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ENH: Adding multiplexer for LEMO signals

Yannick Manuel Dieter requested to merge lemo_mux into development

The hitor calibration needs the CMD_LOOP_START signal on LEMO_TX1. However the signals for RJ45_CLK (TLU connector) and LEMO_TX0 are routed to the same pin (same is true for RJ45_BSY and LEMO_TX1), which would make the hitor calibration incompatible with scans using the TLU connector.

As a solution (in order to have one FW) a multiplexer is added which can configure the ports as needed.

Closes #217 (closed)


  • remove LEMO_RX mux
  • add some explanation for hitor calibration to wiki (will be done when MR is merged)
  • compile new FW (will be done when MR is merged)
Edited by Yannick Manuel Dieter

Merge request reports