[Bugfix] Links missing from Mattermost notification
Notification loses its links when sent through Mattermost.
Most likely related to how the message is stripped of HTML and converted to Markdown.
In /processors/mattermost/processor.py
def process(self, **kwargs):
"""Process the message and send a mattermost notification."""
logging.debug("%s - status:running - kwargs:%r", self, kwargs)
device_token = kwargs["device_token"]
email = kwargs["email"]
device_id = kwargs["device_id"]
subject = f'[{kwargs["channel_name"]}] - {kwargs["summary"]}'
content_without_styles = Cleaner(style=True).clean_html(kwargs["message_body"])
message_body = MarkdownConverter().convert_soup(BeautifulSoup(content_without_styles, "lxml"))