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* Addition of the ``PyJapc.getNextParamValue`` method to await the next N value(s) acquired through a subscription. This can be handy in a few situations, for example if some signal processing algorithm needs the next 10 acquisition values this blocking method can be called and it will only return when these values are ready.

* Use of ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` has been removed entirely from PyJapc in favour of explicitly named arguments. The change is entirely backwards compatible and has resulted in easier to read documentation, improved error messages in the case of incorrectly named arguments, and better suggestions from the IDE and other static analysis tools.

* Another major increase in test coverage, particularly focusing on the harder to test aspects such as subscriptions. Indirectly this will have a long term improvement on the stability of PyJapc.

* There has been an overhaul of the PyJapc documentation. The methods have been split up into their own page, the content has been refreshed and there is now better use of standard Python syntax and object highlighting.