- Dec 11, 2020
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
- Dec 09, 2020
Rafal Bielski authored
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Following the setup in 21.2, the package only builds one tool for AthAnalysis. The one used by xAODTrackingAthenaPool in this project (as well).
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
This largely meant switching all the conditional compilation expressions to using XAOD_ANALYSIS.
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
- Dec 08, 2020
Frank Berghaus authored
Test the functionality of the ByteStreamMetadataTool. The tool should do nothing wihtout complaint for empty input. The tool should transcribes a ByteStreamMetadata object from input into a container in output. The tool should transcribe a ByteStreamMetadataContainer from input to output. Should there already be content in the output, matching content should be ignored and new content should be appended.
- Dec 07, 2020
Carlo Varni authored
Carlo Varni authored
- Dec 04, 2020
Adam Edward Barton authored
Adam Edward Barton authored
John Chapman authored
xAODTriggerAthenaPool_20.1.7.2_test - passes xAODTriggerAthenaPool_master-20190911_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODMuonAthenaPool_20.1.7.2_test - passes xAODMuonAthenaPool_20.7.2.2_test - passes xAODMuonAthenaPool_20.7.9.9_test - passes xAODMuonAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated) xAODMuonAthenaPool_master-20190911_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODTrigRingerAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODTrigMuonAthenaPool_20.1.7.2_test - passes xAODTrigMuonAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODTrigMissingETAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODTrigEgammaAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODTrigCaloAthenaPool_20.0.0.3_test - passes xAODTrigCaloAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODParticleAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODPFlowAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODMissingETAthenaPool_20.1.7.2_test - passes xAODMissingETAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODJetAthenaPool_20.7.2.2_test - passes xAODJetAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODEgammaAthenaPool_20.1.7.2_test - passes xAODEgammaAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODCaloRingsAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODCaloEventAthenaPool_20.1.7.2_test - passes xAODCaloEventAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODTauAthenaPool_20.1.7.2_test - passes xAODTauAthenaPool_20.7.2.2_test - passes xAODTauAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODBTaggingAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODTrackingAthenaPool_20.1.7.2_test - passes xAODTrackingAthenaPool_20.7.2.2_test - passes xAODTrackingAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (refrence file updated) xAODTrackingAthenaPool_master-20190911_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODEventShapeAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (reference file updated)
John Chapman authored
xAODEventInfoAthenaPool_20.0.0.3_test - passes
John Chapman authored
EventBookkeeperTPCnv_16.0.0_test - passes EventBookkeeperTPCnv_18.0.0_test - passes
John Chapman authored
xAODTruthAthenaPool_21.0.79_test - passes (updated reference file)
John Chapman authored
EventTPCnv_15.0.0_test - passes EventTPCnv_17.5.0_test - passes EventTPCnv_18.0.0_test - passes EventTPCnv_20.1.7.2_test - passes
- Dec 01, 2020
- Nov 30, 2020
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Closes ATEAM-677
- Nov 27, 2020
scott snyder authored
Mention ShallowCopyDecorDeps in the comments of the ShallowCopy functions.
- Nov 25, 2020
There should be no need to expose the header of the FileMetaDataTool to other packages, it can be treated as a component and called through its interface. Remove some unneeded headers. Enable checking for thread safety.
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
This code is needed by AnalysisBase as well after all, so it can't be in xAODBTaggingAthenaPool as it turns out.