- Mar 11, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
John Derek Chapman authored
share/skeleton.EVGENtoHIT_ISF.py - set new SimBarcodeOffset SimFlag. ATLASSIM-1859. Requires G4AtlasApps-00-08-02 or later. Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-12 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-12) * share/skeleton.EVGENtoHIT_ISF.py - set new SimBarcodeOffset SimFlag. ATLASSIM-1859. Requires G4AtlasApps-00-08-02 or later. * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-12 2015-03-06 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * share/skeleton.EVGENtoHIT_ISF.py - set new TruthStrategy ISF_Flag. ATLASSIM-1859. Requires ISF_Config-00-01-17 or later. * Tagging SimuJobTransforms-00-28-11
John Derek Chapman authored
python/SimFlags.py: Add SimBarcodeOffset jobproperty. ATLASSIM-1859. Tagging: G4AtlasApps-00-08-02 (G4AtlasApps-00-08-02)
jhenders authored
Susumu Oda authored
test/InDetSLHC_Example_TestConfiguration.xml - update to partly use Sim_tf.py instead of AtlasG4_tf.py and Ring geometry. (InDetSLHC_Example-00-01-16-03)
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-25 * add susyParticlePdgid.txt to auxfiles 2015-03-04 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-24 * fix JOs names in configuration file 2015-03-04 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-23 * fix JOs for KV tests 2015-03-03 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-22 * fix sceletonGentoEVGEn to activated minevents in evgenConfig 2015-03-01 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-21 * modify Generate_tf, so that 'nonStandard' directory is treated differently (so that usage of MC15JobOptions/nonStandard in Jos * fragments would be possible) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
James Robinson authored
* Changed default nEvents behaviour to generate 10% more than maxEvents 05-03-15 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Added HJ and HJJ processes to 00-02-XY * Tagged 00-02-05 (trijet and HJJ unvalidated) 23-02-15 Daniel Hayden <daniel.hayden@cern.ch> * Added All Powheg V2 diboson supported strings 20-02-15 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Re-organised directory structure * Separated run strategies into module
Marjorie Shapiro authored
* Add fix for StoreGate bug in evtStore()->ovewrite(...) * Tag as EvtGen_i-00-01-20 2015-02-26 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch> * Add inclusiveP8DsDPlus.pdt from Jackie for fix to probmax caused by D_s very slightly smaller than Pythia
Elmar Ritsch authored
make configuration of ISF_ParticlePositionFilterDynamic more robust (fix for ATLPHYSVAL-265) (ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-03-04)
Graeme Stewart authored
* python/trfArgClasses.py - Copy all job parameters for AthenaMP HITS merging step * test/PyJobTransforms_TestConfiguration.xml - Disable unsupported tests * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-07 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-07) * python/trfArgClasses.py - Copy all job parameters for AthenaMP HITS merging step * test/PyJobTransforms_TestConfiguration.xml - Disable unsupported tests * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-07 2015-02-20 Graeme Stewart <graeme.andrew.stewart@cern.ch> * test/test_trfArgClasses.py - Update test to sync with changes in steering aliases * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-06 * python/trfArgClasses.py - Add new steering aliases for evgen afterburning
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ISF_Output.py (ISF_HITSStream): write Simulator and TruthStrategy into the HITS file metadata. ATLASSIM-1859. Requires ISF_Config-00-01-17 or later. Tagging: ISF_Example-00-02-47 (ISF_Example-00-02-47)
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ISF_jobProperties.py - add TruthStrategy jobproperty. Default value MC15. Currently just to pass the runarg to the Simulation/Parameters metadata, but in the future to be used to configure dependent jobproperties such as service names. ATLASSIM-1859. Tagging ISF_Config-00-01-17 (ISF_Config-00-01-17)
Daniel Hayden authored
17-02-14 Daniel Hayden <danhayden0@googlemail.com> * Updated New tag of V1/V2 combined release, pointing to ATLASOTF-00-03-00 for Rel19. * Tagged Powheg-00-03-00
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Sergey Karpov authored
Josh McFayden authored
Sarka Todorova authored
Zach Marshall authored
* Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37 * First part of patch for ATLASSIM-1851 * Not sure what to do about particles that really start there and decay, though - this is tricky. 2015-02-25 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-36 * python/ISF_Geant4ToolsConfig.py - switch getPhysicsValidationUserAction and getTrackProcessorUserAction methods to use ISF_ParticleBroker. Add new getG4OnlyPhysicsValidationUserAction method which uses ISF_ParticleBrokerSvcNoOrdering. Explicitly specify that getFullG4TrackProcessorUserAction and getPassBackG4TrackProcessorUserAction should use ISF_ParticleBrokerSvcNoOrdering. Switch getG4TransportTool method to use ISFG4TrackProcessorUserAction. Explicitly specify G4OnlyPhysicsValidationUserAction in getFullG4TransportTool and getPassBackG4TransportTool. These changes are required so that ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Zach Marshall authored
* src/HepMC_TruthSvc.cxx: Adding warning messages * tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-05 2015-02-27 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * src/HepMC_TruthSvc.cxx: Modifying vertex barcode in the case that a primary is being re-simulated (for quasi-stable particle simulation) * tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-04
John Derek Chapman authored
Reverting changes from G4UserActions-00-00-90 so that this tag is compatible with 19.2.3.Y. ATLASSIM-1852. Tagging: G4UserActions-00-00-94-01 (G4UserActions-00-00-94-01)
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ISF_iGeant4Config.py (getGeant4SimSvc): Switch to use base version of G4TransportTool, as this is currently required for more complicated ISF configurations. Requires ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-36. ATLASSIM-1842. Tag ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-22 (ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-22) * python/ISF_iGeant4Config.py (getGeant4SimSvc): Switch to use base version of G4TransportTool, as this is currently required for more complicated ISF configurations. Requires ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-36. ATLASSIM-1842 * tag ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-22 2015-02-20 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/ISF_iGeant4Config.py, python/iGeant4.py - migrate configuration of Geant4SimSvc to be more like standard CfgGetter configurations. Use CfgGetter methods to retrieve appropriate G4TransportTool instances. Requires ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-35. ATLASSIM-1842 * tag ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-21 2015-02-19 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/ISF_iGeant4Config.py - whitespace-cleanup * python/iGeant4.py - use basic CfgGetter methods to set up ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Zach Marshall authored
John Derek Chapman authored
Remove ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-03-03 sub-directory from branch. Tag as ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-03-03-06 (ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-03-03-06)
Bradley Dean Axen authored
- Feb 20, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Graeme Stewart authored
* Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-05 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-05)
James William Monk authored
* Improved Generate_tf from Graeme Stewart allows afterburner to be called from Generate_tf (no separate transform required) 2015-02-18 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch> * Add AfterBurner_tf.py for running afterburner on EVNT_Pre input * Add skeleton.ABtoEVGEN.py as the skeleton * Allow EVNT_Pre output type from Generate_tf.py * Remove CopyEventWeights from skeleton.ABtoEvgen.py 2015-02-18 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-15 * extend the JOPTSEARCHPATH to all directories and subdirectories of MC15JobOptions 2015-02-02 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-14 * switch to keywords from MC15JobOptions
Sarka Todorova authored
John Derek Chapman authored
src/TransportTool.cxx (G4TransportTool): add missing declarePropety line for QuasiStableParticlesIncluded property. ATLASSIM-526. Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-33 (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-33)
John Derek Chapman authored
python/iGeant4.py (iGeant4.__init__): Add a check on ISF_Flags.Simulator to check for longLived and switch off quasi-stable particle-related warnings in that case. Temporary measure until a better solution can be found. ATLASSIM-526. Requires ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-33 or later. Tag ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-19 (ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-19)
John Derek Chapman authored
src/HepMC_Truth.cxx - fix typo in configurable property name added in previous tag. ATLASSIM-526. python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfig.py - tidy up configuration to share repeated lines. Add a check on ISF_Flags.Simulator to check for longLived and switch off warnings in that case. Temporary measure until a better solution can be found. ATLASSIM-526. Tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-03 (ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-03)
Marjorie Shapiro authored
Sabine Elles authored
Sabine Elles authored
James Robinson authored
Daniel Hayden authored
Ruslan Mashinistov authored
Shaun Roe authored
Shaun Roe authored