Simulation/Digitization ------------------------ This package is a collection of scripts to run Digitization. It serves both DC2 and Rome production. The main jobOptions is and a configuration script is provided in Use of the Package: ------------------- get_files PDGTABLE.MeV get_files Edit the file to set your options, and run it with: athena Digitization/ Scripts to run Digitization: ------------------------- Scripts to run simulation (transformations) are provided in the script directory for the Rome "configration". rome.g4digit.trf and rome.g4digit.MuonDigit.trf serve this purpose. The latter one provides a work around to avoid the creation of RDOs in the muon and save MuonDigits into the pool files. This is because RDO creation for the Muons does not work yet in 9.0.x. LSF wrappers are also in the script directory Note for Digitization of events with Muon layout Q: -------------------------------------------------- This applies to Rome-Initial layout in release 9. Use the script rome.g4digit.MuonDigit.trf when digitizing events with muon layout Q with all avaiable releases. Or add the following to DetDescrVersion = 'Rome-Initial' #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Write Muon digits instead of RDOs #-------------------------------------------------------------- writeMuonDigit = True from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags DetFlags.writeRDOPool.Muon_setOff() Note for release 9.0.2 ---------------------- Some packages need to be checked out: (they will go in 9.0.3) cmt co Simulation/Digitization The lines where the files is created need to be uncommented Note for release 9.0.3 ---------------------- A file is created and needs to be called right after the jobOptions. This sets the db table to InitLayout-A as required to have the latest LAr conditions
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John Derek Chapman