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  1. Jul 19, 2020
  2. Jun 02, 2020
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
      TileRecUtls+TileRecEx: Fix use of private Tile raw channel builder tools · 9ad732ea
      Siarhei Harkusha authored
      TileRawChannelGetter has been updated to retrieve easy the following
      private Tile raw channel builder tools:
      - TileRawChannelBuilderFitFilterCool;
      - TileRawChannelBuilderMF;
      - TileRawChannelBuilderOF1;
      - TileRawChannelBuilderWienerFilter.
      and to set up correctly DSP container in TileRawChannelBuilderOF1 tool.
      JO ( used in reconstruction of Tile calibration runs
      has been updated:
      - to use correctly private tools mentioned above;
      - to add 2020 year (used to find data);
      - to ignore DMU errors in Tile Demonstrator;
      - to use new conditions tags.
  3. Nov 04, 2019
  4. Aug 27, 2019
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
      Remove Tile reconstruction flag doTileOpt · 08ba249e
      Siarhei Harkusha authored and Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier committed
      The Tile reconstruction method TileOpt which uses OFCs from files
      will be removed soon since there is identical method TileOpt2
      wich uses OFCs from DB or calculated on the fly
      and in order to avoid support/synchronyze both of them.
      At this step Tile flag doTileOpt which schedules
      TileOpt reconstruction method has been removed.
  5. Aug 22, 2019
    • John Chapman's avatar
      Fixes to make TileOverlay work with DoubleEventSelector · 245b3c48
      John Chapman authored
      This consists of two fixes. The first ensures that `TileDigitsMaker`
      declares the proper dependencies by adding `SG::ReadHandles` for the
      background `TileDigitsContainer` and `TileRawChannelContainer` (although
      this is not part of the background RDO file). In order to preserve old-style
      approach using the `PileUpMergeSvc` then it is necessary to make a copy of
      the `TileDigitsContainer`, but this can probably be dropped with  more substantial
      The second fix involves changes to ensure that the `TileDQstatusTool` is only called
      once during the event loop and to avoid there being two attempts to record the `TileDQstatus`
      object in the ConditionsStore. Therefore `TileDQstatusAlg` is not added to the `AlgSequence`
      in Overlay jobs.
      Possibly it would be cleaner to remove the usage of the `TileDQstatusTool`
      from `TileDigitsMaker` and just read the `TileDQstatus` object from the ConditionsStore.
      `TileDQstatusAlg` could then be run, but be configured to read the background `TileDigitsContainer`.
  6. Jun 27, 2019
  7. Jun 20, 2019
  8. May 27, 2019
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
      Fix Tile noise filter (ATLASRECTS-4962) · 430241ad
      Siarhei Harkusha authored
      In the case when not all Tile digits are available offline
      and therefore not all Tile raw channels are built
      noise filters should be applied to full Tile raw channel
      container which comes from DSP and then the same corrections
      should be applied to incomplete Tile raw channel container
      built offline in Tile raw channel builder tool.
      And then corrected Tile raw channel container built offline
      is merged with corrected container which comes from DSP
      during Tile cells creation in Tile cell builder tool.
      Since in AthenaMT modification of Tile raw channel container
      which comes from DSP is not possible local mutable copy of it
      is created and used in Tile raw channel builder tool.
      Unfortunately in this case Tile cell builder doesn't see
      the corrected Tile raw channel container from DSP
      and therefore original (uncorrected) container is merged
      with corrected Tile raw channel container built offline.
      Now new TileRawChannelNoiseFilterAlg is introduced which
      applies noise filters to input Tile raw container (from DSP)
      and puts corrected container into store gate to be used by
      Tile raw channel builder tool and Tile cell builder tool.
      Tile noise filter has been switched on for data overaly.
  9. Apr 03, 2019
  10. Jan 23, 2019
  11. Jan 11, 2019
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
      TileRecUtils: Fix Tile data overlay (ATLASSIM-3962) · df8018ad
      Siarhei Harkusha authored
      During processing data Tile raw channel container from DSP
      is needed to find corrections and apply the same ones
      to the Tile raw channel container built offline.
      But in the case of MC or overlay jobs
      DSP corrections should not be applied
      and therefore Tile raw channel container from DSP
      is not needed in Tile raw channell builders also.
  12. Jan 03, 2019
  13. Dec 23, 2018
  14. Dec 13, 2018
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
      Remove Tile DCS service · 8be17c2d
      Siarhei Harkusha authored
      Tile DCS service (TileDCSSvc) has been removed
      since it does not work in AthenaMT.
      All clients of TileDCSSvc have been migrated to use
      corresponding tool (TileDCSTool)
      and conditions algorithm (TileDCSCondAlg).
      Former-commit-id: ca9326cf
  15. Dec 11, 2018
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
      TileRecUtils: Use private Tile tools · 0a464bc7
      Siarhei Harkusha authored
      TileRecUtils package has beem migrated to use private tools.
      Configuration of unit tests and corresponding reference files
      have been upddated also accordingly.
      Configuration of Tile reconstruction tools in TileSmiAlgs package
      has been updated also accordingly.
      Former-commit-id: 917be9693d31968159ee9045025da0909af9cf62
  16. Jun 25, 2018
  17. Aug 30, 2017
  18. Sep 01, 2016
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'endreq -> endmsg.' (TileRecUtils-00-09-79) · b1189c91
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-79.
      	* endreq -> endmsg.
      2016-08-09  Siarhei Harkusha  <>
      	* python/ modified to add new zeroAmplitudeWithoutDigits and correctPedestalDifference properties
      	  to control TileRawChannelOF1Corrector tool; added TileDigitsContainer property to set up name of Tile digits container
      	  to be used by Tile raw channel maker algorithm
      	* python/ modified to use new properties in to control TileRawChannelOF1Corrector tool
      	  and Tile digits container used in Tile raw channel make algorithm
      	* TileRecUtils/TileRawChannelOF1Corrector.h, src/TileRawChannelOF1Corrector.cxx: modified to use TileCondToolDspThreshold tool
      	  to get DSP thresholds
      	* Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-78
      2016-07-29  Tigran Mkrtchyan  <>
      	* src/TileRawChannelBuilder.cxx: added new 4th degree amplitude
      	correction for OF1 method
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
      Former-commit-id: b8292058
  19. May 27, 2016
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Change reinterpret_cast to a union, to comply with c++ rules. Fixes a... · d23d34e8
      Scott Snyder authored
      'Change reinterpret_cast to a union, to comply with c++ rules.  Fixes a cppcheck warning.' (TileRecUtils-00-09-72)
      2016-05-03  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-72.
      	* src/TileBeamInfoProvider.cxx: Change reinterpret_cast to a
      	union, to comply with c++ rules.  Fixes a cppcheck warning.
      2016-04-18  Siarhei Harkusha  <>
      	* Removed the executable flag from all of the files
      	* src/TileRawChannelBuilderOpt2Filter.cxx: correct time in the case of without iterations
      	  if actual phase for OFCs used in the calculation is different from required
      	* TileRawChannelBuilderOptFilter: renamed setPedestal into getPedestal
      	* TileRawChannelBuilderOpt2Filter: renamed setPedestal into getPedestal; removed some properties OfcfromCool and TileCondToolOfcCool
      	* python/ adapted to removed some properties (OfcfromCool and TileCondToolOfcCool)
      	  in Tile raw channel builders (Opt2 and MF kind of raw channels builders)
      	* TileRawChannelBuilderMF: removed some property OfcfromCool;
      	  renamed property TileCondToolOfcCool into TileCondToolOfcOnFly to make clear intention
      	* TileRawChannelNoiseFilter: revert back forward declaration of TileCondToolEmscale
      	* Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-71
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
      Former-commit-id: 1e76287a
  20. May 09, 2016
    • Siarhei Harkusha's avatar
      switched off time correction by default (TileRecUtils-00-09-68) · ec7bbb5a
      Siarhei Harkusha authored
      	* python/ switched off time correction by default
      	* Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-68
      2016-03-22  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-67.
      	* Really fix warning.
      2016-03-21  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-66.
      	* Fix warning.
      	* Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-65.
      	* Fix coverity warnings.
      2016-03-15  Siarhei Harkusha  <>
      	* src/TileRawChannelBuilder: put to svn code implemented by Tigran Mkrtchyan for time correction
      	* src/TileRawChannelBuilderOptFilter: put to svn code implemented by Tigran Mkrtchyan for using time correction
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  21. Mar 03, 2015
  22. Sep 19, 2014