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Commit 27550c39 authored by Rachid Mazini's avatar Rachid Mazini
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Merge branch '21.0-NewTrackExtrapolation' into '21.0'

FastCaloSim Track Extrapolation Update

See merge request !36084
parents 1b9fd95b af25202e
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Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#ifndef FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation_H
#define FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation_H
// Athena includes
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/IFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSExtrapolationState.h"
#include <vector>
#include "TrkExInterfaces/ITimedExtrapolator.h"
#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PdgToParticleHypothesis.h"
class IFastCaloSimGeometryHelper;
class ITimedExtrapolator;
class ICaloSurfaceHelper;
class TFCSTruthState;
namespace Trk
class TrackingVolume;
#include "TrkExInterfaces/ITimedExtrapolator.h"
#include "TrkEventPrimitives/PdgToParticleHypothesis.h"
class ICaloSurfaceHelper;
namespace HepPDT
class ParticleDataTable;
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/IFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/FastCaloSim_CaloCell_ID.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSExtrapolationState.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/IFastCaloSimGeometryHelper.h"
struct CylinderIntersections
Amg::Vector3D first;
Amg::Vector3D second;
unsigned int number;
class FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation:public AthAlgTool, virtual public IFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation
class FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation: public AthAlgTool, virtual public IFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation
FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation( const std::string& t, const std::string& n, const IInterface* p );
FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation(const std::string& t, const std::string& n, const IInterface* p);
virtual StatusCode initialize() override final;
virtual StatusCode finalize() override final;
enum SUBPOS { SUBPOS_MID = TFCSExtrapolationState::SUBPOS_MID, SUBPOS_ENT = TFCSExtrapolationState::SUBPOS_ENT, SUBPOS_EXT = TFCSExtrapolationState::SUBPOS_EXT}; //MID=middle, ENT=entrance, EXT=exit of cal layer
enum SUBPOS {
SUBPOS_MID = TFCSExtrapolationState::SUBPOS_MID, //MID=middle of calo layer
SUBPOS_ENT = TFCSExtrapolationState::SUBPOS_ENT, //ENT=entrance of calo layer
SUBPOS_EXT = TFCSExtrapolationState::SUBPOS_EXT //EXT=exit of calo layer
INSIDE, //hit position is inside cylinder bounds
OUTSIDE, //hit position is outside cylinder bounds
ON //hit position is on cylinder bounds
virtual void extrapolate(TFCSExtrapolationState& result,const TFCSTruthState* truth) const override final;
const IFastCaloSimGeometryHelper* GetCaloGeometry() const {return &(*m_CaloGeometryHelper);};
// extrapolation through Calo
std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* caloHits(const TFCSTruthState* truth, bool forceNeutral=false) const;
void extrapolate(TFCSExtrapolationState& result,const TFCSTruthState* truth,std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector) const;
void extrapolate_to_ID(TFCSExtrapolationState& result,const TFCSTruthState* truth,std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector) const;
bool get_calo_etaphi(TFCSExtrapolationState& result,std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector,int sample,int subpos=SUBPOS_MID) const;
bool get_calo_surface(TFCSExtrapolationState& result,std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector) const;
bool rz_cylinder_get_calo_etaphi(std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector, double cylR, double cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& pos, Amg::Vector3D& mom) const;
///Returns vector of hits used for the extrapolation
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>> caloHits(const TFCSTruthState* truth, bool forceNeutral = false) const;
/*Main extrapolation methods*/
bool getCaloSurface(TFCSExtrapolationState& result, std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector) const;
///Finds best extrapolation extPos from the hitVector for a cylinder defined by radius cylR and half-length cylZ as well as corresponding momentum direction
bool extrapolateToCylinder(std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector, float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& extPos, Amg::Vector3D& momDir) const;
///Extrapolates to ID using three uniquely defined cylinder surfaces
void extrapolateToID(TFCSExtrapolationState& result, std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector) const;
///Extrapolates to all other layers of the calorimeter
void extrapolateToLayers(TFCSExtrapolationState& result, std::vector<Trk::HitInfo>* hitVector) const;
/*Extrapolator helper methods*/
///Finds Point of Closest Approach (PCA) on the cylinder defined by radius cylR and half-length cylZ of a line segment spanned by two hit positions to a cylinder
void findPCA(float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos1, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos2, Amg::Vector3D& PCA) const;
///Computes the distance between a point and the line segment spanned by hitPos1 and hitPos2
double getPointLineSegmentDistance(Amg::Vector3D& point, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos1, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos2) const;
///Finds PCA iteratively given two bounds A and B on a line segment, used for (rare) cases with no easy analytical solutions
void getIterativePCA(float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& BoundA, Amg::Vector3D& BoundB, Amg::Vector3D& PCA) const;
///Returns true if point lies on the line segment spanned by hitPos1 and hitPos2, otherwise returns false
bool isOnSegment(Amg::Vector3D& point, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos1, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos2) const;
///Computes intersection between the (infinite) line spanned by pointA and pointB with the positive (negative) endcap of a cylinder, returns true if intersection is found
bool cylinderEndcapIntersection(float cylR, float cylZ, bool positiveEndcap, Amg::Vector3D& pointA, Amg::Vector3D& pointB, Amg::Vector3D& intersection) const;
/*!Extrapolates position on cylinder by finding intersections of subsequent hit positions, intersection is considered if we detect a travel through the surface with
the line segment or we find a forward intersection (in the travel direction of the particle) which lies on the line segment, returns false if no such postion is found*/
bool extrapolateWithIntersection(std::vector<Trk::HitInfo> * hitVector, float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& extPos, Amg::Vector3D& momDir) const;
///Extrapolates to the cylinder using the PCA to the polygon spanned by the individual line segments from the hitVector
bool extrapolateWithPCA(std::vector<Trk::HitInfo> * hitVector, float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& extPos, Amg::Vector3D& momDir) const;
///Returns true if the line segment spanned by hitPos1 and hitPos2 crosses the cylinder surface, false otherwise
bool doesTravelThroughSurface(float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos1, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos2) const;
///Returns ID of more sensible intersection between line segment spanned by hitPos1 and hitPos2 and cylinder
int whichIntersection(float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos1, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos2, Amg::Vector3D& intersectionA, Amg::Vector3D intersectionB) const;
///Analytically computes 2D intersections between circle of radius circR and (infinite) line spanned by pointA nad pointB
int circleLineIntersection2D(float circR, Amg::Vector3D& pointA, Amg::Vector3D& pointB, Amg::Vector3D& intersectA, Amg::Vector3D& intersectB) const;
///Analytically computes the intersection between the (infinite) line defined by pointA and pointB and the cylinder cover (without endcaps)
int cylinderLineIntersection(float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& pointA, Amg::Vector3D& pointB, Amg::Vector3D& intersectA, Amg::Vector3D& intersectB) const;
///Checks if position of hitPos is inside, outside or on the cylinder bounds
enum HITPOSITION whereOnCylinder(float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos) const;
///Projects position hitPos onto the cylinder surface and returns projected position
Amg::Vector3D projectOnCylinder(float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos) const;
///Analytically computes the intersection between the (infinite) line spanned by hitPos1 and hitPos2 with a cylinder
CylinderIntersections getCylinderIntersections(float cylR, float cylZ, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos1, Amg::Vector3D& hitPos2) const;
//helper methods for calo geometry
void minmaxeta(int sample, double eta, double& mineta, double& maxeta) const;
bool isCaloBarrel(int sample) const;
double deta(int sample,double eta) const;
void minmaxeta(int sample,double eta,double& mineta,double& maxeta) const;
double rzmid(int sample,double eta) const;
double rzent(int sample,double eta) const;
double rzext(int sample,double eta) const;
double rmid(int sample,double eta) const;
double rent(int sample,double eta) const;
double rext(int sample,double eta) const;
double zmid(int sample,double eta) const;
double zent(int sample,double eta) const;
double zext(int sample,double eta) const;
double rpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
double zpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
double rzpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
double deta (int sample, double eta) const;
double rzmid(int sample, double eta) const;
double rzent(int sample, double eta) const;
double rzext(int sample, double eta) const;
double rmid (int sample, double eta) const;
double rent (int sample, double eta) const;
double rext (int sample, double eta) const;
double zmid (int sample, double eta) const;
double zent (int sample, double eta) const;
double zext (int sample, double eta) const;
double rpos (int sample, double eta, int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
double zpos (int sample, double eta, int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
double rzpos(int sample, double eta, int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
HepPDT::ParticleDataTable* m_particleDataTable{nullptr};
//Define ID-CALO surface to be used for AFII
//TODO: this should eventually extrapolate to a uniquly defined surface!
std::vector<double> m_CaloBoundaryR{1148.0,120.0,41.0};
std::vector<double> m_CaloBoundaryZ{3550.0,4587.0,4587.0};
//uniquely defined ID-Calo surfaces
std::vector<float> m_CaloBoundaryR{1148.0,120.0,41.0};
std::vector<float> m_CaloBoundaryZ{3550.0,4587.0,4587.0};
double m_calomargin{100};
std::vector< int > m_surfacelist;
std::vector<int> m_surfacelist;
// The new Extrapolator setup
ToolHandle<Trk::ITimedExtrapolator> m_extrapolator;
ToolHandle<ICaloSurfaceHelper> m_caloSurfaceHelper;
mutable const Trk::TrackingVolume* m_caloEntrance{nullptr};
std::string m_caloEntranceName{""};
ToolHandle<Trk::ITimedExtrapolator> m_extrapolator;
ToolHandle<ICaloSurfaceHelper> m_caloSurfaceHelper;
mutable const Trk::TrackingVolume* m_caloEntrance{nullptr};
std::string m_caloEntranceName{""};
Trk::PdgToParticleHypothesis m_pdgToParticleHypothesis;
Trk::PdgToParticleHypothesis m_pdgToParticleHypothesis;
// The FastCaloSimGeometryHelper tool
ToolHandle<IFastCaloSimGeometryHelper> m_CaloGeometryHelper;
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