- Mar 07, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Frank Filthaut authored
* forgot to strip the trailing "Jets" from the container output strings; now done * tagged as BTagging-00-07-09 2015-02-28 Frank Filthaut * changed share/BTaggingReconstructionOutputAODList_jobOptions.py so as not to use wildcards (some code duplication, will need to be improved later) * tagged as BTagging-00-07-07 2015-02-27 Wouter van den Wollenberg * update configuration for MV2 * tagged as BTagging-00-07-06 2015-02-26 Wouter van den Wollenberg * Fixed bug where SecVtxFinderxAODBaseNameList was not matching the size of the tool handle list in BTagSecVertexing in some cases. * tagged as BTagging-00-07-05 2015-02-25 Emmanuel Le Guirriec * unchecked status fixed in BTagTrackAssociation.cxx * tagged as BTagging-00-07-04 2015-02-23 Valerio Dao ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Graeme Stewart authored
- Set the input filename correctly from the AMI tag, but fallback to trfDefaultFiles if the value is bad * python/trfDefaultFiles.py - Use more sensible variable names in getInputFileName function * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-44 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-44) * python/trfAMI.py - Set the input filename correctly from the AMI tag, but fallback to trfDefaultFiles if the value is bad * python/trfDefaultFiles.py - Use more sensible variable names in getInputFileName function * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-44 2015-02-24 Graeme Stewart <graeme.andrew.stewart@cern.ch> * python/transform.py - If CLI file parameters are passed then do not take files from the AMI tag itself (prevents double input file defintions of different types) * python/trfGraph.py - Print input and output data types at INFO level * test/PyJobTransforms_TestConfiguration.xml - Add trfSubstepIntegration test to RTT * test/test_trfAMI.py - Fix q120 test as redefined by PROC * test/test_trfSubstepIntegration.py - Test that Reco_tf and FullChain_tf can import substeps correctly * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-43 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Sabine Elles authored
2015-02-17 Sabine Elles * Add shifted IBL code - cache * Tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-47 2015-02-13 Sabine Elles * Add shifted IBL code * Tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-46 2015-01-28 Nick Styles * Fix incorrect identifiers for IBL 3D sensors * Tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-45 2015-01-26 Sabine Elle <elles@lapp.in2p3.fr> * Add ITk ring layout geometry * Tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-44 2015-01-07 Sabine Elles <elles@lapp.in2p3.fr> * Add FATRAS tracking geometry option (ATLAS-PX-ITK geo tag) * Tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-43
Sabine Elles authored
- Feb 27, 2015
Christian Ohm authored
* Put in proper fix for b-tagging conditions issue, now setting proper global tag instead of overriding the db folder via preExec * tag as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-73 2015-02-21 Christian Ohm <christian.ohm@cern.ch> * Several fixes, e.g. disable DRAW outputs which are broken, etc
Christian Ohm authored
Further updates of RTT tests, mostly updates of global conditions tags to the right ones for Run-I data and MC (RecJobTransformTests-00-02-04) * Updated global conditions tag for several tests * Removed outdated output files for several jobs 2015-02-21 Christian Ohm * Removed outdated outputs (DESDs, etc) from many tests * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-03 2015-02-21 Tony Limosani * Further fix for memleak check 2015-02-20 Christian Ohm * Further fixes for trf => tf migration for q-tag tests * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-02 2015-02-20 Christian Ohm * Fixes for many of the tests, Reco_trf.py => Reco_tf.py, adding preExec lines for b-tagging folder overrides, turning trigger off etc * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-01
Joerg Stelzer authored
* Fix reading from cool for neighbouring runs * TrigConfStorage-03-00-88 2015-02-19 Werner Wiedenmann <Werner.Wiedenmann@cern.ch> * TrigConfStorage-03-00-87 * src/ReplicaSorter.cxx: remove printout statements (JIRA ATR-10212) * src/ReplicaSorter.cxx: use gethostname (JIRA ATR-10222) 2015-02-19 Joerg Stelzer * Update of COOL fix * TrigConfStorage-03-00-86 2015-02-17 Ignacio Aracena * src/L1TopoMenuLoader.cxx * Change from int to long : TMT_VERSION, TP_VALUE * ATR-10114 * TrigConfStorage-03-00-85 2015-02-12 Elisabetta Pianori ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Antonio Limosani authored
* Small bug fix * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-00 * Small bug fix
Graeme Stewart authored
- Update substep arguments to allow direct setting from a single value of the correct type (which is what often comes from AMI value decoding) * python/trfArgs.py - Better help string for --steering * test/PyJobTransforms_TestConfiguration.xml - Remove all non-functioning Reco tests (these should be fixed and made to work in RecJobTransformTests where reco shifter will look) * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-42 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-42) * python/trfArgClasses.py - Update substep arguments to allow direct setting from a single value of the correct type (which is what often comes from AMI value decoding) * python/trfArgs.py - Better help string for --steering * test/PyJobTransforms_TestConfiguration.xml - Remove all non-functioning Reco tests (these should be fixed and made to work in RecJobTransformTests where reco shifter will look) * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-42 2015-02-19 Graeme Stewart <graeme.andrew.stewart@cern.ch> * python/trfArgClasses.py - Add new steering aliases: "afterburn" and "no" - Fix "doRDO_TRIG" steering to prevent routing via RDOtoBS step * test/test_trfAMI.py - Patches for updated q220 tag * test/test_trfArgClasses.py - Patches for updated doRDO_TRIG steering * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-41
Walter Lampl authored
* HV corr: Consistently return 0 if HV=0 * tag LArRecUtils-00-14-27
Walter Lampl authored
2015-02-20 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch> * LArCellRec:Protect against hvcorr=0.0 * tag LArCellRec-02-12-93 2015-02-04 Charles Leggett * make Hive compatible (no DataPools for now) with #ifdef ATHENAHIVE * tag LArCellRec-02-12-92 M src/LArCellBuilderFromLArRawChannelTool.cxx 2015-01-30 Hong Ma<hma@bnl.gov>
Siarhei Harkusha authored
* TileCellMonTool: try to avoid crash in global monitoring * Tagged TileMonitoring-00-07-34 2015-02-16 Siarhei Harkusha <Siarhei.Harkusha@cern.ch> * TileCellMonTool: updated to split histogram with occupancy over threshold into two histograms for high and low gains separated; * Tagged TileMonitoring-00-07-33 2015-02-11 Siarhei Harkusha <Siarhei.Harkusha@cern.ch> * Fix coverity warnings * Tagged TileMonitoring-00-07-32
Toshi Sumida authored
2015-02-18 Toshi Sumida <Toshi.Sumida@cern.ch> * fix to bring back TrigT1CoinDataCollectionPrior/NextBC containers * tagging MuonRecExample-02-05-86 2015-02-09 Jochen Meyer * Fix for muon calib config when trigger is off (obo Dongliang Zhang, ATLASRECTS-1587) * tagging MuonRecExample-02-05-85 2015-02-06 Jochen Meyer * fix in MuonAlignConfig.py for use of I-Lines in HLT run 1 configuration * tagging MuonRecExample-02-05-84
- Feb 21, 2015
Joerg Stelzer authored
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
try hacking the IGprof and Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils ... again as RTT doesnt pick up the checked out package this time by pre-pending the newly checked out package to /Applications/root/root_v5.34.21/lib:/Applications/root/root_v5.34.21/lib:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:/usr/local/bin/, add leakcheck tests, fix RDOtoESDAOD_MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup (TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-89) * add trigEDM and trigTDT checks for what again? cosmics? * Figure out config / tags for BackComp tests .... - check the Reco_TF RTTs 2015-02-19 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * try hacking the IGprof and Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils ... again as RTT doesnt pick up the checked out package this time by pre-pending the newly checked out package to $PYTHONPATH * add leakcheck tests * fix RDOtoESDAOD_MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-89 2015-02-16 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix BS to ESD ATN test setup * fix RTT RDOtoESDAOD_MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup * hack the Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils * hack the IGprof setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils * re-activate all HLT_monitoring tools in testAthenaTrigESD_HLTMonitoring.py * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-87 & TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-88 2015-02-12 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix AthenaTrigRDOtoESDAOD_Physics setup typo * adjust the RTT EDM and TDT chains from sequential purly to seq(AOD prod) -> TDT&EDM(parallel) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
try hacking the Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils ... again as RTT doesnt pick up the checked out package this time by pre-pending the newly checked out package to /Applications/root/root_v5.34.21/lib:/Applications/root/root_v5.34.21/lib:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:/usr/local/bin/, reduce number of MC_pp_v5_tight_mc_prescale events from 1000 to 750 (TriggerTest-00-06-95) 2015-02-19 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * try hacking the Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils ... again as RTT doesnt pick up the checked out package this time by pre-pending the newly checked out package to $PYTHONPATH * reduce number of MC_pp_v5_tight_mc_prescale events from 1000 to 750 * TriggerTest-00-06-95 2015-02-16 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * hack the Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils * fix RTT MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup * TriggerTest-00-06-93 & TriggerTest-00-06-94 2015-02-12 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix duplicate in requirements file to omit nicos warning * TriggerTest-00-06-92 2015-02-11 Francesca Pastore * updated (and cleaned) AthenaTrigRDO_L2EFMerging, becoming AthenaTrigBS_L2EFMerging * TriggerTest-00-06-91 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Kluit authored
* fix crash in case no caloTSOS found * fix memory leak ATLASRECTS-1649 * fix crash ATLASRECTS-1662 * Tagged as TrkMaterialProvider-00-00-27 2015-02-19 Peter Kluit * added perigee surface for back extrapolation fix JIRA 1646 * extrapolateM gives same Eloss as the CaloExtension object (calculateMuonEnergies) * strategy change: add Eloss in ID to Calo Eloss for SA muons * added removeMS function to remove TSOSs in Muon System * Tagged as TrkMaterialProvider-00-00-26 2015-02-19 Peter Kluit * Add InfoExtrapolation to diagnost better JIRA 1646 * Tagged as TrkMaterialProvider-00-00-25 2015-02-07 Peter Kluit * TrkMaterialProviderTool fixes SA tail JIRA 1600 * The back extrapolation failed to find the SA material * changed the logic to deal with possible multiple boundary surfaces ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Iain Bertram authored
Added mc15 configurations for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015 without pile up. ATLASSIM-1695. Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-38. (DigitizationTests-01-01-38)
Joao Victor Da Fonseca Pinto authored
Stefania Spagnolo authored
Fix bug in conf. of cluster size values introduced in the previous tag; allow for geometry versions with old MS layout and ITK (RPC_Digitization-01-05-09)
Joerg Stelzer authored
* Fix random prescale generators * TrigT1CTP-03-00-59 2015-02-11 Catrin Bernius * CTPSimulation: Added if statement for ALFA items (ATR-9924) * TrigT1CTP-03-00-58 2015-01-29 Joerg Stelzer * CTPSimulation: protect against nullptr access in DEBUG output * TrigT1CTP-03-00-57
Antonio Limosani authored
* Made test names unique * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-00-99 2015-02-17 Antonio Limosani * Made test names unique * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-00-98 2015-02-16 Antonio Limosani * Add new tests * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-00-97 2015-02-16 Antonio Limosani * Remove pipe to output file * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-00-96
Yuriy Ilchenko authored
Sebastien Prince authored
Ignacio Aracena authored
Fix small issue for RDO_TRIG * share/skeleton.RAWtoESD_tf.py - use cfgKeyStore['inputFile'].removeItem instead of clear * Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-35 * Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-34
Elisabeth Schopf authored
James William Walder authored
HLTBphysMonitoring-00-00-50-01 (TrigBphysMonitoring-00-00-50-01) * TrigBphysMonitoring-00-00-50-01 2015-01-19 James Walder <jwalder@cern.ch>
Mark Sutton authored
* tagged as TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-04 * changes for Tier0 monitoring 2015-02-16 Benjamin Sowden <benjamin.sowden@cern.ch> * tagged as TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-03 * Add python fragment to run PhysValMonitoring code 2015-02-15 Mark Sutton <sutt@cern.ch> * tagged as TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-02 * changes for Tier0 monitoring 2015-02-15 Mark Sutton <sutt@cern.ch> * tagged as TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-01 * changes for Tier0 monitoring 2015-02-10 Mark Sutton <sutt@cern.ch> * tagged as TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-00 * remove obsolete dump tool, new montiring class
Andrzej Olszewski authored
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-06 * changes for Tier0 monitoring 2015-02-13 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-05 * changes for printout 2015-02-11 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-04 * demote printout 2015-02-09 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-04 * write chain name histogram 2015-02-09 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-03 * fix printout, add chain name histogram 2015-02-09 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Troels Petersen authored
* Change level of pHT warnings to DEBUG for suspecious (but OK) values. * Tag as TRT_ElectronPidTools-01-00-13
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisUtils-00-01-56 * add missing root header 2015-02-06 Benjamin Sowden < benjamin.sowden@cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisUtils-00-01-55 * modified T_AnalysisConfig_Tier0 to conform with changes to T_AnalysisConfig_Tier0.h
Niels Van Eldik authored
* identifier fix in CscSimDataCollectionCnv_p1.cxx * tagging MuonEventTPCnv-01-07-06
John Derek Chapman authored
add preInclude.PileUpBunchTrainsMC15_2015_50ns_Config1.py, preInclude.PileUpBunchTrainsMC15_2015_25ns_Config1.py - new bunch structure pattern preInclude files for MC15a digitization. ATLASSIM-1788. Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-02 (SimulationJobOptions-00-06-02)
Michael Christian Rammensee authored
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Peter Sherwood authored
* TrigJetHypo-03-00-13 * python/TrigEFRazorAllTEMonitoring.py (TrigEFRazorAllTEOnlineMonitoring.__init__): add LArry Lee's fixes to histogram declarations
Florian Urs Bernlochner authored
- Feb 18, 2015
Nicholas Styles authored
* UseTrkUtils false for GloablChi2Fitter * (temporary fix to recover electron efficiecy) * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-25-02 2015-02-11 Nick Styles * Re-introduce auto-detection of Pixel Cabling Map * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-25-01