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Commit eb44e598 authored by Edward Moyse's avatar Edward Moyse
Browse files

Add new file for MT

Former-commit-id: 1d5e0dd7
parent b00f69a3
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from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
## flag to set number of events to be processed
EvtMax = -1
## flag for running in mig5
doMig5 = False
# in Standalone mode, don't allow any configuration errors
athenaCommonFlags.AllowIgnoreConfigError = False
# configure flags so that only Muon Standalone reco is run
import MuonRecExample.MuonRecStandaloneOnlySetup
#import MuonCombinedRecExample.MuonCombinedRecOnlySetup
from MuonCombinedRecExample.MuonCombinedRecFlags import muonCombinedRecFlags
from MuonRecExample import MuonRecUtils
from MuonRecExample.MuonRecUtils import assertCastorStager,hasJobPropertyBeenSet
# Input
athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput = [
if not hasJobPropertyBeenSet(athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput):
athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput = MuonRecUtils.FileList.readDirectory("root://castoratlas//castor/")
# assertCastorStager("castoratlast3","atlascerngroupdisk")
# athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput = MuonRecUtils.FileList.readDirectory("rfio:/castor/")
# Output
#rec.doPerfMon = True
#rec.doDetailedAuditor = True
rec.doWriteESD = True
muonRecFlags.doCalibNtuple = False # write calibration ntuple?
#muonRecFlags.calibNtupleSegments = False # write segments to ntuple?
#muonRecFlags.calibNtupleTracks = False # write tracks to ntuple?
#muonRecFlags.calibNtupleTrigger = False # write trigger info to ntuple?
#rec.doNameAuditor = True
#muonRecFlags.doVP1 = True # Decide whether to run Virtual Point1 graphical event display
#rec.doTrigger = True
# Read geometry alignment corrections from DB
#muonRecFlags.useAlignmentCorrections = True
rec.doTrigger = False
# Read geometry alignment corrections from DB
#muonRecFlags.useAlignmentCorrections = True
muonRecFlags.doTrackPerformance = True
muonRecFlags.TrackPerfSummaryLevel = 2
muonRecFlags.TrackPerfDebugLevel = 5
muonRecFlags.doCSCs = True
muonRecFlags.doNSWNewThirdChain = False
# flags to tweak standalone muon reconstruction
if doMig5:
muonStandaloneFlags.doSegmentsOnly = False
muonStandaloneFlags.patternsOnly = False
muonStandaloneFlags.createTrackParticles = False
#muonStandaloneFlags.printSummary = True
muonCombinedRecFlags.doTrackPerformance = True
muonCombinedRecFlags.doMuGirl = True
muonCombinedRecFlags.printSummary = True
##### no more flags after this line #####
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from GaudiHive.GaudiHiveConf import ForwardSchedulerSvc
svcMgr += ForwardSchedulerSvc()
svcMgr.ForwardSchedulerSvc.CheckDependencies = True
from SGComps.SGCompsConf import SGInputLoader
topSequence += SGInputLoader( OutputLevel=INFO, ShowEventDump=False )
topSequence.SGInputLoader.Load = [ ('MdtCsmContainer','MDTCSM'), ('RpcPadContainer','RPCPAD'), ('TgcRdoContainer','TGCRDO'), ('CscRawDataContainer','CSCRDO')]
###### put any user finetuning after this line #####
#from MuonTestEDM.MuonTestEDMConf import MuonTestEDM
#MyEDMTester = MuonTestEDM(DoDumpPRDs=True, DoDumpTracks=False, DoDumpRDOs=True, DoDumpSegments=False)
#topSequence += MyEDMTester
#if not 'DumpFileName' in dir():
# DumpFileName="ReadBS"
#MyEDMTester.RdoDumpFileName = DumpFileName+".rdo.log"
#MyEDMTester.PrdDumpFileName = DumpFileName+".prd.log"
#MyEDMTester.TrackDumpFileName = DumpFileName+".track.log"
#MyEDMTester.TrackParticleDumpFileName = DumpFileName+".trackParticle.log"
#MyEDMTester.SegmentDumpFileName= DumpFileName+".segment.log"
#MyEDMTester.SummaryDumpFileName= DumpFileName+".summary.log"
###### put any user finetuning before this line #####
# print the stacktrace (saving could fail, and would then obscure the real problem)
import traceback
print traceback.format_exc().rstrip()
# always write config so far for debugging
from AthenaCommon.ConfigurationShelve import saveToAscii
# add DetFlags
from MuonRecExample.MuonRecUtils import dumpDetFlags
# but still exit with error
import sys
# and write config to include user changes after topOptions
from AthenaCommon.ConfigurationShelve import saveToAscii
# add DetFlags
from MuonRecExample.MuonRecUtils import dumpDetFlags
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