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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 08, 2018
  2. Dec 19, 2017
    • Tamara Vazquez Schroeder's avatar
      Merge branch 'feature-FourThreeLayerTracking-masahiko' into '21.0-mc16d' · fa8f9232
      Tamara Vazquez Schroeder authored
      Add three-layer tracking and four-layer tracking with using all available hits
      See merge request atlas/athena!7220
      (cherry picked from commit e9aab5d3 [formerly c67c313d4f34bc859a450a3bf34116b9a24ee19c])
      deeec8fb first commit. Added FourLayerTracking(almost same with PixelPrdAssociationTracks…
      35fa318c Added PixelStubletsMaker. This package creates 2-layer pixel stublets.
      09d3ba1f Modified CMakeLists.txt. Added jobOptions for PixelStubletsMaker
      b73a0c85 bug fix about the place of recording of output tracks
      964f6e6c Changed class name of PixelCluster. Modified the contents of class.
      6d00f9e9 remove PixelStubletsMaker
      3e299bab Merge tag 'release/21.0.50' into feature-FourThreeLayerTracking-masahiko
      c17356c9 Minor editing to comments
      0d0e8fb8 Add no extrapolation options to three-layer tracking
      681a672e Fix typo
      cfde8056 Fix mis-spelling of variable names
      7b038144 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/21.0-mc16d' into…
      a62d843b Fixed a bug when adding new feature
      Former-commit-id: a307c1ecbfec07b047e7a00212b2420573e65abf
  3. Dec 04, 2017
  4. Nov 03, 2017
  5. Aug 29, 2017
    • Tim Martin's avatar
      Introduces new InDet option doLowPtLargeD0 which is like · d93d0aec
      Tim Martin authored
      doLargeD0 except with looser pT (100 MeV) and number
      of hit (5) requirements.
      See ATLMCPROD-4720
       Changes to be committed:
      	modified:   InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/python/
      	modified:   InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/python/
      	modified:   InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/share/
      	modified:   InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/share/
      	modified:   InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/share/
      Former-commit-id: fc49e41e
  6. Feb 01, 2017
    • Alejandro Alonso Diaz's avatar
      Restore RefitPrds? flag in TrkAmbiguityProcessor? to True (InDetRecExample-03-01-05-05) · 12999e32
      Alejandro Alonso Diaz authored
      2016-01-25 Alex Alonso
      	* Fix for TrkAmbiguityProcessor after latest changes.
      	* Tagging as: InDetRecExample-03-01-05-05
      2016-01-23 Alex Alonso
      	* Add new config flags to use different various track fitter until one creates valid
      	covariance matrices. See ATLASRECTS-3555
              * Migrate the Rel 20.7 changes for low Pt to rel 21. Requires
      	* Tagging as: InDetRecExample-03-01-05-04
      2016-01-10 Goetz Gaycken
      	* Reverted removal of cut level 13, but now cut level 13
      	  will only activate calo seed TRT segment finding if the
      	  calorimeter is available.
      2016-12-16 Alex Alonso
      	* OBO Alex Kastanas. Fix the configuration for Global Monitoring
      	accordligy to new tag: InDetGlobalMonitoring-00-10-01
      	* Tagging as InDetRecExample-03-01-04
      	* Tagging as InDetRecExample-03-01-03
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
      Former-commit-id: bcf7817f96639bfc9eeabfa28aa9c0b86c507f3f
  7. Jun 14, 2016
  8. May 27, 2016
    • Goetz Gaycken's avatar
      Update to configuration for TRT dEdx configuration (obo Oleg Bulekov) · 5cc244b8
      Goetz Gaycken authored
      This addresses part of ATLASRECTS-2838. (InDetRecExample-02-06-04)
      	* Adding in configurations for InDetFlags.doTIDE_RescalePixelCovariances
      	* Tagging as InDetRecExample-02-06-02
      2016-04-29 Goetz Gaycken (obo Anthony Morley)
      	* Allow for more shared SCT clusters (ATLASRECTS-2774).
      2016-04-25 Goetz Gaycken (obo Oleg Bulekov)
      	* Configuration for updated TRT dEdx computation (partially addresses
      2016-04-12 Roland Jansky
      	* Modifying to run default ambiguity solver & processor for SLHC
      	* Tagging as InDetRecExample-02-06-01
      2016-04-12 Matthias Danninger
      	* Adding new bool 'useDynamicAlignFolders' to make new alignment folder scheme configurable
      	* Tagging as InDetRecExample-02-06-00
      2016-04-08  John Chapman
      	* share/ - Fix for PixelCabling for Run1
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
      Former-commit-id: 013d4c3d39bd4549278f5f226a5ad4a31dcd1906
  9. May 09, 2016
    • Goetz Gaycken's avatar
      Monitoring updates and running withtout TRT extension for HI. · e59eb16b
      Goetz Gaycken authored
      * Increase minimum track pt cut for TRT plots.
      * disabling the trigger aware monitoring tools in ID alignment
        monitoring to reduce memory usage.
      * running the ID global error monitoring online.
      * Temporary hack to turn off the TRT extensions for HI. (InDetRecExample-02-05-94-03)
      2016-04-19 Goetz Gaycken (obo Emre Celebi et al.)
      	* Increase minimum track pt cut for TRT plots.
      2016-04-19 Goetz Gaycken (obo Alex Kastanas)
      	* disabling the trigger aware monitoring tools in ID alignment
      	  monitoring to reduce memory usage.
      2016-04-18 Goetz Gaycken (obo Alex Kastanas)
      	* running the ID global error monitoring online.
      2016-04-13 Matthias Danninger
      	* Adding useDynamicAlignFolders to InDetFlags
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-94-02 (also included in InDetRecExample-02-06-00) for r21
      2016-03-04 Goetz Gaycken
      	* Fix TRT conditions folders for online.
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-94
      2016-03-23 Magda Chelstowska <>
      	* Fix for PixelCabling for Run1 digitization
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  10. Feb 12, 2016
    • Goetz Gaycken's avatar
      Fix for ATLASRECTS-2738 (obo Nick Styles) · 7960d074
      Goetz Gaycken authored
      ported from InDetRecExample-02-05-84-05. It fixes missing dE/dx
      and truth association for PRD-associated pixel tracklets. (InDetRecExample-02-05-89)
      	* fix for ATLASRECTS-2738, back-ported from InDetRecExample-02-05-84-05
      2016-01-14 Nick Styles
      	* Fix used of wrong track collection in PrdAssociated pixel tracklets (ATLASRECTS-2716)
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-88
  11. Jan 19, 2016
    • Magda Anna Chelstowska's avatar
      fix syntax error (InDetRecExample-02-05-87) · 2d22d940
      Magda Anna Chelstowska authored
      	* Fix syntax error in
      	* Tag  InDetRecExample-02-05-87
      2015-12-18 Goetz Gaycken (obo Nick Barlow)
      	*  Fix monitoring ATN.
      2015-12-18 Goetz Gaycken
      	* Allow to express parameters of xAOD TrackParticles wrt. the first primary
      	  vertex. This addresses ATLIDTRKCP-64. Requires InDetPriVxFinder-03-00-15.
      	  (Port from InDetRecExample-02-05-64-11).
      2015-12-15 Goetz Gaycken (obo Alex Kastanas)
      	* Adjusted binning of track numbers in global monitoring.
      2015-12-09 Goetz Gaycken (obo Alex Kastanas)
      	* Configure track selection tools used in the indet global monitoring.
      2015-12-08 Goetz Gaycken (obo Jordi Duarte-Campderros)
      	* Do not use TRT phase for TRT extension in large d0 tracking.
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  12. Nov 13, 2015
    • Goetz Gaycken's avatar
      Renamed special TRT flag and do not enforce payload type for SCT but autodetect. · 7dcbfdd7
      Goetz Gaycken authored
      - renamed TRTOccupancyEventInfo to doTRTGlobalOccupancy
      - do not encorce COOL vector payload. Which payload to use is chosen
        depending on the input file. (InDetRecExample-02-05-80)
      	* renamed TRTOccupancyEventInfo to doTRTGlobalOccupancy
      2015-11-04 Goetz Gaycken (obo Nick Barlow)
      	* Use cool vector payload except for run1 or if forced.
      2015-11-03 Alex Alonso
      	* Fix TRT wrong parameters for cutlevel 3 in HI
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-64-10
      2015-11-03 Alex Alonso
      	* Add new cut for HI. minPt 300 MeV if InDetFlags.cutLevel == 3
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-64-09
      2015-11-05 Goetz Gaycken (obo Jordi Duarte-Campderros)
      	* Fixed typo in large-d0 property class definitions.
      2015-11-02 Goetz Gaycken (obo Jordi Duarte-Campderros, Siinn Che)
      	* ported large-d0 re-tracking configuration to the trunk
      	* fix for the problem regarding PixelClusNNCalib in DVRetracking
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  13. Oct 10, 2015
    • Alejandro Alonso Diaz's avatar
      Add ForceCoolVectorPayload (InDetRecExample-02-05-73) · ad68e829
      Alejandro Alonso Diaz authored
             	*  Create ForceCoolVectorPayload flag
      	* IBO of Nick Barlow,ATLASRECTS-2491
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-73
      2015-10-02 Goetz Gaycken
             *  Use TRT_dEdxTool in TrackSummary after ambiguity solution
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-72
      2015-09-29 Alex Alonso
              * Improvement of photon conversion reconstruction: ATLASRECTS-2458
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-71
      2015-09-29 Alex Alonso
              * DB for new erros: ATLASRECTS-2201
              * DB overrides used. Need to be fixed
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-70
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  14. Sep 04, 2015
    • Nicholas Styles's avatar
      fix for setting up 25ns (InDetRecExample-02-05-64) · f76106d8
      Nicholas Styles authored
      	* Changing setup of defaults so that InDet25nsec flag is set according to jobproperties.Beam.bunchSpacing
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-64
      2015-07-28 Goetz Gaycken ibo Mike Hance
      	* special tracking setup for the calibration_BeamSpot reconstruction
      	  at Tier-0.
      2015-07-21 Goetz Gaycken
      	* do not use beam constraint if doExpressProcessing is set
      	  (see ATLASRECTS-2285).
      2015-07-18 Shaun Roe
      	* correct indentation in InDetRecConditionsAccess
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-61
      2015-07-16 Shaun Roe
      	* Add option to force Cool Vector payload in conditions and cabling access for SCT
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-60
  15. Aug 05, 2015
    • Nicholas Styles's avatar
      add vertexing multiplicity cut (InDetRecExample-02-05-59) · 45bf72d1
      Nicholas Styles authored
        * Add Multiplicity cut for iterative vertexing when no beam constraint (avoid timeouts)
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-59
      2015-06-18 Nick Styles
        * Update doCosmics set-up to match what was run for cosmics in preExecs
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-58
      2015-06-17 Dave Casper
        * Add configuration of vertex imaging seeder via InDetFlags.primaryVertexSetup = 'MedImgMultiFinding'
          (requires TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils-01-00-04+ and TrkVertexSeedFinderTools-02-00-06+)
        * Make output files from ReadInDet_jobOptions re-tracking xAOD-compatible
        * DBM tracking changes by M. Diamond
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-57
      2015-05-28 Nick Styles
      	* Updates to Alignment Monitoring Track Selections (obo A. Kastanas and P. Butti)
      	* Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-56
  16. May 17, 2015
    • Nicholas Styles's avatar
      new VtxLumi settings (InDetRecExample-02-05-55) · 58233b4a
      Nicholas Styles authored
        * Update VtxLumi cuts and settings
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-55
      2015-04-21 Nick Styles
        * Fix Monitoring verbosity
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-54
      2015-04-20 Nick Styles
        * Add option to use SCT Module Veto Service
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-53
      2015-04-16 Nick Styles
        * Turn off SG Deletion for VtxLumi
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-52
      2015-03-27 Roland Jansky
        * Modified JobProperties to never run TRTPhaseCalculation if pseudo tracking is on and newtracking off.
      2015-03-20 Alex Kastanas
        * Support for updated InDetMonitoringGlobal.
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  17. Mar 20, 2015
    • Fred Luehring's avatar
      Fixes for JIRA ATLIDTRKCP-22 and ATLASRECTS-1860 (InDetRecExample-02-05-48) · 38c0c2ad
      Fred Luehring authored
        * Correct beginner's mistake in Python statements of previous tag.
        * JIRA ATLIDTRKCP-22 and ATLASRECTS-1860
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-48.
      2015-03-17 Frederick Luehring
        * Change TRT validity gate to match convention that a 18 ns calibrated drift
        * time is a 1 mm drift distance. Set gate the same for data and simulation.
        * Correct oversight of not applying  validity gate to straws using Ar gas
        * mixture by setting Ar gate parameters to the Xe mixture ones.
        * All changes are in and are cacheable.
        * JIRA ATLIDTRKCP-22 and ATLASRECTS-1860
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-47
      2015-03-12 Nick Styles
        * Add option to keep First/Last hit on TrackParticle
        * Changes for V0 finding from E. Bouhova-Thacker
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-46
      2015-03-09  Nick Styles
        * Re-enable Pixel Monitoring hole search
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  18. Mar 03, 2015
    • Nicholas Styles's avatar
      fix typo (InDetRecExample-02-05-39) · 94f8150b
      Nicholas Styles authored
        * Vertex EDM conversion for fast fitting added (ATLASRECTS-1313)
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-38 (-39 to fix typo introduced...)
      2015-02-25  Nick Styles
        * No PRD-associated pixel tracklets for ITK
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-37
      2015-02-24  Nick Styles
        * Changing settings for ITK forward tracking, so that they will be added to merged collection, and vertexing will run on them.
        * Fix for re-running pattern from ESD (ATLASRECTS-1696)
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-36
      2015-02-20 Nick Styles
        * Storegate deletion false for Heavy Ion (ATLASRECTS-1313)
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-35
      2015-02-18 Nick Styles
        * Loosen Forward track pT cut for ITK
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-34
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  19. Feb 07, 2015
    • Nicholas Styles's avatar
      schedule TRT Occupancy alg (InDetRecExample-02-05-26) · cef9b3e4
      Nicholas Styles authored
        * Schedule TRT Ocupancy Alg
        * InDetRecExample-02-05-26
      2015-01-20 Nick Styles
        * Fix to commissioning setting (don't do PRD-associated pxiel tracklets, since unassociated tracklets run anyway)
        * InDetRecExample-02-05-25
      2015-01-18 Nick Styles
        * Reintegrate Very-forward tracking for ITK
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-24
      2015-01-18 Nick Styles
        * Switch on PRD-associated Pixel tracklets
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-23
  20. Jan 19, 2015
    • Nicholas Styles's avatar
      ATN fixes (InDetRecExample-02-05-22) · 59cbcd87
      Nicholas Styles authored
        * ATN fixes
        * Tagged asInDetRecExample-02-05-22
      2015-01-08 Nick Styles
        * No TIDE for Pixel Tracklets w/ PRD association
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-21
      2014-12-22 Nick Styles
        * Turn off calo cell association for ATN test options
        * Tighten pixel tracklets cuts to 4 hits, no holes (for those run on remaining PRDs after New Tracking)
        * Only update necessary TrackSummary info during collection merger
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-20
      2014-12-18 Niels van Eldik
        * share/ update exclusion list
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-19
      2014-12-17 Nick Styles
        * TIDE switched off for SLHC
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-18
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  21. Sep 19, 2014