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In-time threshold scan

Mark Standke requested to merge in_time_threshold into development

This branch introduces the opportunity to measure the in time threshold with bdaq53. The scan procedure is the following:

  1. A threshold scan at the specified 'fine_delay' parameter is conducted. The 'fine_delay' parameter can either be an integer or an _interpreted.h5 output file from an injection_delay_scan. In the second case the scan runs over all fine delay settings found in the configuration.injection_delay_map in the _interpreted.h5 file.
  2. The analysis interprets the data with the regular analysis function and saves the hit data. This hit data is then parsed and brought in an appropriate format for plotting. For the in time threshold, the occupancy is derived only based on hits within bcid 10 for linear and synchronous front end, as well as bcid 11 for the differential front end. The Hit-raw-data is then deleted to minimize storage consumption.
  3. A PDF containing the following output is produced: 20181024_105927_in_time_threshold_scan_interpreted.pdf

This merge also contains slight changes to the plotting class, to introduce the injection_delay_scan into the class. Additionally a new function in the injection_delay_scan was added, which converts the measured injection delay into a homogeneous injection delay mask for each core column. An offset of ideally plus 2 fine delays is added, to be further away from the transition point from bcid 9-->10 or 10-->11.

Edited by David-Leon Pohl

Merge request reports