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release/ · ·
AthDerivation-, to be used for the start of the 2018 open ended production.
release/ · ·
AthDerivation- - to be used for the start of the 2018 open ended production - see
release/21.0.69065aef22 · ·
This is the latest Tier0 release to be used in prompt reconstruction. It's FT0-violating. It includes the FT0V MRs: [MR !9933] Implemented bug fix for duplicate AEOTs (ATLASRECTS-4361), [MR !10291] Switch InDetForwardTrackParticle thinning to be active by default, and [MR !10084] 21.0 egamma iso. Also, the bugfix [MR !10598] Bugfix for L1CALO2 Derivation.
release/ · ·
AthDerivation-, for bulk tests before open ended production, and (almost) all other production as well. HIGG3D1 and HION formats are broken.
release/21.0.68204a50d4 · ·
This is the latest Tier0 release to be used in prompt reconstruction. It's FT0-violating. It includes the 'big trigger MR' !10012 (21.1.26 candidate (plus MBTS) ➜ 21.0) and other Change-trigger-counts MR (!10117).
release/ · ·
AthDerivation-, mainly for production of certain TAU formats. Can be used for other productions if the outputs are known to be good.
release/ · ·
AthDerivation-, primarily for TRUTH1 requested by HSG2, and EXOT2. Can be used for other requests provided that the output has been tested and shown to be reasonable.
release/21.0.66e4541bd1 · ·
This is the latest Tier0 release to be used in prompt reconstruction. It's FT0-preserving. It includes the MR !9817 " LAr MC overlay fix for HEC ", needed to run urgent Physics Validation.
release/21.0.655361b838 · ·
This is the latest Tier0 release to be used in prompt reconstruction. It is FT-0 violating: "Revert !7347 IBL" [MR !9692], "New tile cabling for 2018 has been introduced" [MR !9365] (affecting q431 ESD only), "Switch off AFP track reconstruction" [MR !6604] (in HIPReco, AFP tracks reconstruction is switched off and only hits from AFP are saved).