HLTMPPU-00-01-0559caed94 · ·
Compatibility with new DCM and several improvements, new features - Implement multiple sessions per worker to work with new DCM - Review dfinterface exceptions - Review exceptions between HLTMPPU and athena - Remove tdaq::dynlibs in favor of boost::dll - Remove athenaHLT related files (moved back to athena) - Improve statListener - Review logging both in python and C++
HLTMPPU-00-01-04dee4f169 · ·
New dcm emulator, merge master into AthenaMT branch - dcm_emulator and DFDcmEmuBackend more provides a realistic Data source emulation compared to DFFileBackend - Changes in master related to athenaHLT and runHLTMPPy are now merged in AthenaMT work.