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- Nov 13, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements: Add boost filesystem linkage to MuCTPiGeom tester application * TrigConfMuctpi-00-00-17 2015-06-11 Joerg Stelzer <> * Add file with checksum * TrigConfMuctpi-00-00-16 2015-05-17 Joerg Stelzer <> * Fix TopoLayout script and pdf * TrigConfMuctpi-00-00-15 2015-04-20 Joerg Stelzer <> * Updated data/TestMioctGeometry.xml * TrigConfMuctpi-00-00-14 2015-04-20 Joerg Stelzer <> * Added PT LUT to XML I/O and data class * Fixed geometry xml file generation * Added visualization script * Added doc directory with ROI and Topo drawings ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tagged TrigT1RPCsteering-00-01-59 * passing more BCs to MUCTPI
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* switching ZDC on * tagged as RecExPers-00-03-22-02 2015-09-25 John Baines <> * share/ Add FTK ESD items * share/ Add FTK AOD items * tagged as RecExPers-00-03-22-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Moved createVxCandidate to use const * Tag as TrkVxEdmCnv-00-01-09 2015-03-04 Shaun Roe * Fix coverity defect 13700 09/07/2014 (Medium) Dereference after null check :/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVxEdmCnv/src/VxCandidateXAODVertex.cxx in function "createXAODVertex" * Tag as TrkVxEdmCnv-00-01-08 2015-03-03 Nick Styles * StoreGate changes for re-running on ESD * Tagging as TrkVxEdmCnv-00-01-07
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tagged TrigT1RPChardware-00-02-33 * SectorLogic.cxx : fix ATR-11780 (UBSan runtime error: left shift of negative value) 2015-07-07 Massimo Corradi <> * tagged TrigT1RPChardware-00-02-32 * SectorLogic.cxx : store bc info in output to muctpi * tagged TrigT1RPChardware-00-02-31 * merge 00-02-29-01 into trunk 2015-06-06 Massimo Corradi <> * tagged TrigT1RPChardware-00-02-29-01 * remove pointer initialization with '\0' ( ATR-11437 compilation failure using clang3.6 ) 2015-06-04 Massimo Corradi <> * tagged TrigT1RPChardware-00-02-30 * SectorLogic.cxx, .h modified method outputToMuCTPI() ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-11-03 Andrzej Zemla <> * adding MBTSModules and ForwardEventInfo to requirements * tagging xAODForwardAthenaPool-00-01-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* python/ correct extraction of GUID for current file get TriggerDecision from xAOD::TrigDecision when available add EndEvtLoop incident handler to correctly save number of events for current file in EI when maxEvents limit is reached * scripts/ add JMSDeliveryMode to messages to make them PERSISTENT properly close message groups using JMSXGroupSeq=-1 allow sending specific GUIDs from EventIndex file compute number of unique events in terms of run-evt key per GUID modify EISTATS messages to include: number of unique events, producerID and seqID EI creation original timestamps GUID sending order and total number of GUIDs sent * Change default value for SendToBroker to False * Change default value for SendToBroker to False get TriggerDecision from xAOD::TrigDecision when available * Tag EventIndexProducer-00-02-11
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* extend the histogram range for pt of tau * extend a few Trk/Calo histograms range to supress overflow * tag tauMonitoring-00-03-08
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fixed chechreq warning (unused package).
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* TileEventFillerTool: fixed filling missing Et information; name of missing Et container changed from 19 release to 20; missing Et with names FinalClus and FinalTrk are saved instead of Final in release 19 * Tagging TileD3PDMaker-00-00-38 2015-04-06 scott snyder <> * Tagging TileD3PDMaker-00-00-37. * Fix coverity warning; other cleanups.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Extended TDC plot range from 1400 to 2000 2015-09-22 Heather Russell <> * Fixing BME hacks to work with eta 13 and 14 * Fixing OccupancyVsLB by ROC histograms * tagged as MdtRawDataMonitoring-01-05-01 2015-08-28 Heather Russell <> * Tagging as MdtRawDataMonitoring-01-05-00 * Adding histograms and functionality for noise burst monitoring * adding ADC on segm per multilayer distributions * fixing occ vs. lb in ROC binning
Michael Boehler authored
* added and checkUPD1 to requirements * PROCTools-00-00-93 2015-11-09 Michael Boehler <> * added; tool for running diff-root only on tests with changed diff-pool results * PROCTools-00-00-92 2015-10-28 Michael Boehler <> * added tool for checking UPD4-UPD1 related conditions updates
Magda Anna Chelstowska authored
* Updated M-week test with small fix * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-04 2015-11-09 Magda Chelstowska <> * Updated M-week tests with ignorePatterns * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-03 2015-10-28 Michael Boehler <> * Updated runtime for test ESDTAGCOMM_comparison_diffroot * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-02 2015-10-22 Michael Boehler <> * Updated runtime for test ESDTAGCOMM_comparison_diffroot * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-01 2015-10-19 Andrzej Olszewski <> * Updated Modified HI tests. Split tests with/without monitoring. * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-00 2015-10-14 Andrzej Olszewski <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Thorsten Wengler authored
* Adjust some histogram ranges for run-2 CTP setup * TrigT1CTMonitoring-00-01-58 2015-10-17 Joerg Stelzer * DeriveSimulationInput put the alternating clock pattern into the FrontPanel for the CTP to reflect the hardware internal wiring * TrigT1CTMonitoring-00-01-57 2015-09-20 Joerg Stelzer * include CTPSimulation histograms in the setup * TrigT1CTMonitoring-00-01-56 2015-09-17 Joerg Stelzer * Fix simulation input of ZDC, BCM, LUCID, TOPO, and ALFA triggers * TrigT1CTMonitoring-00-01-55 2015-08-09 Joerg Stelzer * Write correct simulation words to SG * Fix problem with SLOT ID of direct inputs ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Sanya Solodkov authored
* changes in src/TileJetMonTool.cxx, TileMonitoring/TileJetMonTool.h, share/ Keeping DQ time histograms, but disabling event & jet cleaning which require sw not available in 2015-10-08 Tomas Davidek <> * src/TileJetMonTool.cxx, TileMonitoring/TileJetMonTool.h: added jet & event cleaning, introduced DQ time histograms. Dependence on Reconstruction/Jet/JetMomentTools-00-03-20, Reconstruction/Jet/JetInterface-00-00-43,Reconstruction/Jet/JetUtils-02-00-31, PhysicsAnalysis/JetMissingEtID/JetSelectorTools-00-05-05 (needed for running, not needed to compile) * Tagging TileMonitoring-00-07-64
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Dominik Karol Derendarz authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
BilloirVertex and Track are now initised with zero.The properties of the BilloirVertex are corrected iteratively. Without initialisation the start values are random. (TrkVertexBilloirTools-01-01-02) * Fix jump depends on uninitialised value (ATLASRECTS-2609).
Bertrand Laforge authored
Ye Chen authored
* modify for HI run *fixed some trigger menu * tagged as TrigMuonMonitoring-00-02-21 2015-11-04 Yuji Yamazaki <>, Ye Chen<> * modify for HI run *change Z_T&P to Jpsi_T&P *modify the range of some histograms * tagged as TrigMuonMonitoring-00-02-20 2015-10-27 Yuji Yamazaki <>, Li Yuan <> * apply medium quality, passesIDCuts, Muid or STACO author requirements for offline muons * require isGoodCB for RecMuonSA * tagged as TrigMuonMonitoring-00-02-19
Fabrizio Salvatore authored
python/ added TriggerTowercontainer_ZDC objects, as per (TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-05) * python/ added TriggerTowercontainer_ZDC objects, as per * tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-05 2015-10-14 Fab Salvatore <> * python/ corrected typo * tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-04 2015-10-14 Fab Salvatore <> * python/ added HI specific Jet containers * tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-03 2015-07-08 Fab Salvatore <> * python/ * corrected typo: xAOD::JEMTobRoIContainer#JEMTobRoIsRoIB instead of xAOD::JEMTobRoIAuxContainer#JEMTobRoIsRoIB * tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-02 2015-07-08 Fab Salvatore <> * python/ * added HI dictionaries (Tomasz Bold) * as per ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Avishek Chatterjee authored
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
* Added chains for HI monitoring 2015-10-02 Giulio Cornelio Grossi <> * Fixed JIRA ATR-12400
Semen Turchikhin authored
* lists of chains and containers updated for HI menu * TrigBphysMonitoring-00-00-57
Peter Onyisi authored
* muon + SCT postprocessing updates * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-17 2015-10-20 Peter Onyisi * Added missing * Fix accidental display of over/underflow bins due to ROOT version upgrade * Tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-16 2015-10-01 Peter Onyisi * James Frost tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-14 * MDT monitoring folks removed MuonTrackPhys postprocessing, tweaked a few more things * yours truly tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-15 2015-09-26 Gabriele Chiodini * Printout in MonitoringFile_RPCPosProcess.cxx 2015-09-23 Gabriele Chiodini * Changed Printout in CoolRpc.cxx, Safer code and no cut on projected tracks in MonitoringFile_RPCPosProcess.cxx
Alejandro Alonso Diaz authored
* Fix TRT wrong parameters for cutlevel 3 in HI * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-64-10 2015-11-03 Alex Alonso * Add new cut for HI. minPt 300 MeV if InDetFlags.cutLevel == 3 * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-64-09 2015-10-30 Goetz Gaycken * for doVtxBeamSpot just set TRT off. 2015-10-28 Pierfrancesco Butti * Use of the proper key name for the PrimaryVertices. (Which will not change anything in the plotting) * Use of rec.doHeavyIons to use two different trigger chains for heavy Ions and collisions. * The naming of the histograms folders for the trigger aware monitoring that will be TriggerAwareMon". 2015-10-07 Kazuki Motohashi * Monitor DCS for pixel hits in run2 data. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Aaron Angerami authored
* add configuration for HIP mode for 2015 pp reference run * tag HIRecExample-01-00-07 2015-10-01 Andrzej Olszewski <> * removed DQMonFlags.doJetTagMon=False from * removed explicit cutLevel(2) (is set by ID) * tag HIRecExample-01-00-05 2015-09-24 Andrzej Olszewski <> * cleaned/removed processing of HijingEventPars * moved ESD flags settings from to * in trunk, not tagged yet
Aaron Angerami authored
* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-11. * Add extra flags for HIP mode 2015-10-27 Aaron Angerami <> * Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-10. * Add track jet seeds, additional configuration for HIP mode 2015-10-19 Aaron Angerami <> * Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-09. * Add cluster moments so jet-level moments are calculated properly. 2015-10-19 Aaron Angerami <> * Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-08. * Fix remodulation problem. * Add JES calibration. 2015-10-10 scott snyder <> * Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-07. * Fix coverity warnings. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Onyisi authored
* Activate HI monitoring if doHIMon=True * Add command to switch off all monitoring (can then be reenabled as desired) * tag AthenaMonitoring-02-01-25 2015-10-23 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT> * Includes Walter Lampl's fix for collision time monitoring * Doesn't count HVRAMPUP defects for LAr defect filtering obo B. Trocme * tag AthenaMonitoring-02-01-24 2015-08-18 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT> * Fix Coverity 30958 * set AtlasReady filter to run by default on express
Andrzej Zemla authored
Daiki Yamaguchi authored
* fixed the floating point exception 2015-10-29 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * add disabled or bad module histograms 2015-10-15 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * changed the overlapped names in Errors.cxx 2015-10-13 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * debuged the "uninitialized pointers" reported in cid 16972 2015-10-13 Kazuki Motohashi <> * applied a calibration of the NTCs on the IBL cooling pipe 2015-10-11 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * normalize the error (bit) at each LB histograms in Errors.cxx 2015-10-10 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * add the #tracks per mu per event at each LB in Track.cxx ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Helena Santos authored
* Add HIEfficiencyResponseHistos class and more histograms for HI monitoring * Tag: JetMonitoring-01-00-30 2015-10-21 <> * Configured to monitor heavy ion jets * Tag: JetMonitoring-01-00-28 2015-09-29 <cglasman@localhost> * Eta-phi maps (occupancy, pt, etc.) for jets failing cleaning. * TileGap3 monitoring. * LB monitoring. * Energy Layer - x range extended. * Jet Cleaning - Leading cluster moments x range extended. 2015-09-16 <delsart@localhost.localdomain> * share/ adapted. * no tag.
Julie Kirk authored
* TrigInDetValidation-00-06-92 * build/TrigInDetValidation_FTK_mu_tautau.xml: remake FTK muon changes which seemed to be overwritten somewhere 2015-10-28 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-91 * fix shift test stage 2015-10-27 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-90 * fix for cosmics 2015-10-27 Julie Hart Kirk <> * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-89 * share/ * share/ * allow FTK jobs in 20.7.X 2015-10-26 Nicola Abraham <> * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-88 * Added FTF chains to EF-plots for all tau jobs in build directory ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-48 * add modifications for HI running 2015-10-13 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-47 * fix tau shifter IDTrig chain config
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
* add ForwardEventInfo* classes 2015-10-26 Andrzej Zemla <> * add MBTSModules_v1, MBTSModulesContainer_v1 and MBTSModulesAuxContainer_v1 classess to store mbts info
Nicola Louise Abraham authored
Updated TIDAdata11-rtt.dat to include two missing chains used in the minBias jobs (TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-44) * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-44 * Updated TIDAdata11-rtt.dat to include two missing chains used in the minBias jobs 2015-10-27 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-43 * protect against empty histograms 2015-10-25 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-42 * don't try to plot empty cost monitoring plots 2015-10-23 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-41 * update histo config file 2015-10-23 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-40 * fix comparitor yrange ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)