- Jul 15, 2020
scott snyder authored
Avoid spurious object copy in range for.
scott snyder authored
Avoid spurious object copy in range for.
scott snyder authored
Work around an issue seen with cling 6.20.06. If classes are created in the wrong order, cling can get confused with forward declarations. This happens with a test in this package. Explicitly force the pythonization of a class at the appropriate time to avoid this.
- Jul 10, 2020
Christos Anastopoulos authored
Christos Anastopoulos authored
- Jul 09, 2020
Siarhei Harkusha authored
Name of one TileCal cell monitoring histogram has been corrected to be compatible with Run2.
- Jul 07, 2020
Ke Li authored
- Jul 02, 2020
- Jun 29, 2020
- Jun 27, 2020
scott snyder authored
- Prefer preincrement to postincrement for user iterators. - Prohibit copying for some test classes. - Iterator fix.
- Jun 25, 2020
John Chapman authored
scott snyder authored
- Pass large structures by const reference rather than by value.
- Jun 23, 2020
scott snyder authored
- Prefer preincrement rather than postincrement for user iterators. - assert with side effects.
scott snyder authored
Format string type mismatch.
scott snyder authored
- Issues with assertions with possible side effects. - Redundant comparison. - Prefer to initialize members in an initialization clause rather than a constructor body.
scott snyder authored
Update ICellWeightTool and IHadronicCalibrationTool to use DeclareInterfaceID.
scott snyder authored
Migrate H1WeightToolCSC12Generic from ToolWithConstantsMixin to ToolWithConstants.
scott snyder authored
Add ToolConstantsCondAlg. This can convert from COOL inline data to a ToolConstants object in the conditions store, or alternatively copy a ToolConstants object from the detector store to the conditions store.
- Jun 19, 2020
Marcin Nowak authored
SealSvc does not have any useful function any more
- Jun 18, 2020
scott snyder authored
Small fix for python 3 compatibility.
- Jun 17, 2020
scott snyder authored
Don't declare conditions dependencies that we don't use.
scott snyder authored
Don't declare conditions dependencies that we don't use.
- Jun 16, 2020
scott snyder authored
Change CaloClusterCorrDumper so that instead of using ToolWithConstantsMixin (which is going away), it dumps ToolConstants objects directly from the conditions store.
- Jun 15, 2020
scott snyder authored
More fixes for python 3 compatibility.
scott snyder authored
More fixes for python 3 compatibility.
- Jun 11, 2020
Peter Onyisi authored
scott snyder authored
Migrate LArMinBiasAlg from the obsolete LArMCSymTool to the LArMCSym conditions object. Needed to avoid warings from the thread-safety checker.
- Jun 10, 2020
scott snyder authored
- Jun 09, 2020
scott snyder authored
Increase timout for test that has been timing out in dbg builds.
scott snyder authored
Fix typos in previous change.
- Jun 06, 2020
scott snyder authored
Switch the cluster correction classes from ToolWithConstantsMixin to ToolWithConstants. The metatool (CaloRunClusterCorrections) does not yet work with the new class, so it has been disabled. This implies that one cannot configure the list of corrections from only a cool tag. In many cases, though, the cool tag had already been replaced by a static version. For now, adjust the configuration so that we always use a static configuration, rather than the tag. This should be revisited later. The configuration scripts also need some further cleanup, to be done in a future change.
- Jun 04, 2020
Walter Lampl authored
CaloCellContainerCheckerTool: Move retrieval of CaloCell_ID to initialize() to work around rare threading problem
- Jun 03, 2020
scott snyder authored
The generic way to retrieve a constant in ToolWithConstants is to call operator() on it, passing in a Context object. Added another operator() which does not take arguments. This can be used only if the constant has been initialized from job options. (The intended use case is for the L2 trigger.)
- Jun 02, 2020
Christos Anastopoulos authored
scott snyder authored
Need to flush output to get consistent output ordering between py2 and py3.
- Jun 01, 2020
Peter Onyisi authored
- May 31, 2020
Peter Onyisi authored