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SPI-2148 "LCG_101_ATLAS_21/22"

Dmitri Konstantinov requested to merge SPI-2148-101_ATLAS_21_22 into LCG_101-patches

I am preparing these two new layers. They will include on top of previous layer LCG_101_ATLAS_20 :

LHAPDF 6.5.1
Pythia8-307p1.fxfx = Pythia8-307p1 + FxFx patch
Rivet 3.1.6 and YODA 1.9.5
Herwig 7.2.3 and ThePEG 2.2.3
superchic 4.13p1 = superchic 4.13 + ATLAS patches.

Mentions SPI-2148

Merge request reports