- Feb 24, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Stefania Xella authored
* CPS for bphysics (not complete) + reverting changes of TM-00-16-19 * TriggerMenu-00-16-21 2016-02-23 Javier Montejo Berlingen <jmontejo@cern.ch> * Tighter cuts for mu1..mu6..nscan..bTau chains: ATR-13303 * TriggerMenu-00-16-20 2016-02-24 Mario Campanelli * added MET + b-jet triggers ATR-12947 * TriggerMenu-00-16-19 2016-02-24 Mario Campanelli * new jet and jet + MET triggers for primary menu ATR-13369 * TriggerMenu-00-16-18 2016-02-23 Javier Montejo Berlingen <jmontejo@cern.ch> * Moved e+jetes triggers to combined slice: ATR-13145 * TriggerMenu-00-16-17 2016-02-23 Emma Torro ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Frank Winklmeier authored
* CMakeLists.txt: More fixes for CMake build (ATR-13354) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-61 2016-02-22 Emma Torro * adding 'Physics_pp_v6_tight_physics_prescale' to requirements * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-60 2016-02-18 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * scripts/XMLDumperFromAthena.sh: fixes for CMake build (CMT-compatible) (ATR-13354) * CMakeLists.txt: Enable HLT menu builds * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-59 2016-02-19 Nils Ruthmann * hotfix for pp_v6 l1/l1topo menu (ATR-13433) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-57 2016-02-16 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * CMakeLists.txt: Initial version of cmake build file. HLT menus are still disabled (ATR-13354) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-56
Masaki Ishitsuka authored
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
Fix problem in previous tag (disable offset correction if doCaloOffsetCorrection==False) (TrigT2CaloCommon-00-01-87) * Fix problem in previous tag (disable offset correction if doCaloOffsetCorrection==False) * tagged TrigT2CaloCommon-00-01-87 * Replace share/TrigDataAccessConfigured.py with python/TrigT2CaloCommonConfig.py * Use TriggerFlags.doCaloOffsetCorrection to stear offset correction (ATR-13323) * Requires TriggerJobOpts-00-05-15 * tagged TrigT2CaloCommon-00-01-86
Frank Winklmeier authored
Remove noPileupNoise setting for HI menu as this is now done in TriggerMenu (ATR-13323) (TriggerRelease-00-12-02) * share/runHLT_standalone.py: Remove noPileupNoise setting for HI menu as this is now done in TriggerMenu (ATR-13323) * requires TriggerMenu-00-16-04 * TriggerRelease-00-12-02 2016-02-16 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * python/Modifiers.py (noPileupNoise): Disable Calo BCID correction (ATR-13323) * tagged as TriggerRelease-00-12-01
Frank Winklmeier authored
Fabrizio Salvatore authored
python/TriggerEDM.py: Added muon RoI cluster triggers (HLT_j30_muvtx.*) in xAODs (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATR-13208 (TrigEDMConfig-00-02-70)
Heather Russell authored
create RoI cluster TrigComposite object and properly attach jets and tracks to outputTE (TrigL2LongLivedParticles-00-00-53) * Adding TrigCompositeContainer for RoI cluster output * Fixing outputTE so HLT jets and ALL track containers are attached * tagging as TrigL2LongLivedParticles-00-00-53
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
Joseph Stanford Ennis authored
Jiri Masik authored
- Feb 18, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Carlos Chavez Barajas authored
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
only call prepareWorker on the InfoSvc after the HLT has finished preparing (ATR-13341) (HLTTestApps-20-17-02)
Javier Montejo Berlingen authored
Nils Ruthmann authored
Charles Leggett authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Ye Chen authored
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Emma Torro Pastor authored
moving LoF cells counting from TrigJetSplitter.cxx to TrigBHremoval.cxx (ATR-12948) (TrigL2LongLivedParticles-00-00-52)
Elisabetta Pianori authored
Kenji Hamano authored
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
update property for magnet field reading in the event loop manager (ADHI-3498, requires TrigServices-20-10-00) (TriggerRelease-00-12-00)
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
Read magnet info from ptree instead of IS (ADHI-3498, requires TriggerRelease-00-12-00 and tdaq6) (TrigServices-20-10-00)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored