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Issue 416

David-Leon Pohl requested to merge issue_416 into development

Some features that needed to be implemented to prove that the issue in #416 (closed) is unrelated to the scan_base or the multi-chip feature and that correlations in observations have been misinterpreted as causality.

  • Enhance bdaq mock
  • Fix CLI
  • Add dry run feature to CLI
  • Add CLI test: check that independent if the scan is called via CLI or in a meta scan, bdaq creates the same command stream. Validated with itkpixv1 / rd53a double chip module
  • Do not require ptot info in testbench yaml for itkpixv1
  • Deactivate slow data base contacting in unit tests to increase scan speed
  • Use different chip_id for chips in a module
Edited by David-Leon Pohl

Merge request reports
