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Charge calibration analysis

Georgios Giakoustidis requested to merge charge_calibration into development

This merge request introduces charge calibration analysis (separate script in the bdaq53/analysis directory) used for the calibration of the charge injection circuitry.

For this HitOR calibration for the desired FE should be performed first and the interpreted file should be used in the in order to convert TDC to ΔVCAL during the analysis. This is something that has to be done "on the fly" otherwise analysis for cluster size > 1 events is not correct.

Interpreted files from the are given as configuration to the, which uses new plotting functions from to plot and fit the source spectra as well as to perform the final charge calibration. The fits are performed using iminuit module.

This is an example -> 20190605_151954_charge_calibration_analysis.pdf

Closes #218 (closed).

Edited by Georgios Giakoustidis

Merge request reports