- Feb 06, 2017
Guillaume Unal authored
* src/EMECPresamplerHVManager.cpp Fix for incorrect interpration of HV mapping for endcap presampler: There are 32 modules in phi (0-31) each module has 2 cell in phi, in the mapping database this is referred by "gapIndex" 0 is on the low phi side (in the ATLAS frame) 1 in on the high phi side so in total 64 sectors in phi given by 2*phiIndex+gapIndex the two gap of these sectors are powered by the same line and have the same HV (while in the previous code, there were 32 sectors for HV in phi, with the two gaps powered by the two different HV lines) * tag LArHV-00-00-36 Former-commit-id: b4b2f949
Hass Abouzeid authored
2017-01-25 Hass AbouZeid <hass.abouzeid@cern.ch> * Fix for rel21 compilation * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-01-00-18 2016-12-17 Christian Ohm <christian.ohm@cern.ch> * Update of DRAW_TOPSLMU, validated and final for Tier-0 test * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-01-00-17 2016-12-10 Christian Ohm <christian.ohm@cern.ch> * Update of DRAW_TOPSLMU (not validated yet) 2016-12-10 Christian Ohm <christian.ohm@cern.ch> * Fix configurability of DRAW_BCID[1,2] * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-01-00-16 2016-12-09 Christian Ohm <christian.ohm@cern.ch> * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-01-00-15 2016-12-06 Christian Ohm <christian.ohm@cern.ch> * Fix to make the AcceptBCIDs (RejectBCIDs) lists for DRAW_BCID1 (DRAW_BCID2) configurable via preExec ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 8a86b312
Geoffrey Gilles authored
* Change default vertexClusteringProbabilityCut * Tagging as: InDetSecVxFinderTool-01-01-25 2017-01-24 Geoffrey Gilles <geoffrey.gilles@cern.ch> * Set Marco's optimized dependent mass cut values * Tagging as: InDetSecVxFinderTool-01-01-24 2017-01-20 Geoffrey Gilles <geoffrey.gilles@cern.ch> * fixing missing properties related to dependent mass cut * Tagging as: InDetSecVxFinderTool-01-01-23 2017-01-18 Giacinto Piacquadio <giacinto.piacquadio@stonybrook.edu> * going back to old cuts for additional track for JetFitter selection (requested by Valerio) * Tagging as: InDetSecVxFinderTool-01-01-22 2016-11-23 Giacinto piacquadio <giacinto.piacquadio@stonybrook.edu> * re-adding changes for mass dependent cuts (+ Marco Battaglia's changes) * Tagging as: InDetSecVxFinderTool-01-01-21 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 77a86336
Christopher John Mcnicol authored
* Add caching for Algorithm names * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-19 Former-commit-id: bde26831
Xiaohu Sun authored
* double the timelimit of RECOSHIFT_Reco_MC15_13TeV_nopileup * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-03-07 Former-commit-id: 8914c1bc
Savanna Shaw authored
* Fix naming bug in msonly isolation * TrigMuonEF-00-04-85 2017-01-24 Savanna Shaw * Include possibilty to apply isolation to MS-only muons * TrigMuonEF-00-04-84 Former-commit-id: 89c1c45d
Charles Leggett authored
* remove ifdef ATHENAHIVE in order to merge 20.8.X and 22 * tag AthenaServices-01-60-51 M src/AthenaHiveEventLoopMgr.cxx M src/components/AthenaServices_entries.cxx Former-commit-id: 506d88e2
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-04-04 * update offline electron selection 2017-01-24 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-04-03 * extend offline electron selection 2017-01-24 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-04-02 * extend offline electron selection 2017-01-18 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-04-01 * add electron offline raw track capability 2016-12-20 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-04-00 * promote local printout and fix tag 2016-12-20 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 66bff8e2
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrigSteeringTest-01-00-45. * TrigSteeringTest/AlgoOverlap.h: Fix type of m_sqMinCentDist. Former-commit-id: 9644fd28
Noam Tal Hod authored
* moving g22/e22 to g24/e24 due to L1 change (ATR-15720) * affects MC+Physics pp v7 * TriggerMenu-00-21-12 2017-01-24 Emma Torro * Adding 2mu+e exotrics trigger seeded by L1_EM8VH_MU15 (ATR-15724) * affects MC pp v7 * requires TriggerMenuXML-04-02-84 * TriggerMenu-00-21-11 2017-01-23 Nils Ruthmann * Removing obsolete file (ATR-15714) * TriggerMenu-00-21-10 2017-01-23 Nils Ruthmann * Applying jet menu developements (ATR-15714) * TriggerMenu-00-21-09 2017-01-19 Emma Torro * adding further multi-muon chains (ATR-15704) * affects MC pp v7 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d9d93e07
Emma Torro Pastor authored
* adding L1_EM8VH_MU15 (ATR-15724) * affects MC pp v7 * associated with TriggerMenu-00-21-11 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-84 2017-01-17 Emma Torro * adding L1_4MU4 to LVL1 MC pp v7 (ATR-15704) * affects only MC v7 * associated with TriggerMenu-00-21-06 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-83 Former-commit-id: d25f69d9
Ambrosius Thomas Vermeulen authored
Former-commit-id: 1046cb97
Charles Leggett authored
* make EventInfoCnvTool::convert(...) const, make the static flag maps const, file-scope * tag xAODEventInfoCnv-00-00-26 M src/EventInfoCnvTool.cxx M src/EventInfoCnvTool.h Former-commit-id: bc0085e3
Charles Leggett authored
* make IEventInfoCnvTool::convert(...) const * tag xAODCnvInterfaces-00-00-02 M xAODCnvInterfaces/IEventInfoCnvTool.h Former-commit-id: 5fe22fcf
Xanthe Hoad authored
* doMaM_ExtractAndDumpConfigs is now usable * Few small bug fixes * MaM v1.4.6 * tagging TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-38 Former-commit-id: b43ed56c
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Force neg tags when filling JetFitterVariables in Flip taggers * tagged as JetTagTools-01-01-22 2017-01-18 Jonathan Shlomi <jshlomi@cern.ch> * fixed bug in mv2cl100 variables in MVTM * tagged as JetTagTools-01-01-21 Former-commit-id: 76b9c751
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Modify (mainly renew) NewJetFitterIP3DNegCollection configuration * Tagged as BTagging-00-07-80 Former-commit-id: 7eda0719
Stefania Spagnolo authored
tagging RPC_Digitization-01-06-05 * src/RpcDigitizationTool.cxx (DetectionEfficiency): fix a minor (so far [MC15c] uneffective) logical bug - when cool is in use but no thrustable measurement exist (i.e. Ntrk<Ntrk_threshold) for the eff, use python default efficiency values corrected for the fraction of dead strips (initialize): ApplyEfficiencyThreshold default is false for MC16 => based on IoV condition data will be real measurements (with 0 eff. if the element is dead) for past [known] IoV, or measurements with a lower limit to 50% for future IoV ; threshold is not applied in the sw but in the condition data valid for the future. Former-commit-id: 66b0519b
Lukas Alexander Heinrich authored
* change config chain storage ATR-15702 * tagging TrigDecisionTool-00-03-56 2016-12-11 Lukas Heinrich * proper cleanup of static instance count. ATLASG-891 * tagging TrigDecisionTool-00-03-55 2016-11-28 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Fixed the package's build in AthAnalysisBase-2.6.X. * Tagging as TrigDecisionTool-00-03-54 2016-11-27 Lukas Heinrich * fixing re-introduced leak (ATR-15580) * tagging TrigDecisionTool-00-03-53 Former-commit-id: 86a21a69
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Added a missing include in StandaloneNavigation.cxx that became an issue when building against ROOT v6-08-00. * Tagging as TrigNavStructure-00-00-25 Former-commit-id: 78ef1f82
Giacinto Piacquadio authored
* Move to branch. Tag as VxJetVertex-00-04-09 2016-11-11 Giacinto Piacquadio <giacinto.piacquadio@stonybrook.edu> * Bug fix in new method 2016-11-06 Giacinto Piacquadio <giacinto.piacquadio@stonybrook.edu> * Add functionality to VxClusteringTable Former-commit-id: 1cfd3170
Will Buttinger authored
* Added two joboptions for use in performance monitoring of basic event loop with different selectors * tag AthenaRootComps-00-13-28 Former-commit-id: d0e972f7
Will Buttinger authored
* Replaced SumOfWeightsTool (which was actually an alg) with SumOfWeightsAlg * Tagging as ReweightUtils-00-03-04 2016-11-15 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Turned the CINT dictionary build of the TObject type classes back on. * Fixed the CMake configuration for the package. Adding PathResolver as a dependency, and fixing the public/private dependence of a few other packages. * Declared the unit test to CMake. Unfortunately the test crashes in AthAnalysisBase-2.6.X at the moment. Probably some incompatibility between AnaToolHandle and the Gaudi version used in AthAnalysisBase-2.6.X. * Fixed the unit test for the RootCore build as well in the meantime. * Tagging as ReweightUtils-00-03-02 2016-11-09 Will Buttinger <will@cern.ch> * ut_ParticleScaleFactorTool_test.cxx: fix ut test * Tagging ReweightUtils-00-03-01 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: fedf0be4
Antoine Marzin authored
* Fix TIPs loading in MenuLoader.cxx: isDirect is now set to true for direct input * TrigConfStorage-03-01-24 Former-commit-id: 6e879f26
Will Buttinger authored
* relocated IObservableTool interface to PhysicsAnalysis/Interfaces/AsgAnalysisInterfaces * Tagging PATinterfaces-00-00-38 Former-commit-id: 64fe6a14
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Taught the package how to build with CMake when tdaq-common is not available (ByteStreamData-01-08-26) 2016-11-04 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Taught the package how to build without tdaq-common. As it is the case in AthAnalysisBase. * Removed the executable flag from the source files of the package. * Tagging as ByteStreamData-01-08-26 Former-commit-id: 31c60ca7
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Fixed the standalone build configuration of the package. By making it use AsgAnalysisInterfaces correctly. * Tagging as GoodRunsLists-00-01-34 2016-09-06 Will Buttinger <will@cern.ch> * Moved interface class for AsgTool to AsgAnalysisInterfaces package * Tagging as GoodRunsLists-00-01-33 Former-commit-id: 76f3c148e14a106c7646cd90216beb3d61548f62
- Feb 02, 2017
Graeme Stewart authored
Former-commit-id: 7809dc13
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
Some cleanup and ensure CnvSvc is configured in EventPersistencySvc (EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-20-03) * Some cleanup and ensure CnvSvc is configured in EventPersistencySvc (Jira ATEAM-350) * tag EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-20-03 2017-01-23 Peter van Gemmeren <gemmeren@anl.gov> * configure SharedWriter server by using negative number of cores * tag EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-20-02 Former-commit-id: a58e169f
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
* Tagging RootFileTools-00-01-61. * src/merge.cxx: Jira ATEAM-328, get rid of some output. Former-commit-id: 85fef30e
Sven Menke authored
* New ClusterMoment MASS * src/CaloClusterMomentsMaker.cxx * python/CaloClusterTopoGetter.py * tag CaloRec-03-01-04 2017-01-25 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging CaloRec-03-01-03. * python/CaloClusterTopoCoolFolder.py: Use addFolder to declare folders to CondInputLoader. * Tagging CaloRec-03-01-02. * python/CaloClusterTopoCoolFolder.py: Declaring more CaloLocalHadCoeff folders to CondInputLoader. * CMakeLists.txt: Another pattern to ignore. 2017-01-19 Charles Leggett * remove #ifdef ATHENAHIVE to use DataPool in AthenaMT * tag CaloRec-03-01-01 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: bad99dc9
Sven Menke authored
* New ClusterMoment MASS * Root/CaloClusterAccessors_v1.cxx * xAODCaloEvent/versions/CaloCluster_v1.h * tag xAODCaloEvent-00-01-30 Former-commit-id: b94949b3
Frank Winklmeier authored
* Read Muctpi configuration from GroupData area (ATR-15657) * python/TrigT1MuctpiConfig.py: Use the check-summed file name to avoid duplication * Tagging as TrigT1Muctpi-00-07-00 Former-commit-id: 421cbe0b
Frank Winklmeier authored
2017-01-27 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * Copy Muctpi configuration (data/*) into GroupData area (ATR-15657) for git migration, for details see https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasComputing/PathResolver * Delete duplicate files * TrigConfMuctpi-00-01-00 2016-06-06 Thorsten Wengler <thorsten.wengler@cern.ch> Former-commit-id: 40560670
Shaun Roe authored
* attempt to fix coverity: 111518 23/08/2016 (Medium) Uninitialized scalar field :/build/AtlasOffline-22.0.X/22.0.X/AtlasConditions/rel_5/InstallArea/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/src/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkParametersBase/TrkParametersBase/CurvilinearParametersT.h in function "CurvilinearParametersT" 111519 23/08/2016 (Low) Missing copy constructor :/build/AtlasOffline-22.0.X/22.0.X/AtlasConditions/rel_5/InstallArea/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/src/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkParametersBase/TrkParametersBase/ParametersT.icc in function "ParametersT" * tag as TrkParametersBase-01-02-33 Former-commit-id: e76aa16c21a5bdb0265bd03f2d95dcdd4c899fe6
Johannes Elmsheuser authored
* Completely remove m_totSig - ATLJETMET-711 * Tagging as JetUtils-02-00-41 2017-01-28 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging JetUtils-02-00-40. * Update reference file to go with previous change. 2017-01-27 Johannes Elmsheuser <Johannes.Elmsheuser@cern.ch> * Remove xAOD::CaloCluster::SIGNIFICANCE from JetCalcNegativeEnergy ATLJETMET-711 * Tagging as JetUtils-02-00-39 2016-11-04 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Updated the CMake configuration to work in AthAnalysisBase as well. * Tagging as JetUtils-02-00-38 Former-commit-id: a1e5d7ca
Shaun Roe authored
* fix coverity 112279, 111329: 112279 28/01/2017 (Medium) Dereference after null check :/Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventTPCnv/src/TrkSurfaces/SurfaceCnv_p2.cxx in function "transToPers" 111329 22/07/2016 (Medium) Unchecked dynamic_cast :/Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventTPCnv/test/SurfaceCnv_p2_test.cxx in function "testit" * tag as TrkEventTPCnv-01-09-55 Former-commit-id: a660256b
Martin Tripiana Gorgojo authored
Decorators/accessors consolidation. New trigger helpers. Update trigger electron SF. Lots of xsections. (SUSYTools-00-08-41) * Change default trigger SF file for single electron chains. 2017-01-27 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Adding new scripts/CheckDAODCompleteness.py from Bertrand for checking that there aren't missing events in your DAODs 2017-01-25 Federico Meloni <federico.meloni@cern.ch> * Added some signal xsecs (bffN) and tWZDR 2017-01-25 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> 2017-01-24 Martin Tripiana <tripiana@cern.ch> * add missing TT 4body samples to xsection file * add new TT grid samples to xsection file 2017-01-24 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Adding 410225 to the xsec file from XsecSummaryTTbar 2017-01-23 Martin Tripiana <tripiana@cern.ch> * Update JES+JMS calib recommendation (ATLSUSYSW-213)) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: b8e5b70e
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging PyDumper-00-01-99. * python/Dumpers.py (dump_Threevec): Suppress more negative zeros. 2017-01-26 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging PyDumper-00-01-98. * python/Dumpers.py (dump_parameters): Do not print pt/eta. They derive from the momentum and can print slightly differently depending on eigen version. Former-commit-id: 6b5a9ef4
Frank Winklmeier authored
* TrigServices-20-10-15 * src/HltEventLoopMgr.cxx: Fix build failure due to Gaudi changes (ATR-15756) Former-commit-id: 7aef2065