- Dec 09, 2020
Rafal Bielski authored
- Apr 07, 2020
Frank Winklmeier authored
StatusCodeSvc is deprecated. Remove all references to it from job options.
- Jan 31, 2020
scott snyder authored
- print function
- Oct 10, 2019
Rafal Bielski authored
- Nov 26, 2016
Oleg Kuprash authored
* starting transition to v7 2017 menu * replaced physics_pp_v6 test with physics_pp_v7 * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-59 2016-11-09 Oleg Kuprash <oleg.kuprash@cern.ch> * adding bin/compareTrigSizes.py for local comparison of trigger container sizes in multiple AOD files * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-58 2016-11-08 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Taught the package how to build in standalone mode with CMake. * Moved the Athena algorithm headers to src/. Mainly to simplify the CMake configuration a bit. * Tweaked the file installation rules a bit as well. I *think* that the installation rules were a bit too verbose. But I may have misunderstood something. * Removed the executable flag from as many files that I could. * Only tested the build in standalone mode so far. To be tested in the offline environment as well... * Tagging as TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-57 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: e3859c31
- May 17, 2015
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
* Add PhysValMonitoring RTT Test * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-xy 2015-05-04/05/06/7 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix root comp for AthenaTrigESD_HLTMonitoring * add root-comp, chaindump, TE dump for all other tests that have expert-mon files * fix testAthenaTrigRDOtoBS.py (reduce output level and remove std. input, add menu selection) * add testAthenaTrigRDOtoBS_MC test * update HIST and REG reference path to ATN conf file to new unified structure * rm the edmcheck diffPoolFiles.py * Add PhysValMonitoring ATN Test (RTT to be configured) * Add MC_standalone test to run BS from the AthenaTrigRDOtoBS_MC test (try with rerunLVL1=1 for now) * Add diverse ATN-suits to enable parallel running - thanks to Alex for the support to enable the testing * Reduce diverse ATN-suits for now until the integrated ATN test is fixed to accept more than x * finally properly remove/prevent some of the std tests in RTT if not appropiate * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-05 2015-04-04 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * stop chainDump from running/failing in TDT and TrigEDM Checkers * add costum PerfMonDump for the no/Split Reco_tfs ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Feb 18, 2015
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
fix BS to ESD ATN test setup,fix RTT RDOtoESDAOD_MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup,hack the Valgrind and IGPROF test setups to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils,re-activate all HLT_monitoring tools in testAthenaTrigESD_HLTMonitoring.py (TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-88) * add trigEDM and trigTDT checks for what again? cosmics? * Figure out config / tags for BackComp tests .... - check the Reco_TF RTTs 2015-02-16 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix BS to ESD ATN test setup * fix RTT RDOtoESDAOD_MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup * hack the Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils * hack the IGprof setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils * re-activate all HLT_monitoring tools in testAthenaTrigESD_HLTMonitoring.py * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-87 & TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-88 2015-02-12 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix AthenaTrigRDOtoESDAOD_Physics setup typo * adjust the RTT EDM and TDT chains from sequential purly to seq(AOD prod) -> TDT&EDM(parallel) * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-86 2015-02-11 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * update ATN and RTT input RDOs to phys val sampleA * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-85 2015-02-08 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Jan 19, 2015
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
remove ATLAS_R2_ready_or_not test in ATN and RTT and add trigEDM and trigTDT checks for Physics and MC menus - remove the DC14 (TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-76) * add trigEDM and trigTDT checks * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-xy 2015-01-07 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix RTT RDOtoAOD_LS1 setup - one missing quote * remove ATLAS_R2_ready_or_not test in ATN and RTT * add trigEDM and trigTDT checks for Physics and MC menus - remove the DC14 * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-76 2014-11-30 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * add RTT AODSLIM production * fix RTT menu name typo * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-75 2014-11-30 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * restart the Slim val suite * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-74 2014-11-25 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * switch BackCompAthenaTrigBStoESDAOD -> 2012 data file ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Sep 19, 2014
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
fix ATN tests: AthenaTrigRDOtoBS (new input file) thereby hopefully also the following AthenaTrigBStoESD and BackCompAthenaTrigBStoESDAOD (TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-60)