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Commit 56eda117 authored by Magnar Kopangen Bugge's avatar Magnar Kopangen Bugge Committed by Walter Lampl
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MuonSelectorToolsTester updates

parent 296d1e85
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......@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ endif()
# Test(s) in the package:
atlas_add_test( ut_MuonSelectorToolsTester_data
SOURCES test/ut_MuonSelectorToolsTester_data.cxx
LINK_LIBRARIES AsgMessagingLib )
SCRIPT test/ )
atlas_add_test( ut_MuonSelectorToolsTester_MC
SCRIPT test/ )
# Install files from the package:
echo "Unit test for MuonSelectorTools on MC"
echo "Test files:"
env | grep ASG_TEST_FILE_ | sort
echo "Will now run this command: MuonSelectorToolsTester $ASG_TEST_FILE_MC"
MuonSelectorToolsTester $ASG_TEST_FILE_MC
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include <AsgMessaging/MessageCheck.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace asg::msgUserCode;
ATH_MSG_INFO("Unit test for MuonSelectorTools on data");
// Full `env` makes log file diffs useless. Check if the input file changed, though - points us quickly to an issue.
ATH_MSG_INFO("Test files");
system("env | grep ASG_TEST_FILE_ | sort");
std::string cmd("MuonSelectorToolsTester $ASG_TEST_FILE_DATA");
ATH_MSG_INFO("Will now run this command: " << cmd);
int ret = system(cmd.c_str());
if (ret != 0) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Test failed (return code was " << ret << ")");
return 1;
ATH_MSG_INFO("Finished (return code was " << ret << ")");
return 0;
echo "Unit test for MuonSelectorTools on data"
echo "Test files:"
env | grep ASG_TEST_FILE_ | sort
echo "Will now run this command: MuonSelectorToolsTester $ASG_TEST_FILE_DATA"
MuonSelectorToolsTester $ASG_TEST_FILE_DATA
......@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
#include "xAODCore/tools/ReadStats.h"
// Truth classification
#include "MCTruthClassifier/MCTruthClassifier.h"
#include "MCTruthClassifier/MCTruthClassifierDefs.h"
/// Example of how to run the MuonSelectorTools package to obtain information from muons
......@@ -84,9 +83,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CP::MuonSelectionTool> > selectorTools;
const int Nwp = 6; // number of working points (tool instances)
const int Nwp = 7; // number of working points (tool instances)
std::vector<std::string> WPnames = {"Tight", "Medium", "Loose", "VeryLoose", "HighPt", "LowPt"};
std::vector<std::string> WPnames = {"Tight", "Medium", "Loose", "VeryLoose", "HighPt", "LowPt", "LowPtMVA"};
for (int wp = 0; wp < Nwp; wp++) {
Info(APP_NAME, "Creating selector tool for working point: %s ...", WPnames[wp].c_str());
......@@ -95,7 +94,14 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
CHECK(muonSelection->setProperty("MaxEta", 2.7));
CHECK(muonSelection->setProperty("MuQuality", wp));
if (WPnames[wp] == "LowPtMVA") {
CHECK (muonSelection->setProperty( "MuQuality", 5));
CHECK (muonSelection->setProperty( "UseMVALowPt", true));
CHECK(muonSelection->setProperty("MuQuality", wp));
CHECK(muonSelection->setProperty("TurnOffMomCorr", true));
......@@ -167,6 +173,52 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
for (int type = 0; type < Ntype; type++)
for (int wp = 0; wp < Nwp; wp++) selectedMuonsTypeNotBad[type][wp] = 0;
// Obtain summary information also split by primary author
const int Nauthor = xAOD::Muon::NumberOfMuonAuthors;
std::string authorNames[Nauthor];
for (int author = 0; author < Nauthor; author++) {
if (author == xAOD::Muon::MuidCo)
authorNames[author] = "MuidCo";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::STACO)
authorNames[author] = "STACO";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::MuTag)
authorNames[author] = "MuTag";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::MuTagIMO)
authorNames[author] = "MuTagIMO";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::MuidSA)
authorNames[author] = "MuidSA";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::MuGirl)
authorNames[author] = "MuGirl";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::MuGirlLowBeta)
authorNames[author] = "MuGirlLowBeta";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::CaloTag)
authorNames[author] = "CaloTag";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::CaloLikelihood)
authorNames[author] = "CaloLikelihood";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::CaloScore)
authorNames[author] = "CaloScore";
else if (author == xAOD::Muon::ExtrapolateMuonToIP)
authorNames[author] = "ExtrapolateMuonToIP";
authorNames[author] = "unknown";
// Muon counters for each author
int allMuonsAuthor[Nauthor];
for (int author = 0; author < Nauthor; author++) allMuonsAuthor[author] = 0;
// Muon counters for muons of each author passing each working point
int selectedMuonsAuthor[Nauthor][Nwp];
for (int author = 0; author < Nauthor; author++)
for (int wp = 0; wp < Nwp; wp++) selectedMuonsAuthor[author][wp] = 0;
int selectedMuonsAuthorNotBad[Nauthor][Nwp];
for (int author = 0; author < Nauthor; author++)
for (int wp = 0; wp < Nwp; wp++) selectedMuonsAuthorNotBad[author][wp] = 0;
// Obtain summary information also split by muon |eta|
const int Neta = 4;
double etaCuts[Neta - 1] = {1.0, 2.0, 2.5};
......@@ -204,10 +256,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
for (int truthType = 0; truthType < NtruthType; truthType++)
for (int wp = 0; wp < Nwp; wp++) selectedMuonsTruthTypeNotBad[truthType][wp] = 0;
// Truth classifier
//To determine whether to print truth classification table
bool isMC = false;
MCTruthClassifier truthClassifier("truthClassifier");
// Loop over the events:
for (Long64_t entry = 0; entry < entries; ++entry) {
......@@ -253,6 +303,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
......@@ -260,17 +311,16 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Check truth origin
isMC = ei->eventType(xAOD::EventInfo::IS_SIMULATION);
std::pair<MCTruthPartClassifier::ParticleType, MCTruthPartClassifier::ParticleOrigin> truthClassification =
int truthClass = isMC ? (*mu_itr)->auxdata<int>("truthType") : -999;
int truthType;
if (truthClassification.first == MCTruthPartClassifier::IsoMuon)
if (truthClass == MCTruthPartClassifier::IsoMuon)
truthType = 0;
else if (truthClassification.first == MCTruthPartClassifier::NonIsoMuon)
else if (truthClass == MCTruthPartClassifier::NonIsoMuon)
truthType = 1;
else if (truthClassification.first == MCTruthPartClassifier::Hadron)
else if (truthClass == MCTruthPartClassifier::Hadron)
truthType = 2;
else if (truthClassification.first == MCTruthPartClassifier::BkgMuon)
else if (truthClass == MCTruthPartClassifier::BkgMuon)
truthType = 3;
truthType = 4;
......@@ -287,10 +337,11 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
my_quality = selectorTools[0]->getQuality(**mu_itr);
// Print some general information about the muon
if (isMC) Info(APP_NAME, "Muon truthType: %d (%s)", truthClassification.first, truthTypeNames[truthType].c_str());
if (isMC) Info(APP_NAME, "Muon truthType: %d (%s)", truthClass, truthTypeNames[truthType].c_str());
Info(APP_NAME, "Muon pT [GeV]: %g ", std::abs((*mu_itr)->pt()) / 1000.);
Info(APP_NAME, "Muon eta, phi: %g, %g ", (*mu_itr)->eta(), (*mu_itr)->phi());
Info(APP_NAME, "Muon muonType: %d (%s)", (*mu_itr)->muonType(), typeNames[(*mu_itr)->muonType()].c_str());
Info(APP_NAME, "Muon primary author: %d (%s)", (*mu_itr)->author(), authorNames[(*mu_itr)->author()].c_str());
Info(APP_NAME, "Muon quality (from tool, from xAOD): %d, %d", my_quality, (*mu_itr)->quality());
Info(APP_NAME, "Muon passes cuts (ID hits, preselection): %d, %d", passesIDRequirements, passesPreselectionCuts);
......@@ -334,6 +385,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
selectionResults += "pass ";
......@@ -342,6 +394,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
......@@ -428,6 +481,54 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Info(APP_NAME, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
// Make table of selected muons by author and working point
Info(APP_NAME, "Selected muons by primary author and working point (numbers in parenthesis include bad muon veto):");
Info(APP_NAME, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
for (int l = 0; l < Nwp + 2; l++) {
std::string line = "";
if (l == 0) { // line with author names
line += " ";
for (int author = 0; author < Nauthor; author++) {
//Do not print unrepresented authors, since the table can be quite wide
if (allMuonsAuthor[author] == 0) continue;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::left << std::setw(16);
ss << authorNames[author];
line += ss.str();
} else if (l == 1) { // line for all muons inclusive
line += "All muons: ";
for (int author = 0; author < Nauthor; author++) {
if (allMuonsAuthor[author] == 0) continue;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::left << std::setw(16);
ss << std::to_string(allMuonsAuthor[author]);
line += ss.str();
} else { // lines for each of the working points
int wp = l - 2;
line += WPnames[wp] + ":" + padding[wp] + " ";
for (int author = 0; author < Nauthor; author++) {
if (allMuonsAuthor[author] == 0) continue;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::left << std::setw(16);
ss << (std::to_string(selectedMuonsAuthor[author][wp]) + " (" + std::to_string(selectedMuonsAuthorNotBad[author][wp]) + ")");
line += ss.str();
Info(APP_NAME, "%s", line.c_str());
Info(APP_NAME, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
// Make table of selected muons by |eta| and working point
Info(APP_NAME, "Selected muons by |eta| and working point (numbers in parenthesis include bad muon veto):");
Info(APP_NAME, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
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