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Commit 5d288d79 authored by Vakhtang Tsulaia's avatar Vakhtang Tsulaia
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Merge branch 'HLTMenuConfig-VRTrackJetReco-flowchart' into 'master'

Added flowchart for VR track jet reconstruction in and switched from TrackVertexAssociationTool to JetTrackVtxAssoAlg for track to vertex association while reconstructing PV0Tracks

See merge request atlas/athena!53380
parents 4388f9c0 78953114
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......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def getJetTrackVtxAlg( trkOpt, algname="jetTVA", **ttva_overide):
def getPV0TrackVertexAssocTool(trkOpt="", theSequence=None):
def getPV0TrackVertexAssoAlg(trkOpt="", theSequence=None):
if trkOpt: "_{}".format(trkOpt)
from TrackVertexAssociationTool.getTTVAToolForReco import getTTVAToolForReco
from JetRecConfig.StandardJetContext import jetContextDic
......@@ -106,15 +106,16 @@ def getPV0TrackVertexAssocTool(trkOpt="", theSequence=None):
trkProperties = jetContextDic[trkOpt]
tvatool = getTTVAToolForReco("trackjettvassoc",
WorkingPoint = "Nonprompt_All_MaxWeight",
TrackContName = trkProperties["JetTracksQualityCuts"],
TrackContName = trkProperties["JetTracks"],
VertexContName = trkProperties["Vertices"],
returnCompFactory = True,
add2Seq = theSequence,
addDecoAlg = isAthenaRelease(),
addDecoAlg = False, #setting this to True causes error in reconstruction because of there not being aux store associated with one of the decorations
#It has also been set to false in buildPV0TrackSel function in JetRecConfig/python/
jettvassoc = CompFactory.TrackVertexAssociationTool("trackjetTTVAtool",
TrackParticleContainer = trkProperties["JetTracksQualityCuts"],
jettvassoc = CompFactory.JetTrackVtxAssoAlg("trackjetTVAAlg",
TrackParticleContainer = trkProperties["JetTracks"],
TrackVertexAssociation = "PV0"+trkProperties["TVA"],
VertexContainer = trkProperties["Vertices"],
TrackVertexAssoTool = tvatool
......@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ def getPV0TrackSelAlg(tvaTool, trkOpt="default"):
from JetRecConfig.StandardJetContext import jetContextDic
trkProperties = jetContextDic[trkOpt]
pv0trackselalg = CompFactory.PV0TrackSelectionAlg("pv0tracksel_trackjet",
InputTrackContainer = trkProperties["JetTracksQualityCuts"],
InputTrackContainer = trkProperties["JetTracks"],
VertexContainer = trkProperties["Vertices"],
OutputTrackContainer = "PV0"+trkProperties["JetTracks"],
TVATool = tvaTool,
......@@ -211,13 +211,9 @@ def jetTTVA( signature, jetseq, trkopt, config, verticesname=None, adaptiveVerte
from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
if ConfigFlags.Trigger.Jet.doVRJets:
jettrackselalg = jrtcfg.getTrackSelAlg( trkopt, trackSelOpt=True )
jetseq += conf2toConfigurable( jettrackselalg )
pv0_jettvassoc, pv0_ttvatool = jrtcfg.getPV0TrackVertexAssocTool(trkopt, jetseq)
pv0jettrkprepalg = CompFactory.JetAlgorithm("pv0jetalg_TrackPrep"+trkopt,
Tools = [ pv0_jettvassoc ])
pv0_jettvassoc, pv0_ttvatool = jrtcfg.getPV0TrackVertexAssoAlg(trkopt, jetseq)
pv0trackselalg = jrtcfg.getPV0TrackSelAlg(pv0_ttvatool, trkopt)
jetseq += conf2toConfigurable( pv0jettrkprepalg )
jetseq += conf2toConfigurable( pv0_jettvassoc )
jetseq += conf2toConfigurable( pv0trackselalg )
# make sure we output only the key,value related to tracks (otherwise, alg duplication issues)
......@@ -68,6 +68,71 @@ This scheduling is basically handled by menu construction. As a rule of thumb, w
<summary> Flowchart for VR track jet reconstruction</summary>
Variable Radius (VR) track jets are useful in b-tagging of large-R jets. A large-R jet can be b-tagged by performing b-tagging on the VR track jets associated with it. The association method that is commonly used is ghost association.
The flowchart that follows details the steps in VR track jet reconstruction. The logic behind the steps is as follows: In order to reconstruct a jet, we need a `JetDefinition`. The JetDefinition requires an input constituent, which in this case would be the primary vertex tracks. So we need to perform track selection to get the required tracks. Using these tracks we create a VR track jet JetDefinition, which is then used to create VR track jet reconstruction sequence.
flowchart TD;
PV0TrkInputCont[/Pre reqs: JetSelectedTracks_ftf, HLT_IDVertex_FS/]
TVA["Use TrackVertexAssociationTool (TVA) <br> on these tracks and vertices"]
PV0TrkSelAlg[Use PV0TrackSelectionAlg <br> on same tracks and vertices with the TVA]
TVA-- getPV0TrackSelAlg-->PV0TrkSelAlg
TrkRecoSeq[Set up reco sequence <br> for standard tracks]
TrkTool_And_Alg[Get TVA Tool & <br> PV0TrackSelectionAlg]
TrkTool_And_Alg --Add the tool and alg to reco seq-->PV0TrkOutCont
PV0TrkOutCont[/Output Container: PV0JetSelectedTracks_ftf/]
subgraph defineVRTrackJets
InputConstit[/"JetInputConstit: PV0Track <br> (xAOD type TrackParticle)"/]
PV0TrkOutCont--Source Container -->InputConstit
Parameters[/Rmax, Rmin, VR mass scale, min pt, etc./]
JetDef[Create JetDefinition for VR track jets]
Parameters --> JetDef
subgraph VRJetRecoSequence
VRJetRecoSeqEmpty[Empty reco sequence]
VRJetDef[JetDefinition for VR track jets]
SolveDependencies[Resolve dependencies of JetDefinition <br> using `solveDependencies`]
ConstitPJAlg[Get constituent PseudoJet alg <br> & add it to reco sequence]
UpdateAttrib[Update name of pseudo jet container <br> in JetDefinition <br> that will be used in jet finding]
VRTrkJetRecoSeq[Get VR track jet reco alg <br> & add it to the reco sequence]
ReturnObj[Return reco seq, jet def]
JetRecAlg["Call getJetRecAlg <br> which sets up jet building with fastjet <br> (internally calls JetClusterer)"]
UpdateAttrib-.Updated JetDef.->JetRecAlg
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