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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2022 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

Allpix Squared Website

This repository contains the static website pages of the Allpix Squared project. The deployed website can be found here.

All commits to the master branch of this repository are automatically deployed via GitLab pages and thus directly reflect on the published website.


The website is generated from markdown files using the hugo compiler written in Go. In order to install Hugo on your machine, pick the appropriate package or binary from the latest release. Since we use hugo modules, one also needs the go binary, which can be downloaded here.


The following commands might help adding content and testing the website locally before committing and deployment:

  • Start a local test server

    ./ ref  # fetches the docs from the main repo
    hugo server -D

    The server will listen to http://localhost:1313/. The additional command line argument -D also enables all documents currently in draft mode.

    If you want to test changes e.g. for a merge request, you can either supply a reference to your branch like this:

    ./ ref branch_name user_name/repo_name  # default: master allpix-squared/allpix-squared

    However this might not work if your pipeline is failing. To select artifacts from a specific job, use this:

    ./ job job_nr  # you can find job_nr in the URL of the specific docs:usermanual-hugo job

    Note: in both cases the repository has to be hosted on the CERN GitLab instance for the CI to work.

  • Add a new page In order to add a new static page, run

    hugo new content/

    and a new markdown file with the appropriate header will be created. The draft status is set to true by default.

  • Add a new post to the blog roll In order to add a new post to the blog/new roll, run

    hugo new content/post/

    and a new markdown file with the appropriate header will be created. The draft status is set to true by default. For releases, change news to releases. Make sure to add a properly formatted date in your filename.

  • Add page to the main menu

    See for example content/docs/ how to define a page to be in the main menu.

  • Test API reference To test the website with the API reference, download it via

    ./ ref doxy  # fetches the API reference from the main repo


    ./ job doxy job_nr  # fetches the API reference for a specific CI job

Deploy Changes

Simply push to the master branch of this repository to get things published. It should be noted that only documents with draft = false will be included in the published website.

Updating Docsy & Prism

  • Docsy To update Docsy (our hugo theme), run

    hugo mod get -u

    Note: updating might require changes in the layouts/post folder, which is derived from the upstream layouts/blog folder. The currently used version is v0.7.0 from June 2023.

  • Prism To update Prism (our code highlighter), visit this page and download prism.js and prism.css to the static/js and static/css folder respectively. Note that if you change any settings, make sure to update this README with the corresponding URL as well. The currently used version is 1.29.0 from August 2022.

  • Roboto Roboto is the main font for the website. It is usually included via Google Fonts, however we want to avoid pinging Google Servers for legal reason, thus the font is self-hosted and needs to be updated from time to time. To update the fonts, visit this page and select latin, latin-ext, greek, greek-ext with font size 300, regular, 500, 700, 300italic, italic, 500italic, 700italic in the Modern Browsers format. Then copy the .woff2 files to static/webfonts. The currently used version is v30.

  • Font Awesome Font Awesome is self-hosted, so it needs to be updated from time to time. Use the "Free For Web" download from here and copy the .woff2 files to static/webfonts. The currently used version is v6.4.0 from March 2023.

CERN webEOS setup

This is a more technical section mainly interesting for developers documenting the setup of the website.

The main website is deployed via GitLab pages, as documented in The project name on webEOS ( is allpix-squared and it is managed by the cernbox-project-allpix-squared-admins eGroup. It only is used by the "Gitlab Pages Site Operator" to publish the hugo generated page to

The old website was hosted on, with the project name project-allpix-squared on webEOS. It is still used in the deploy:eos job in the main repo to deploy the PDF documentation to

If one is member of the cernbox-project-allpix-squared-admins eGroup that manages, the webroot can be accessed via CERNBox (Your Projects -> allpix-squared -> www).

To ensure links to the old website still work fine, redirects have been created using these HTML headers:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=''" />