Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "PixelDistortionAlg.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/EventIDRange.h"
// Random Number Generation
#include "AthenaKernel/RNGWrapper.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/RandomEngine.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussZiggurat.h"
#include "PathResolver/PathResolver.h"
#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <istream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
PixelDistortionAlg::PixelDistortionAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
::AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator)
StatusCode PixelDistortionAlg::initialize() {
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode PixelDistortionAlg::execute() {
SG::WriteCondHandle<PixelDistortionData> writeHandle(m_writeKey);
if (writeHandle.isValid()) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("CondHandle " << writeHandle.fullKey() << " is already valid.. In theory this should not be called, but may happen if multiple concurrent events are being processed out of order.");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Construct the output Cond Object and fill it in
std::unique_ptr<PixelDistortionData> writeCdo(std::make_unique<PixelDistortionData>());
SG::ReadCondHandle<PixelModuleData> moduleData(m_moduleDataKey);
constexpr int nmodule_max = 2048;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t,std::vector<float>> distortionMap;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t,unsigned long long> ids;
if (moduleData->getDistortionInputSource()==0) { // no bow correction
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("No bow correction");
writeCdo -> setVersion(moduleData->getDistortionVersion());
for (int i=0; i<nmodule_max; i++) {
else if (moduleData->getDistortionInputSource()==1) { // constant bow
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Using constant pixel distortions ");
writeCdo -> setVersion(moduleData->getDistortionVersion());
for (int i=0; i<nmodule_max; i++) {
distortionMap[i].push_back(moduleData->getDistortionR1()*CLHEP::meter); // convert to 1/mm
distortionMap[i].push_back(moduleData->getDistortionR2()*CLHEP::meter); // convert to 1/mm
distortionMap[i].push_back(2.0*atan(moduleData->getDistortionTwist())/CLHEP::degree); // convert to degree
else if (moduleData->getDistortionInputSource()==2) { // read from file
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Reading pixel distortions from file: " << moduleData->getDistortionFileName());
writeCdo -> setVersion(moduleData->getDistortionVersion());
std::string file_name = moduleData->getDistortionFileName();
if (file_name.empty()) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Distortion filename is empty not found! No pixel distortion will be applied.");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (file_name[0] != '/') {
PathResolver::find_file(moduleData->getDistortionFileName(), "DATAPATH");
if (!input.good()) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Cannot open " << file_name);
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
int distosize;
if (moduleData->getDistortionVersion() < 2) distosize = 3;
else distosize = 441;
while (!input.eof()) {
unsigned int idmod;
unsigned int hashID = 0;
float data;
if (moduleData->getDistortionVersion() == 1) {
input >> idmod;
hashID = idmod;
} else {
input >> std::hex >> idmod >> std::dec;
hashID = m_pixelID->wafer_hash((Identifier)idmod);
Identifier modId = m_pixelID->wafer_id((IdentifierHash)hashID);
ids[hashID] = modId.get_compact();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Identifier = 0x" << std::hex << ids[hashID] << std::dec);
std::stringstream s;
for (int i = 0; i < distosize; ++i) {
input >> data;
s << data << " ";
else if (moduleData->getDistortionInputSource()==3) { // random generation
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Using random pixel distortions");
writeCdo -> setVersion(moduleData->getDistortionVersion());
ATHRNG::RNGWrapper* rngWrapper = m_rndmSvc->getEngine(this);
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *rndmEngine = *rngWrapper;
for (int i=0; i<nmodule_max; i++) {
float r1 = CLHEP::RandGaussZiggurat::shoot(rndmEngine,moduleData->getDistortionMeanR(),moduleData->getDistortionRMSR());
float r2 = CLHEP::RandGaussZiggurat::shoot(rndmEngine,r1,moduleData->getDistortionRMSR()/10.);//to implement a correlation between distortions on 2 sides of the module
float twist = CLHEP::RandGaussZiggurat::shoot(rndmEngine,moduleData->getDistortionMeanTwist(),moduleData->getDistortionMeanTwist());
distortionMap[i].push_back(r1*CLHEP::meter); // convert to 1/mm
distortionMap[i].push_back(r2*CLHEP::meter); // convert to 1/mm
distortionMap[i].push_back(2.0*std::atan(twist)/CLHEP::degree); // convert to degree
else if (moduleData->getDistortionInputSource()==4) { // read from database here
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Using pixel distortions from database");
SG::ReadCondHandle<DetCondCFloat> readHandle(m_readKey);
const DetCondCFloat* readCdo = *readHandle;
if (readCdo==nullptr) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("Null pointer to the read conditions object");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Get the validitiy range
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Size of DetCondCFloat " << readHandle.fullKey() << " readCdo->size()= " << readCdo->size());
int version = 0;
if (readCdo->tag()=="/Indet/PixelDist") {
version = 0; // For reproducing bug in earlier versions for backward compatibility
ATH_MSG_INFO("Detected old version of pixel distortions data.");
else {
bool gotVersion = false;
// Get version number, expecting string to have the form /Indet/PixelDist_v#
// If not recongnized will default to latest version.
std::string baseStr = "/Indet/PixelDist_v";
if (readCdo->tag().compare(0,baseStr.size(),baseStr)==0) {
std::istringstream istr(readCdo->tag().substr(baseStr.size()));
int version_tmp = 0;
istr >> version_tmp;
if (istr.eof()) { // Should be have read whole stream if its a number
version = version_tmp;
gotVersion = true;
if (!gotVersion) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to determine version number of pixel distortions data. Version string: " << readCdo->tag());
writeCdo -> setVersion(version);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Distortions data version = " << version);
int distosize = readCdo->size();
for (int i=0; i<nmodule_max; i++) {
if (readCdo->find(m_pixelID->wafer_id(IdentifierHash(i)))) {
Identifier modId = m_pixelID->wafer_id((IdentifierHash)i);
const float *disto = readCdo->find(modId);
ids[i] = modId.get_compact();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Identifier = 0x" << std::hex << ids[i] << std::dec);
std::stringstream s;
for (int j = 0; j < distosize; ++j) {
s << disto[j] << " ";
writeCdo -> setDistortionMap(distortionMap);
writeCdo -> setIds(ids);
if (moduleData->getDistortionWriteToFile()) {
std::ofstream* outfile = new std::ofstream("output_distortion.txt");
for (int i=0; i<nmodule_max; i++) {
if (!distortionMap[i].empty()) {
if (moduleData->getDistortionVersion()==0) {
*outfile << m_pixelID->wafer_id(IdentifierHash(i)) << " " << distortionMap[i].at(0) << " " << distortionMap[i].at(1) << " " << distortionMap[i].at(2) << std::endl;
else if (moduleData->getDistortionVersion()>0) {
*outfile << i << " " << distortionMap[i].at(0) << " " << distortionMap[i].at(1) << " " << distortionMap[i].at(2) << std::endl;
delete outfile;
const EventIDBase start{EventIDBase::UNDEFNUM, EventIDBase::UNDEFEVT, 0, 0, EventIDBase::UNDEFNUM, EventIDBase::UNDEFNUM};
const EventIDBase stop {EventIDBase::UNDEFNUM, EventIDBase::UNDEFEVT, EventIDBase::UNDEFNUM-1, EventIDBase::UNDEFNUM-1, EventIDBase::UNDEFNUM, EventIDBase::UNDEFNUM};
const EventIDRange rangeW{start, stop};
if (writeHandle.record(rangeW, std::move(writeCdo)).isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("Could not record PixelDistortionData " << writeHandle.key() << " with EventRange " << rangeW << " into Conditions Store");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("recorded new CDO " << writeHandle.key() << " with range " << rangeW << " into Conditions Store");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;