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Commit fc633119 authored by scott snyder's avatar scott snyder Committed by scott snyder
Browse files

PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv: Use AthConstConverter.

Change PixelRawContByteStreamCnv to derive from AthConstConverter.
Make methods const as needed.
Some general cleanup.
parent e122725b
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......@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ atlas_add_component( PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv
LINK_LIBRARIES ${TDAQ-COMMON_LIBRARIES} ByteStreamData AthenaKernel EventContainers
GaudiKernel InDetRawData AthenaBaseComps AthContainers CxxUtils StoreGateLib
ByteStreamCnvSvcBaseLib InDetIdentifier PixelReadoutGeometry IRegionSelector
xAODEventInfo TrigSteeringEvent InDetByteStreamErrors PixelConditionsData PixelRawDataByteStreamCnvLib PixelCablingLib )
xAODEventInfo TrigSteeringEvent InDetByteStreamErrors PixelConditionsData PixelRawDataByteStreamCnvLib PixelCablingLib ByteStreamCnvSvcLib )
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "PixelRawContByteStreamTool.h"
#include "ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/ByteStreamCnvSvcBase.h"
#include "InDetRawData/PixelRDORawData.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/StorableConversions.h"
//#define PIXEL_DEBUG
......@@ -29,11 +30,9 @@
// constructor
PixelRawContByteStreamCnv::PixelRawContByteStreamCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
Converter(storageType(), classID(),svcloc),
AthConstConverter(storageType(), classID(),svcloc, "PixelRawContByteStreamCnv"),
m_log(msgSvc(), "PixelRawContByteStreamCnv")
m_ByteStreamEventAccess("ByteStreamCnvSvc", "PixelRawContByteStreamCnv")
......@@ -41,39 +40,16 @@ PixelRawContByteStreamCnv::PixelRawContByteStreamCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) :
StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamCnv::initialize() {
StatusCode sc = Converter::initialize();
if(StatusCode::SUCCESS!=sc) {
return sc;
// Check ByteStreamCnvSvc
if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != service("ByteStreamCnvSvc", m_ByteStreamEventAccess) || !m_ByteStreamEventAccess) {
m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Can't get ByteStreamEventAccess interface" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
m_log << MSG::INFO << "ByteStreamCnvSvc retrieved" << endmsg;
// retrieve Tool
IToolSvc* toolSvc;
if(StatusCode::SUCCESS != service("ToolSvc",toolSvc)) {
m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Can't get ToolSvc" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_CHECK( AthConstConverter::initialize() );
std::string toolType;
ATH_CHECK( m_ByteStreamEventAccess.retrieve() );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "ByteStreamCnvSvc retrieved" );
toolType = "PixelRawContByteStreamTool";
if(StatusCode::SUCCESS != toolSvc->retrieveTool(toolType,m_PixelRawContBSTool)) {
m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Can't get PixelRawContByteStreamTool Tool" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ServiceHandle<IToolSvc> toolSvc ("ToolSvc", name());
ATH_CHECK( toolSvc.retrieve() );
// Get an Identifier helper object
sc = service("DetectorStore",m_StoreGate);
if (sc.isFailure()) {
m_log << MSG::FATAL << "Detector service not found" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
const std::string toolType = "PixelRawContByteStreamTool";
ATH_CHECK( toolSvc->retrieveTool(toolType,m_PixelRawContBSTool) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -95,28 +71,20 @@ long PixelRawContByteStreamCnv::storageType()
// createRep() - convert Pixel_RDO in the container into ByteStream
StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamCnv::createRep(DataObject* pObj, IOpaqueAddress*& pAddr) {
StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamCnv::createRepConst(DataObject* pObj, IOpaqueAddress*& pAddr) const {
// StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
RawEventWrite* re = m_ByteStreamEventAccess->getRawEvent();
PixelRDO_Container* cont=0;
if(!cont) {
m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Can not cast to PixelRDO_Container" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Can not cast to PixelRDO_Container" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
std::string nm = pObj->registry()->name();
ByteStreamAddress* addr = new ByteStreamAddress(classID(),nm,"");
pAddr = addr;
// return m_PixelRawContBSTool->convert(cont,re,m_log);
StatusCode sc = m_PixelRawContBSTool->convert(cont, re) ;
m_log << MSG::ERROR<< " Could not convert rdo with m_PixelRawContBSTool " << endmsg ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE ;
pAddr = new ByteStreamAddress(classID(),nm,"");
ATH_CHECK( m_PixelRawContBSTool->convert(cont) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;
......@@ -21,14 +21,13 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "GaudiKernel/Converter.h"
#include "ByteStreamData/RawEvent.h"
#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataCLASS_DEF.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthConstConverter.h"
#include "ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/IByteStreamEventAccess.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
class ByteStreamAddress;
......@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ class IByteStreamEventAccess;
class PixelRDORawData;
class PixelRawContByteStreamCnv: public Converter {
class PixelRawContByteStreamCnv: public AthConstConverter {
typedef InDetRawDataCollection<Pixel1RawData> COLLECTION; // define collection format here
......@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class PixelRawContByteStreamCnv: public Converter {
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
//! this creates the RawEvent fragments for Pixel
virtual StatusCode createRep(DataObject* pObj, IOpaqueAddress*& pAddr) override;
virtual StatusCode createRepConst(DataObject* pObj, IOpaqueAddress*& pAddr) const override;
/// Storage type and class ID
virtual long repSvcType() const override { return i_repSvcType(); }
......@@ -55,15 +54,8 @@ class PixelRawContByteStreamCnv: public Converter {
static const CLID& classID();
PixelRawContByteStreamTool* m_PixelRawContBSTool;
IByteStreamEventAccess* m_ByteStreamEventAccess;
StoreGateSvc* m_StoreGate;
MsgStream m_log;
const PixelRawContByteStreamTool* m_PixelRawContBSTool;
ServiceHandle<IByteStreamEventAccess> m_ByteStreamEventAccess;
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
......@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
PixelRawContByteStreamTool::PixelRawContByteStreamTool(const std::string& type,const std::string& name,const IInterface* parent) :
m_pixelCabling("PixelCablingSvc", name),
m_log(msgSvc(), "PixelRawContByteStreamTool")
m_pixelCabling("PixelCablingSvc", name)
......@@ -49,6 +48,8 @@ StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamTool::initialize() {
ATH_CHECK( m_byteStreamCnvSvc.retrieve() );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -63,12 +64,14 @@ StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamTool::finalize() {
// convert -
StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamTool::convert(PixelRDO_Container* cont,RawEventWrite* re) {
StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamTool::convert(PixelRDO_Container* cont) const {
FullEventAssembler<SrcIdMap>* fea = nullptr;
ATH_CHECK( m_byteStreamCnvSvc->getFullEventAssembler (fea,
"PixelRawCont") );
FullEventAssembler<SrcIdMap>::RODDATA* theROD;
// set ROD Minor version
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Setting ROD Minor Version Number to: " << m_RodBlockVersion);
//loop over the Pixel modules
......@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamTool::convert(PixelRDO_Container* cont,RawEvent
std::vector<const PixelRDORawData*> RDOs;
for(; it_b!=it_e; ++it_b){ RDOs.push_back((*it_b)); }
theROD = m_fea.getRodData(rodId);
theROD = fea->getRodData(rodId);
fillROD( *theROD, RDOs, m_BCs_per_LVL1ID);
......@@ -104,7 +107,6 @@ StatusCode PixelRawContByteStreamTool::convert(PixelRDO_Container* cont,RawEvent
ATH_MSG_WARNING("IDC contains NULLpointer to collection, skipping collection");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ const InterfaceID& PixelRawContByteStreamTool::interfaceID() {
// fillROD() - convert Pixel RDO to a vector of 32bit words
void PixelRawContByteStreamTool::fillROD(std::vector<uint32_t>& v32rod, std::vector<const PixelRDORawData*> RDOs, int BCs_per_LVL1ID) {
void PixelRawContByteStreamTool::fillROD(std::vector<uint32_t>& v32rod, std::vector<const PixelRDORawData*> RDOs, int BCs_per_LVL1ID) const {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Entering PixelRodEncoder");
......@@ -614,7 +616,7 @@ void PixelRawContByteStreamTool::fillROD(std::vector<uint32_t>& v32rod, std::vec
// encode module Header for Pixels
// Pixel Header: 001PtlbxxnnnnnnnMMMMLLLLBBBBBBBB,
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkHeader(uint32_t module, uint32_t bcid, uint32_t lvl1id, uint32_t lvl1idskip, uint32_t errors) {
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkHeader(uint32_t module, uint32_t bcid, uint32_t lvl1id, uint32_t lvl1idskip, uint32_t errors) const {
lvl1idskip = 0; // FIXME LVL1IDskip hardcoded as 0
uint32_t result = 0;
result = PRB_LINKHEADER | ((bcid & PRB_BCIDmask) << PRB_BCIDskip) | ((lvl1id & PRB_L1IDmask) << PRB_L1IDskip) | ((lvl1idskip & PRB_L1IDSKIPmask) << PRB_L1IDSKIPskip) | ((module & PRB_MODULEmask) << PRB_MODULEskip) | ((errors & PRB_HEADERERRORSmask) << PRB_HEADERERRORSskip);
......@@ -630,7 +632,7 @@ uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkHeader(uint32_t module, uint32_t bc
// encode module Header for IBL
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkHeader_IBL(uint32_t module, uint32_t bcid, uint32_t lvl1id, uint32_t feFlag) {
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkHeader_IBL(uint32_t module, uint32_t bcid, uint32_t lvl1id, uint32_t feFlag) const {
uint32_t result = 0;
result = PRB_LINKHEADER | ((bcid & PRB_BCIDmask_IBL) << PRB_BCIDskip_IBL) | ((lvl1id & PRB_L1IDmask_IBL) << PRB_L1IDskip_IBL) | ((module & PRB_MODULEmask_IBL) << PRB_MODULEskip_IBL) | ((feFlag & PRB_FeI4BFLAGmask_IBL) << PRB_FeI4BFLAGskip_IBL);
......@@ -647,7 +649,7 @@ uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkHeader_IBL(uint32_t module, uint32_
// encode IBL non-condensed hit word: 0-8: row,9-15: column, 16-23:TOT, 24-28: nLink ----> 100xxnnnTTTTTTTTCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRR
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packRawDataWord_IBL(uint32_t row, uint32_t column, int ToT, uint32_t nLink) {
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packRawDataWord_IBL(uint32_t row, uint32_t column, int ToT, uint32_t nLink) const {
uint32_t result = 0;
result = PRB_DATAWORD | ((row & PRB_ROWmask_IBL) << PRB_ROWskip_IBL) | ((column & PRB_COLUMNmask_IBL) << PRB_COLUMNskip_IBL) | ((ToT & PRB_TOTmask) << PRB_TOTskip) | ((nLink & PRB_LINKNUMHITmask_IBL) << PRB_LINKNUMHITskip_IBL);
......@@ -663,7 +665,7 @@ uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packRawDataWord_IBL(uint32_t row, uint32_t
// encode PIXEL hit word: bits 0-7:row,8-12:column,16-23:TOT,24-27:FE ----> 100xFFFFTTTTTTTTxxxCCCCCRRRRRRRR
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packRawDataWord(uint32_t FE, uint32_t row, uint32_t column, uint32_t ToT) {
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packRawDataWord(uint32_t FE, uint32_t row, uint32_t column, uint32_t ToT) const {
uint32_t result = 0;
result = PRB_DATAWORD | ((row & PRB_ROWmask) << PRB_ROWskip) | ((column & PRB_COLUMNmask) << PRB_COLUMNskip) | ((ToT & PRB_TOTmask) << PRB_TOTskip) | ((FE & PRB_FEmask) << PRB_FEskip);
......@@ -678,7 +680,7 @@ uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packRawDataWord(uint32_t FE, uint32_t row,
// encode PIXEL module trailer (bits 26-28:trailer errors)
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkTrailer(uint32_t errors) {
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkTrailer(uint32_t errors) const {
uint32_t result = PRB_LINKTRAILER | ((errors & PRB_TRAILERERRORSmask) << PRB_TRAILERERRORSskip);
#ifdef PLOTS
std::cout << "[PlotA]:0x " << std::hex << result << std::dec << std::endl;
......@@ -691,7 +693,7 @@ uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkTrailer(uint32_t errors) {
// encode IBL module trailer (bits 26-28:trailer errors)
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkTrailer_IBL(uint32_t linknum, bool timeOutErrorBit, bool condensedModeBit, bool linkMasked) {
uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkTrailer_IBL(uint32_t linknum, bool timeOutErrorBit, bool condensedModeBit, bool linkMasked) const {
uint32_t result;
result = PRB_LINKTRAILER | (timeOutErrorBit << PRB_TIMEOUTERRORskip_IBL) | (condensedModeBit << PRB_CONDENSEDMODEskip_IBL) | (linkMasked << PRB_LINKMASKEDskip_IBL) | ((linknum & PRB_LINKNUMTRAILERmask_IBL) << PRB_LINKNUMTRAILERskip_IBL);
......@@ -715,7 +717,7 @@ uint32_t PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packLinkTrailer_IBL(uint32_t linknum, bool
void PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packIBLcondensed(std::vector <uint32_t> & v32rod, std::vector <uint32_t> & vRows, std::vector <uint32_t> & vCols, std::vector<int> & vTots) {
void PixelRawContByteStreamTool::packIBLcondensed(std::vector <uint32_t> & v32rod, std::vector <uint32_t> & vRows, std::vector <uint32_t> & vCols, std::vector<int> & vTots) const {
unsigned int condWord[nCondensedWords];
condWord[0] = PRB_FIRSTHITCONDENSEDWORD | vRows[0] | (vCols[0] << skipRow) | (vTots[0] << (skipRow + skipCol) | ((vRows[1] & mask5) << (skipRow + skipCol + skipTOT)));
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "PixelReadoutGeometry/PixelDetectorManager.h"
#include "ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/FullEventAssembler.h" // needed, template class
#include "ByteStreamCnvSvc/ByteStreamCnvSvc.h"
#include "PixelByteStreamModuleMask.h"
#include "PixelCabling/IPixelCablingSvc.h"
......@@ -51,33 +52,33 @@ class PixelRawContByteStreamTool: public AthAlgTool {
// AlgTool InterfaceID
static const InterfaceID& interfaceID();
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode finalize();
StatusCode convert(PixelRDO_Container* cont,RawEventWrite* re);
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
StatusCode convert(PixelRDO_Container* cont) const;
void fillROD(std::vector<uint32_t>& v32rod, std::vector<const PixelRDORawData*> RDOs, int BCs_per_LVL1ID);
void fillROD(std::vector<uint32_t>& v32rod, std::vector<const PixelRDORawData*> RDOs, int BCs_per_LVL1ID) const;
void packIBLcondensed(std::vector <uint32_t > & v32rod, std::vector <uint32_t > & vRows, std::vector <uint32_t > & vCols, std::vector<int> & vTots);
void packIBLcondensed(std::vector <uint32_t > & v32rod, std::vector <uint32_t > & vRows, std::vector <uint32_t > & vCols, std::vector<int> & vTots) const;
void packIBLCondensed(std::vector <uint32_t > & v32rod, const std::vector<const PixelRDORawData*> &rdos_sameIBL_offlineId);
uint32_t packLinkHeader(uint32_t module, uint32_t bcid, uint32_t lvl1id, uint32_t lvl1idskip, uint32_t errors);
uint32_t packLinkHeader_IBL(uint32_t module, uint32_t bcid, uint32_t lvl1id, uint32_t feFlag);
uint32_t packRawDataWord(uint32_t FE, uint32_t row, uint32_t column, uint32_t ToT);
uint32_t packRawDataWord_IBL(uint32_t row, uint32_t column, int ToT, uint32_t nLink);
uint32_t packLinkTrailer(uint32_t errors); // for Pixel
uint32_t packLinkTrailer_IBL(uint32_t FEonSLink, bool timeOutErrorBit, bool condensedModeBit, bool linkMasked); // for IBL
uint32_t packLinkHeader(uint32_t module, uint32_t bcid, uint32_t lvl1id, uint32_t lvl1idskip, uint32_t errors) const;
uint32_t packLinkHeader_IBL(uint32_t module, uint32_t bcid, uint32_t lvl1id, uint32_t feFlag) const;
uint32_t packRawDataWord(uint32_t FE, uint32_t row, uint32_t column, uint32_t ToT) const;
uint32_t packRawDataWord_IBL(uint32_t row, uint32_t column, int ToT, uint32_t nLink) const;
uint32_t packLinkTrailer(uint32_t errors) const; // for Pixel
uint32_t packLinkTrailer_IBL(uint32_t FEonSLink, bool timeOutErrorBit, bool condensedModeBit, bool linkMasked) const; // for IBL
ServiceHandle<ByteStreamCnvSvc> m_byteStreamCnvSvc
{ this, "ByteStreamCnvSvc", "ByteStreamCnvSvc" };
ServiceHandle<IPixelCablingSvc> m_pixelCabling;
const PixelID* m_PixelID;
const InDetDD::PixelDetectorManager* m_pixelManager;
FullEventAssembler<SrcIdMap> m_fea;
unsigned short m_RodBlockVersion;
int m_BCs_per_LVL1ID;
MsgStream m_log;
SG::ReadCondHandleKey<PixelCablingCondData> m_condCablingKey
{this, "PixelCablingCondData", "PixelCablingCondData", "Pixel cabling key"};
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