- Apr 07, 2016
Zach Marshall authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* fix XToVVFilterExtended -JIRA AGENE-1133 * Tag as GeneratorFilters-00-03-34
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Andrzej Olszewski authored
James Robinson authored
* Fixed nEvents rounding in multicore mode * Tagged 00-02-18 * Fixed reweighting bug * Tagged 00-02-18-01 2016-03-23 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Add kappa factors to ggF_HZ process (only for reweighting) 2016-03-17 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Rewrote user-defined weight syntax to allow scale/PDF weights to be included 2016-02-02 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Added W_EW and Z_EW processes
Daniel Hayden authored
01-02-16 Daniel Hayden <danhayden0@googlemail.com> * Updated Same as above, but for Rel17. * Tagged Powheg-00-02-07 30-03-16 Daniel Hayden <danhayden0@googlemail.com> * Updated Update various processes. * Tagged Powheg-00-03-06
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
- Mar 24, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* add randomSeed to METADATA * tag as EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-57 2016-03-01 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Adding a dummy __init__.py file to python/, as the CMake build doesn't generate such a file automatically. * Tagging as EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-56
Elmar Ritsch authored
Update geometry and conditions tags in ATLFASTIIF_minbias_2merge RTT job to MC15. Fixes failing subsequent ATLFASTIIF_minbias_3digireco job. ATLASSIM-2673 (ISF_Validation-00-03-16) * Update geometry and conditions tags in ATLFASTIIF_minbias_2merge RTT job to MC15. Fixes failing subsequent ATLFASTIIF_minbias_3digireco job. ATLASSIM-2673 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-16 2016-03-21 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Update ATLFASTIIF ATN and RTT full chain tests to MC15 configuration. ATLASSIM-2673 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-15 2016-03-01 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Remove pileup-related arguments in command line of ATLFASTII_ttbar_3digireco RTT job which lead to job crashes. ATLASSIM-2411 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-14
Elmar Ritsch authored
Update ISFTruthIncident and ParticleHelper to work correctly in ATLFASTIIF with the new TruthBinding implementation. ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_Event-00-08-03-03) * Update ISFTruthIncident and ParticleHelper to work correctly in ATLFASTIIF with the new TruthBinding implementation. ATLASSIM-2483 * Tag as ISF_Event-00-08-03-03 2016-03-15 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Simplify TruthBinding implementation to allow linking ISFParticles to their last non-regenerated MC truth particle ("generation zero"). Important for making barcodes in ATLFASTII SD hits consistent with FullG4 setup (and previously AtlasG4). ATLASSIM-2483 * Tagging as ISF_Event-00-08-03-02
Elmar Ritsch authored
Store non-regenerated particle barcode in entry layers (reproducing legacy AtlasG4 behaviour). ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_Geant4CommonTools-00-03-09) * Store non-regenerated particle barcode in entry layers (reproducing legacy AtlasG4 behaviour). ATLASSIM-2483 * Tag as ISF_Geant4CommonTools-00-03-09
Zach Marshall authored
* Moving to 2.3.3_p0 with a number of new models * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-28
Elmar Ritsch authored
Migrate NativeFastCaloSimSvc to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-00-01-13-20) * Migrate NativeFastCaloSimSvc to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 * tagging ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-00-01-13-20 2016-03-11 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Only tighter LAr merging - this is more expensive than I expected * tagging ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-00-01-13-19 2016-03-11 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Adding a 1mm merging action * tagging ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-00-01-13-18 2016-02-29 Zdenek Hubacek <zdenek.hubacek@cern.ch> * remove FastCaloSimParamAlg from the run (merging done in the stepping action) * modified share/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization_SimPostInclude.py * tagging ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-00-01-13-17 2016-02-28 Zdenek Hubacek <zdenek.hubacek@cern.ch> * Fix tools/CaloHitAna so it doesn't keep all cells, hits for all events at once ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Migrate FastCaloSimSvc to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-03-03-10) * Migrate FastCaloSimSvc to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 * Tag as ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-03-03-10 2015-08-11 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/ISF_FastCaloSimServicesConfig - refactoring CfgGetter methods. Should be transparent. ATLASSIM-2075 * tag as ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-03-03-09 2015-06-22 Robert Harrington <roberth@cern.ch> * fix to ISF_FastCaloSimServicesConfig.py. ATLASSIM-2075 * tag as ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-03-03-08 2015-06-22 Robert Harrington <roberth@cern.ch> * modified configuration to allow multiple instances of FastShowerCellBuilderTool. ATLASSIM-2075 * tag as ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-03-03-07
Elmar Ritsch authored
Undo HepMCParticleLink changes from tags ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04-01 & 02 + Migrate GenEventStackFiller to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04-21) 2016-03-16 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Undo HepMCParticleLink changes from tags ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04-01 & 02 * Migrate GenEventStackFiller to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 * Tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04-21 2016-01-06 Olivier Arnaez <Olivier.Arnaez@cern.ch> * GenEventStackFiller: setting correct eventIndex to the event * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04-02 2015-12-08 Olivier Arnaez <Olivier.Arnaez@cern.ch> * GenEventStackFiller: merge McEventCollections if OutputMcEventCollection==OutputPileupMcEventCollection * GenEventStackFiller: adding EBC_EVCOLL (see HepMcParticleLink) to signature of mcEventCollLooper to initialize HMPL objects associated to ISFParticles properly (i.e. pointing to the right McEventCollection) * GenEventStackFiller: passing full HPML object to new ISFParticles * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04-01
Elmar Ritsch authored
Store non-regenerated particle barcode in SD hits produced from regenerated particles in ATLFASTII/PassBackG4 setup (=legacy behaviour). Makes use of the rewritten ISF TruthBinding implementation. ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-23) * Tag: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-23 * Store non-regenerated particle barcode in SD hits produced from regenerated particles in ATLFASTII/PassBackG4 setup (=legacy behaviour). Makes use of the rewritten ISF TruthBinding implementation. ATLASSIM-2483 2016-03-01 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Tag: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-22 * Store primary particle barcodes in SD hits produced from regenerated particles (AtlasG4 behaviour). ATLASSIM-2483 2016-02-15 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Tag: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-21 * Fix ERROR caused by TruthIncidents outside detector volume occurring in LLP simulation. TrackProcessorUserActionFullG4 now uses ISF_GeoIDSvc to resolve detector region (=geoID) in case where G4Step is done in gap between G4 daughter volumes. (ATLASSIM-2385)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Unmerge recent merge from ISF_Tools-00-04-08-branch + Migrate ParticleHelper to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_Tools-00-05-00) * Unmerge recent merge from ISF_Tools-00-04-08-branch * Migrate ParticleHelper to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 * Tag as ISF_Tools-00-05-00 2016-01-20 Olivier Arnaez <Olivier.Arnaez@cern.ch> * Merging trunk with ISF_Tools-00-04-08-branch * tag as ISF_Tools-00-04-09 2015-12-16 Olivier Arnaez <Olivier.Arnaez@cern.ch> * src/ParticleHelper.cxx: cloning HepMcParticleLink when creating new ISFParticle * tag as ISF_Tools-00-04-08-02 2015-12-08 Olivier Arnaez <Olivier.Arnaez@cern.ch> * src/ParticleHelper.cxx: propagating full HepMcParticleLink when updating ISFParticles * ParticleHelper: adding possibility to provide full HepMcParticleLink information in createParticle signatures * cmt/requirements: adding use of Generators/GeneratorObjects * ATLASSIM-2430 * tag as ISF_Tools-00-04-08-01 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Elmar Ritsch authored
In case of ISF simulation, do not attach any TrackInformation nor TrackBarcodeInfo to new G4Tracks. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 (G4AtlasAlg-00-04-02-04) * Tagging: G4AtlasAlg-00-04-02-04 * src/AthenaStackingAction.cxx: In case of ISF simulation, do not attach any TrackInformation nor TrackBarcodeInfo to new G4Tracks. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483
Elmar Ritsch authored
Migrate TruthSvc to new and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_HepMC_Services-00-07-00-03) * Migrate TruthSvc to new and simplified ISF TruthBinding implementation. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 * tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-07-00-03 2016-03-01 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Always record primary particle barcode in HepMC::GenVertex weights (even for regenerated particles). * tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-07-00-02
Elmar Ritsch authored
Migrate ConeSimSelector and TruthAssocSimSelector to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 (ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-04-00) * Migrate ConeSimSelector and TruthAssocSimSelector to rewritten and simplified ISF TruthBinding. Relevant for reproducing legacy SD barcode behaviour as in AtlasG4. ATLASSIM-2483 * Tag as ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-04-00 2015-10-26 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> for Miha Muskinja <miha.muskinja@cern.ch> * python/ISF_SimulationSelectorsConfig.py & ConfGetter DB: adding ISF_DefaultParametricSimulationSelector configuration (ATLASSIM-2310) * tagging as ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-03-01
Elmar Ritsch authored
Unmerge recent merge from ISF_Interfaces-00-04-02-branch + Move to new TruthBinding implementation (from ATLASSIM-2483) (ISF_Interfaces-00-05-00) * Unmerge recent merge from ISF_Interfaces-00-04-02-branch * Move to new TruthBinding implementation (from ATLASSIM-2483) * Tag as ISF_Interfaces-00-05-00 2015-12-09 Olivier Arnaez <Olivier.Arnaez@cern.ch> * Merged with ISF_Interfaces-00-04-02-branch * tag as ISF_Interfaces-00-04-03
Josh McFayden authored
* Fixing MadSpin for NLO gridpack implmenentation * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-33 2016.02.24 Josh McFayden <mcfayden@cern.ch> * Fixing logic arrange output behavior for weighted and unweighted events * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-32 2016.02.21 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Modifying behavior of arrange output to look for weighted events if unweighted events are unavailable * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-31 2016.02.12 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Adding down-type squarks for matching parameters * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-30 2016.02.12 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Bugfix to SUSY setup when getting a new run card, for new default run card interface * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-29 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
BarcodeServices/LegacyBarcodeSvc.h, src/LegacyBarcodeSvc.cxx, BarcodeServices/ValidationBarcodeSvc.h, src/ValidationBarcodeSvc.cxx, BarcodeServices/GenericBarcodeSvc.h, src/GenericBarcodeSvc.cxx - add particleGenerationIncrement method to return the value of the barcode increment for each generation of updated particles. BarcodeServices/GlobalBarcodeSvc.h, src/GlobalBarcodeSvc.cxx - add an m_particleGenerationIncrement variable, for the particleGenerationIncrement method to return. NB This variable is not used elsewhere in this implmentation. Requires BarcodeInterfaces-00-00-08 or later. ATLASSIM-2603. Tagging as BarcodeServices-00-03-00 (BarcodeServices-00-03-00)
John Derek Chapman authored
BarcodeInterfaces/IBarcodeSvc.h - adding particleGenerationIncrement() getter method. ATLASSIM-2603. Tag as BarcodeInterfaces-00-00-08 (BarcodeInterfaces-00-00-08)
Antonio Limosani authored
* Get platform from CMTCONFIG * RecPerfTests-00-08-10-06
Robert Harrington authored
modified python configuration to allow multiple FastShowerCellBuilderTool instances (FastCaloSim-00-01-59)
- Feb 12, 2016
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Elmar Ritsch authored
* test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: Remove <abortOnError /> from FullG4 and ATLFASTII RTT chains. The <abortOnError /> causes the entire chain to stop if any one job fails in the chain, i.e. it even seems to kill already running jobs. ATLASSIM-2411 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-13 2016-02-08 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: Fix xml syntax issue in ATLFASTII_ttbar_3digireco RTT job regarding order of asetupParams. ATLASSIM-2411 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-12 2016-02-08 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: ** Reduce events processed in ATLFASTII_ttbar RTT from 500 to 250, since new EVNT file causes sim job to run twice as long than before. ATLASSIM-2411 ** Run ATLFASTII_ttbar_3digireco job on release,AtlasProd1 as the 19.2.X.Y-VAL nightly does not support command line used in MC reco production. ATLASSIM-2411 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-11
Orel Gueta authored
- Feb 08, 2016
Elmar Ritsch authored
Fix typo in Python configuration that breaks 'MC12G4_longLived' setup. ATLASSIM-2432 (ISF_Config-00-01-18-06)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Update all ATN tests to reflect MC15 production setup. Remove obsolete G4_ttbar, G4_MC15_ttbar and G4_minbias RTT chains. Update ATLFASTII_ttbar RTT chain to reflect MC15 production setup. (ATLASSIM-2411). Add FullG4_LongLived_ZPrime_2evts ATN test. Add FullG4_LongLived_ZPrime RTT chain with regression test. (ISF_Validation-00-03-10)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Link newly created ISFParticle instances to corresponding MC truth HepMC::GenParticle instance. Critical for writing corretly assigned calibration hits in ISF (ATLASSIM-2456) (ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04-20)
Daniel Hayden authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* Reduce number of events in gen job * RecPerfTests-00-08-10-05
Elmar Ritsch authored
Remove ISF-specific handling of TrackInformation in AthenaStackingAction (ATLASSIM-2456) (G4AtlasAlg-00-04-02-02)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Revert previous changes in this branch + Add pointer to primary (generator) MC truth particle to VTrackInformation. Critical for fix of incorret calibration hits assignment (ATLASSIM-2456) + Introduce more appropriate naming for pointer to base ISFParticle in various TrackInformation classes (MCTruth-00-02-00-03)
James Robinson authored
Improved parameter logging. Added VBF_W, VBF_Z, Wjj and Zjj process (only VBF_W is validated). Support for many updates in process version. (PowhegControl-00-02-17)
Marjorie Shapiro authored
Change events() to events_cons() in MultiLeptonFilter.cxx so that it can get used with --steering=afterburn (GeneratorFilters-00-03-33)