# Pre-include
# if hasattr(runArgs, 'preInclude') and runArgs.preInclude:
# raise ValueError('preInclude not supported')
if hasattr(runArgs, 'preInclude') and runArgs.preInclude:
for fragment in runArgs.preInclude:
accFromFragment(fragment, ConfigFlags)
# Lock flags
......@@ -211,21 +212,89 @@ def fromRunArgs(runArgs):
from TileGeoG4SD.TileGeoG4SDToolConfig import TileGeoG4SDCalcCfg
#Add to item list
#TODO - make a separate function (combine with G4AtlasAlg one?)
ItemList = ["EventInfo#*",
if ConfigFlags.Sim.IncludeParentsInG4Event:
ItemList += ["McEventCollection#GEN_EVENT"]
ItemList += ["xAOD::JetContainer#*",
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateID:
ItemList += ["SiHitCollection#*",
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateITk:
ItemList += ["SiHitCollection#*",
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateCalo:
ItemList += ["CaloCalibrationHitContainer#*",
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateMuon:
ItemList += ["RPCSimHitCollection#*",
if ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryCSC:
ItemList += ["CSCSimHitCollection#*"]
if ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometrysTGC:
ItemList += ["sTGCSimHitCollection#*"]
if ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryMM:
ItemList += ["MMSimHitCollection#*"]
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateLucid:
ItemList += ["LUCID_SimHitCollection#*"]
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateFwdRegion:
ItemList += ["SimulationHitCollection#*"]
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateZDC:
ItemList += ["ZDC_SimPixelHit_Collection#*",
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateALFA:
ItemList += ["ALFA_HitCollection#*",
if ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateAFP:
ItemList += ["AFP_TDSimHitCollection#*",
# TimingAlg
ItemList += ["RecoTimingObj#EVNTtoHITS_timings"]
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
cfg.merge( OutputStreamCfg(ConfigFlags,"HITS", ItemList=ItemList, disableEventTag=True) )
# FIXME hack because deduplication is broken
PoolAttributes = ["TREE_BRANCH_OFFSETTAB_LEN = '100'"]
PoolAttributes += ["DatabaseName = '" + ConfigFlags.Output.HITSFileName + "'; ContainerName = 'TTree=CollectionTree'; TREE_AUTO_FLUSH = '1'"]
cfg.getService("AthenaPoolCnvSvc").PoolAttributes += PoolAttributes
# Post-include
# if hasattr(runArgs, 'postInclude') and runArgs.postInclude:
# # from OverlayConfiguration.OverlayHelpers import accFromFragment
# for fragment in runArgs.postInclude:
# cfg.merge(accFromFragment(fragment, ConfigFlags))
if hasattr(runArgs, 'postInclude') and runArgs.postInclude:
for fragment in runArgs.postInclude:
cfg.merge(accFromFragment(fragment, ConfigFlags))
# Post-exec
# if hasattr(runArgs, 'postExec') and runArgs.postExec != 'NONE' and runArgs.postExec:
# for cmd in runArgs.postExec:
# exec(cmd)
if hasattr(runArgs, 'postExec') and runArgs.postExec != 'NONE' and runArgs.postExec:
for cmd in runArgs.postExec:
import time
tic = time.time()
# Run the final accumulator
sc =
sc ="Run ISF_MainConfigNew_Test in " + str(time.time()-tic) + " seconds")
sys.exit(not sc.isSuccess())
"""pre- and post-includes for New style transform integrations
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
def preInclude_FrozenShowersFCalOnly(ConfigFlags):
"""based on
# SimulationJobOptions/
# - Turns on GFlash shower parametrization for FCAL
ConfigFlags.Sim.CalibrationRun = 'Off' # simFlags.CalibrationRun.set_Off()
def preInclude_BeamPipeKill(ConfigFlags):
"""based on share/"""
ConfigFlags.Sim.BeamPipeCut = 0.
ConfigFlags.Sim.BeamPipeSimMode = "FastSim"
# Note - is this flag used?
def preInclude_TightMuonStepping(ConfigFlags):
""" previously EVNTtoHITS:simFlags.TightMuonStepping=True'"""
ConfigFlags.Sim.TightMuonStepping = True
# art-description: Run MT and ST simulation outside ISF, reading ttbar events, writing HITS, using MC16 geometry and conditions
# art-include: master/Athena
# art-type: grid
# art-output: log.*
# art-output: test.OLD.HITS.pool.root
# art-output: test.NEW.HITS.pool.root
--CA \
--multithreaded \
--inputEVNTFile "/cvmfs/" \
--outputHITSFile "test.NEW.HITS.pool.root" \
--maxEvents 1 \
--geometryVersion 'default:ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01' \
--conditionsTag 'default:OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-14' \
--DataRunNumber '284500' \
--physicsList 'FTFP_BERT_ATL' \
--truthStrategy 'MC15aPlus' \
--simulator 'FullG4MT' \
--postInclude 'PyJobTransforms.prepostincludes.postInclude_UseFrontier' \
--preInclude 'SimuJobTransforms.prepostincludes.preInclude_BeamPipeKill,SimuJobTransforms.prepostincludes.preInclude_FrozenShowersFCalOnly,SimuJobTransforms.prepostincludes.preInclude_TightMuonStepping' \
--imf False
mv log.EVNTtoHITS log.FullG4MTAthenaCA
echo "art-result: $rc FullG4MTAthenaCA"
if [ $rc -eq 0 ]
ArtJobName=$2 \
--multithreaded \
--inputEVNTFile "/cvmfs/" \
--outputHITSFile "test.OLD.HITS.pool.root" \
--maxEvents 1 \
--geometryVersion 'default:ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01' \
--conditionsTag 'default:OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-14' \
--DataRunNumber '284500' \
--physicsList 'FTFP_BERT_ATL' \
--truthStrategy 'MC15aPlus' \
--simulator 'FullG4MT' \
--postInclude 'default:PyJobTransforms/' \
--preInclude 'EVNTtoHITS:SimulationJobOptions/,SimulationJobOptions/' \
--preExec 'EVNTtoHITS:simFlags.TightMuonStepping=True' \
--imf False
mv log.EVNTtoHITS log.FullG4MTAthenaOLD
echo "art-result: $rc2 FullG4MTAthenaOLD"
if [ $rc2 -eq 0 ]
then diff-root test.OLD.HITS.pool.root test.NEW.HITS.pool.root --error-mode resilient --mode=semi-detailed --order-trees --ignore-leaves RecoTimingObj_p1_EVNTtoHITS_timings index_ref
echo "art-result: $rc4 FullG4MT_OLDvsCA"
"""pre- and post-includes for New style transform integrations
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
import os
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
def postInclude_UseFrontier(ConfigFlags):
"""based on share/
## @brief Switch database to using FRONTIER, but with a fallback
# to DBRelease if FRONTIER_SERVER is undefined (e.g., on HPC)
# Move from RecJobTransforms to PyJobTransforms to enable use
# in simulation ATN and KV jobs
# $Id: 605683 2014-07-09 17:22:17Z graemes $
#check ConfigFlags are locked for postExec
if not ConfigFlags.locked():
raise RuntimeError('Running a postExec before locking ConfigFlags')
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
print(' Enabling FRONTIER DB access')
print(' Using default DB access')
return acc
\ No newline at end of file
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