release/22.0.254f8f5161 · ·
Snapshot of release 22 for samples production requested by the egamma group
release/ · ·
AthDerivation cache for the Higgs group; FTAG5 and EXOT12,19,22 formats are broken due to CHSPFlowObjects usage.
release/21.6.57fed847f6 · ·
includes the following MRs: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/39487 correct the format of printouts https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/39500 reset the counters of displaced vtx. and tachions for every event https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/39522 Sweeping !39493 from master to 21.6. Fix compiler warning from qualifier in static_cast https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/39534 Sherpa_i: One more CentOS7 update and moving of documentation https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/39585 Protecting against comment formatting in MGC https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/39658 Sweeping !39608 from master to 21.6. Set MC channel number as string in TagInfo Fix AGENE-1933Closes AGENE-1933