- Apr 07, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Li Yuan authored
unit of L2muonSA MDT hit radius convert from mm to cm in MuFastMon.cxx (TrigMuonMonitoring-00-02-08)
Xiaohu Sun authored
* replace mc_heavy_ion and data_heavy_ion with the contents of * HIReco tests (also updated) from Andrzej * they are still in generic names waiting for specific RunII config * fix typo, mc10 uses OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-25 * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-11 2015-04-01 Xiaohu SUN * add <keepFilePattern>*.data</keepFilePattern> * to store the output file of mc12_rdotobs * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-10
Scott Snyder authored
Tetiana Hrynova authored
* change bjets to new tracking (ATR-10733, ATR-9768) * TriggerMenu-00-09-19 2015-04-02 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * topo_start_from implemented in generateBjetChainDefs.py (ATR-10330) * TriggerMenu-00-09-18 * Muon-jet chains updated in the MC_pp_v5 menu (ATR-9668) * TriggerMenu-00-09-17 2015-04-01 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * Added the remaining muon-jet items (ATR-9668) * Needs TrigBjetHypo-02-00-31 * TriggerMenu-00-09-16 2015-04-01 Elisabetta Pianori * Duplicate beamspot seeding from TRT_FILLED/EMPTY (ATR-10669) * Disable hecps chain (ATR-10559) * Update configuration of Lar rerun chains (ATR-10122) * TriggerMenu-00-09-15 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
Steffen Henkelmann authored
Steffen Henkelmann authored
Lidija Zivkovic authored
* Adding muon loop to TrigLeptonJetMatchAllTE * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-32 2015-03-30 Katharine Leney <Katharine.Leney@cern.ch> * Add 40 GeV threshold * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-31 2015-04-01 Carlo Schiavi <Carlo.Schiavi@cern.ch> * Updated tuning fon online taggers * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-30 2015-03-30 Katharine Leney <Katharine.Leney@cern.ch> * Code tidy-up (ATR-10520) * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-29
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-71 * More tau chain updates 2015-04-01 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-70 * Add tau biased and unbiased chains to dat file
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Tau two-step chain monitoring * tagged as TrigInDetValidation-00-06-09 2015-03-30 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0058.cern.ch> * fix Jpsiee and larged0 tests * tag as TrigInDetValidation-00-06-08
Bruno Lenzi authored
* Calling TTree::SetCacheSize(0) to the internal tree * tagging egammaMVACalib-01-00-43 2015-04-02 Bruno Lenzi * Calling TTree::SetCacheSize(0) to avoid 3 GB vmem allocation (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATR-10727) * Setting offline/v3 as default in run_egammaMVACalib.py * tagging egammaMVACalib-01-00-42
Teng Jian Khoo authored
2015-04-02 TJ Khoo <khoo@cern.ch> * Fix vertex Track MET * Have separate EM- and LC-scale SoftClusCore terms * Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-09 * Avoid empty PFlow core term, and fix naming convention * Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-10 * Typo * Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-11 2015-03-27 TJ Khoo <khoo@cern.ch> * Correct track selection in TrackFilterTool * Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-08 2015-03-19 Matt Klein <matthew.henry.klein@cern.ch> * Track selection in JetAssocTool, METTrackFilterTool * Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-05 2015-03-18 Matt Klein <matthew.henry.klein@cern.ch> * Removed unnecessary track caching ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Nicholas Styles authored
Pawel Jurgielewicz authored
Joseph Reichert authored
* ERROR -> WARNING when failing to retrieve vertex container * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-29 2015-04-01 Ludovica Aperio Bella <ludovica@cern.ch> * New LH conf file included * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-28 2015-04-01 Kurt Brendlinger <kurt.brendlinger@cern.ch> * bug fix in LH menus with d0, dphi, deta applied as cuts * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-27
David Adams authored
Change threshold for allowable negative mass jets. Add ref file for previous tag. ATLJETMET-274, ATLJETMET-305 (JetRec-03-00-35) * JetRec-03-00-35 * ATLJETMET-274, ATLJETMET-305 * Root/JetFromPseudojet.cxx: Change threshold for acceptable negative mass jets from p/E-1 > -1e-15 to -1e-6. * share/test_RunJetRec.log.clean.ref: Update for JVF change in previous tag. 2015-04-01 David Adams * JetRec-03-00-34 * ATLJETMET-305 * python/JetRecStandardTools.py: Rename tool jvf to jvfold and change its moment base name fro JVF to JVFold. Rename tool jvfloose to jvf and change its base name from JVfLoos to JVF. * python/JetRecStandardToolManager.py: Drop use of tool jvfloose. * rdotoesd/*.ref: Update for JVF changes. * share/test_RunJetRec.py: Update to test new JVF only. * share/test_RunJetRec.log.clean.ref: Update for new JVF. * share/pflowjets.log.clean.ref: Update for new JVF. 2015-04-01 David Adams ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* L2 cut optimization * New conf files * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-16
Joerg Stelzer authored
* TrigConf2Cool for MC: fix HLTPrescaleKey writing * TrigConfStorage-03-01-01 2015-03-31 Joerg Stelzer * MenuLoader: added loading of item monitoring data from XML and database * TrigConfStorage-03-01-00 2015-03-31 Francesca Pastore * JobOptionTableLoader: loading Menu components from TriggerDB is disabled (avoid crash in ATR-10453) * TrigConfStorage-03-00-99
Joerg Stelzer authored
* provide access to LVL1 prescale key * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-44 2015-03-22 Joerg Stelzer * HLTJobOptionsSvc: outputLevel taken from database * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-43
John Derek Chapman authored
share/pileup/preInclude.PileUpBunchTrainsMC15_2015_50ns_Config1.py, share/pileup/preInclude.PileUpBunchTrains2012ConfigRun208982_DigitConfig.py, share/pileup/preInclude.PileUpBunchTrains2012ConfigRun200987_DigitConfig.py - jobproperties.Beam.BunchSpacing was set incorrectly to 25 rather than 50. Now fixed. ATLASSIM-1915. Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09 (SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09) * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09 * share/pileup/preInclude.PileUpBunchTrainsMC15_2015_50ns_Config1.py, share/pileup/preInclude.PileUpBunchTrains2012ConfigRun208982_DigitConfig.py, share/pileup/preInclude.PileUpBunchTrains2012ConfigRun200987_DigitConfig.py - jobproperties.Beam.BunchSpacing was set incorrectly to 25 rather than 50. Now fixed. ATLASSIM-1915
Gabriele Sabato authored
2015-04-01 Gabriele Sabato<gsabato@cern.ch> * Introduced pT as pT*charge * Tagging MuonTagTools-00-08-13 2015-03-30 Gabriele Sabato<gsabato@cern.ch>
Jiri Masik authored
* src/TrigRoiUpdater.cxx: do not update bjet roidescriptors anymore, ATR-10719, tagged as TrigGenericAlgs-00-00-41
Niels Van Eldik authored
Jochen Meyer authored
Masahiro Tanaka authored
* Tagged as 00-01-90 * Slight inefficiency at barrel region of previous tag are removed
James Catmore authored
Mark Stockton authored
Elisabetta Pianori authored
* Activate MC_HI menu (ATR-10470) * TriggerMenuXML-04-00-60 2015-03-28 Viviana Cavaliere * Added L1Menu and HLT used for beamsplashes test with new release (ATR-10608) * TriggerMenuXML-04-00-59 2015-03-23 Yu Nakahama * Updated LVL1config_Physics_pp_v5.xml for M9 beam splash: added TAU20A/C (ATR-10608) * TriggerMenuXML-04-00-58
Joerg Stelzer authored
Giuseppe Lerner authored
* Changed name from testAthenaTrigRDOtoAOD.py to testAthenaTrigEgammaZeeRDOtoAOD.py * TrigEgammaValidation-00-08-06
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Daniele Zanzi authored
Peter Kluit authored
Francisco Alonso authored
- Mar 31, 2015
Christian Ohm authored
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
Joerg Stelzer authored
Gabriele Sabato authored
Bruno Lenzi authored
Changing default folder to egammaMVACalib/offline/v3; egammaMVACalib: removing default c-tor to avoid coverity issue 29430 (egammaMVACalib-01-00-41) * Changing default folder to egammaMVACalib/offline/v3 * egammaMVACalib: removing default c-tor to avoid coverity issue 29430 * tagging egammaMVACalib-01-00-41