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Commit ca6813da authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier Committed by Walter Lampl
Browse files

TrigMuonHypoMT: Fix histogram directories

- Use a common sub-directory for all histograms produced by the same
  HypoTool class.
- Set the name of the private monitoring tool to "MonTool" as we do not
  need unique names for private tools.
parent a54358de
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......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ atlas_subdir( TrigMuonHypoMT )
# Declare the package's dependencies:
atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
GaudiKernel )
......@@ -19,14 +19,20 @@ find_package( CLHEP )
# Component(s) in the package:
atlas_add_component( TrigMuonHypoMT
LINK_LIBRARIES ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} xAODTrigMuon TrigInterfacesLib DecisionHandling AthViews xAODMuon GaudiKernel )
atlas_add_test( TrigMuonHypoMTConfig SCRIPT python -m TrigMuonHypoMT.TrigMuonHypoMTConfig
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
# Unit tests:
atlas_add_test( TrigMuonHypoMTConfig
SCRIPT python -m TrigMuonHypoMT.TrigMuonHypoMTConfig
# Check python syntax:
atlas_add_test( flake8
SCRIPT flake8 --select=ATL,F,E7,E9,W6 --enable-extension=ATL900,ATL901 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/python
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from TrigMuonHypoMT.TrigMuonHypoMTConf import TrigMufastHypoAlg, TrigMufastHypoTool, TrigmuCombHypoAlg, TrigmuCombHypoTool, TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoAlg, TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoTool, TrigMuisoHypoAlg, TrigMuisoHypoTool, TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoAlg, TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoTool, TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoAlg, TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoTool
from TrigMuonHypoMT.TrigMuonHypoMonitoringMT import *
# import Hypo Algs/Tools
from TrigMuonHypoMT.TrigMuonHypoMTConf import ( # noqa: F401 (algs not used here)
TrigMufastHypoAlg, TrigMufastHypoTool,
TrigmuCombHypoAlg, TrigmuCombHypoTool,
TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoAlg, TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoTool,
TrigMuisoHypoAlg, TrigMuisoHypoTool,
TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoAlg, TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoTool,
TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoAlg, TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoTool
# import monitoring
from TrigMuonHypoMT.TrigMuonHypoMonitoringMT import (
# other imports
from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import GeV
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
import re
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
log = logging.getLogger('TrigMuonHypoMTConfig')
trigMuonEFSAThresholds = {
'0GeV' : [ [0,9.9], [ 0.100 ] ],
......@@ -189,15 +206,14 @@ trigMuonEFTrkIsoThresholds = {
def addMonitoring(tool, monClass, name, thresholdHLT ):
if 'Validation' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring() or 'Online' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring() or 'Cosmic' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring():
tool.MonTool = monClass( name + "Monitoring_" + thresholdHLT )
tool.MonTool = monClass( "MonTool" )
tool.MonTool.HistPath = name + "/" + thresholdHLT
except AttributeError:
tool.MonTool = ""
print name, ' Monitoring Tool failed'
log.error('%s Monitoring Tool failed', name)
def getThresholdsFromDict( chainDict ):
cparts = [i for i in chainDict['chainParts'] if i['signature'] is 'Muon' or i['signature'] is 'Bphysics']
cparts = [i for i in chainDict['chainParts'] if i['signature']=='Muon' or i['signature']=='Bphysics']
return sum( [ [part['threshold']]*int(part['multiplicity']) for part in cparts ], [])
......@@ -206,23 +222,22 @@ def TrigMufastHypoToolFromDict( chainDict ):
thresholds = getThresholdsFromDict( chainDict )
config = TrigMufastHypoConfig()
tool=config.ConfigurationHypoTool( chainDict['chainName'], thresholds )
# # Setup MonTool for monitored variables in AthenaMonitoring package
TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring = ['Validation']
# Setup MonTool for monitored variables in AthenaMonitoring package
addMonitoring( tool, TrigMufastHypoMonitoring, 'TrigMufastHypoTool', chainDict['chainName'] )
return tool
class TrigMufastHypoConfig():
def ConfigurationHypoTool( self, thresholdHLT, thresholds ):
tool = TrigMufastHypoTool( thresholdHLT )
class TrigMufastHypoConfig(object):
log = logging.getLogger('TrigMufastHypoConfig')
datayear = '2017'
def ConfigurationHypoTool( self, thresholdHLT, thresholds ):
tool = TrigMufastHypoTool( thresholdHLT )
nt = len(thresholds)
print "TrigMufastHypoConfig: Set ", nt, " thresholds"
log.debug('Set %d thresholds', nt)
tool.PtBins = [ [ 0, 2.5 ] ] * nt
tool.PtThresholds = [ [ 5.49 * GeV ] ] * nt
tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionA = [ 3. * GeV ] * nt
......@@ -230,23 +245,21 @@ class TrigMufastHypoConfig():
for th, thvalue in enumerate(thresholds):
thvaluename = thvalue + 'GeV_v15a'
print "Number of threshold = ", th, ", Value of threshold = ", thvaluename
log.debug('Number of threshold = %d, Value of threshold = %s', th, thvaluename)
tool.AcceptAll = False
values = muFastThresholds[thvaluename]
tool.PtBins[th] = values[0]
tool.PtThresholds[th] = [ x * GeV for x in values[1] ]
print "TrigMufastHypoConfig: Configration of threshold[", th, "] ", tool.PtThresholds[th]
print "TrigMufastHypoConfig: Configration of PtBins[", th, "] ", tool.PtBins[th]
log.debug('Configration of threshold[%d] %s', th, tool.PtThresholds[th])
log.debug('Configration of PtBins[%d] %s', th, tool.PtBins[th])
if thvaluename in muFastThresholdsForECWeakBRegion:
spThres = muFastThresholdsForECWeakBRegion[thvaluename]
tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionA[th] = spThres[0] * GeV
tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionB[th] = spThres[1] * GeV
print 'TrigMufastHypoConfig: -> Thresholds for A[', th, ']/B[', th, ']=',tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionA[th],'/',tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionB[th]
print 'TrigMufastHypoConfig: No special thresholds for EC weak Bfield regions for',thvaluename
print 'TrigMufastHypoConfig: -> Copy EC1 for region A, EC2 for region B'
log.debug('No special thresholds for EC weak Bfield regions for %s. Copy EC1 for region A, EC2 for region B.', thvaluename)
spThres = values[0][1]
if thvaluename == '2GeV' or thvaluename == '3GeV':
tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionA[th] = spThres[0] * GeV
......@@ -254,10 +267,11 @@ class TrigMufastHypoConfig():
tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionA[th] = spThres[1] * GeV
tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionB[th] = spThres[2] * GeV
print 'TrigMufastHypoConfig: -> Thresholds for A[', th, ']/B[', th, ']=',tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionA[th],'/',tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionB[th]
log.debug('Thresholds for A[%d]/B[%d] = %d/%d', th, th, tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionA[th], tool.PtThresholdForECWeakBRegionB[th])
except LookupError:
if (thvaluename=='passthrough'):
if (thvalue=='passthrough'):
tool.PtBins[th] = [-10000.,10000.]
tool.PtThresholds[th] = [ -1. * GeV ]
......@@ -266,7 +280,6 @@ class TrigMufastHypoConfig():
return tool
def TrigmuCombHypoToolFromDict( chainDict ):
print chainDict
thresholds = getThresholdsFromDict( chainDict )
config = TrigmuCombHypoConfig()
......@@ -278,27 +291,29 @@ def TrigmuCombHypoToolFromDict( chainDict ):
return tool
class TrigmuCombHypoConfig():
class TrigmuCombHypoConfig(object):
log = logging.getLogger('TrigmuCombHypoConfig')
def ConfigurationHypoTool( self, thresholdHLT, thresholds, tight ):
tool = TrigmuCombHypoTool( thresholdHLT )
nt = len(thresholds)
print "TrigMufastHypoConfig: Set ", nt, " thresholds"
log.debug('Set %d thresholds', nt)
tool.PtBins = [ [ 0, 2.5 ] ] * nt
tool.PtThresholds = [ [ 5.83 * GeV ] ] * nt
for th, thvalue in enumerate(thresholds):
thvaluename = thvalue + 'GeV_v15a'
print "Number of threshold = ", th, ", Value of threshold = ", thvaluename
log.debug('Number of threshold = %d, Value of threshold = %s', th, thvaluename)
values = muCombThresholds[thvaluename]
tool.PtBins[th] = values[0]
tool.PtThresholds[th] = [ x * GeV for x in values[1] ]
except LookupError:
if (threshold=='passthrough'):
if (thvalue=='passthrough'):
tool.AcceptAll = True
tool.PtBins[th] = [-10000.,10000.]
tool.PtThresholds[th] = [ -1. * GeV ]
......@@ -307,7 +322,7 @@ class TrigmuCombHypoConfig():
raise Exception('MuComb Hypo Misconfigured: threshold %r not supported' % thvaluename)
if (tight == True):
if (tight is True):
tool.ApplyPikCuts = True
tool.MaxPtToApplyPik = 25.
tool.MaxChi2IDPik = 3.5
......@@ -325,7 +340,9 @@ def TrigMuisoHypoToolFromDict( chainDict ):
return tool
class TrigMuisoHypoConfig() :
class TrigMuisoHypoConfig(object):
log = logging.getLogger('TrigMuisoHypoConfig')
def ConfigurationHypoTool( self, toolName ):
......@@ -335,21 +352,19 @@ class TrigMuisoHypoConfig() :
tool.AcceptAll = False
if 'passthrough' in toolName:
tool.AcceptAll = True
print 'MuisoHypoConfig configured in pasthrough mode'
log.debug('MuisoHypoConfig configured in pasthrough mode')
if "FTK" in toolName: # allows us to use different working points in FTK mode
tool.IDConeSize = 2;
tool.IDConeSize = 2
tool.MaxIDIso_1 = 0.12
tool.MaxIDIso_2 = 0.12
tool.MaxIDIso_3 = 0.12
tool.IDConeSize = 2;
tool.IDConeSize = 2
tool.MaxIDIso_1 = 0.1
tool.MaxIDIso_2 = 0.1
tool.MaxIDIso_3 = 0.1
print 'MuisoHypoConfig configuration done'
return tool
......@@ -361,23 +376,25 @@ def TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoToolFromDict( chainDict ) :
return tool
class TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoConfig():
class TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoConfig(object):
log = logging.getLogger('TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoConfig')
def ConfigurationHypoTool( self, thresholdHLT, thresholds ):
log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
tool = TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoTool( thresholdHLT )
nt = len(thresholds)
print "TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoConfig: Set ", nt, " thresholds"
print "But cann't use multi muon trigger due to not yet implemented it"
log.debug('Set %d thresholds', nt)
log.warning('But cannot use multi muon trigger (not implemented yet)')
tool.PtBins = [ [ 0, 2.5 ] ] * nt
tool.PtThresholds = [ [ 5.49 * GeV ] ] * nt
for th, thvalue in enumerate(thresholds):
thvaluename = thvalue + 'GeV'
print "Number of threshold = ", th, ", Value of threshold = ", thvaluename
log.debug('Number of threshold = %d, Value of threshold = %s', th, thvaluename)
tool.AcceptAll = False
......@@ -386,11 +403,11 @@ class TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoConfig():
tool.PtThresholds[th] = [ x * GeV for x in values[1] ]
except LookupError:
if (threshold=='passthrough'):
if (thvalue=='passthrough'):
tool.PtBins[th] = [-10000.,10000.]
tool.PtThresholds[th] = [ -1. * GeV ]
raise Exception('MuonEFMSonly Hypo Misconfigured: threshold %r not supported' % threshold)
raise Exception('MuonEFMSonly Hypo Misconfigured: threshold %r not supported' % thvaluename)
return tool
......@@ -402,22 +419,23 @@ def TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoToolFromDict( chainDict ) :
addMonitoring( tool, TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoMonitoring, "TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoTool", chainDict['chainName'] )
return tool
class TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoConfig():
class TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoConfig(object):
log = logging.getLogger('TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoConfig')
def ConfigurationHypoTool( self, thresholdHLT, thresholds ):
tool = TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoTool( thresholdHLT )
nt = len(thresholds)
print "TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoConfig: Set ", nt, " thresholds"
log.debug('Set %d thresholds', nt)
tool.PtBins = [ [ 0, 2.5 ] ] * nt
tool.PtThresholds = [ [ 5.49 * GeV ] ] * nt
for th, thvalue in enumerate(thresholds):
thvaluename = thvalue + 'GeV_v15a'
print "Number of threshold = ", th, ", Value of threshold = ", thvaluename
log.debug('Number of threshold = %d, Value of threshold = %s', th, thvaluename)
tool.AcceptAll = False
......@@ -426,24 +444,26 @@ class TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoConfig():
tool.PtThresholds[th] = [ x * GeV for x in values[1] ]
except LookupError:
if (threshold=='passthrough'):
if (thvalue=='passthrough'):
tool.PtBins[th] = [-10000.,10000.]
tool.PtThresholds[th] = [ -1. * GeV ]
raise Exception('MuonEFCB Hypo Misconfigured: threshold %r not supported' % threshold)
raise Exception('MuonEFCB Hypo Misconfigured: threshold %r not supported' % thvaluename)
return tool
def TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoToolFromDict( chainDict ) :
cparts = [i for i in chainDict['chainParts'] if i['signature'] is 'Muon']
cparts = [i for i in chainDict['chainParts'] if i['signature']=='Muon']
thresholds = cparts[0]['isoInfo']
config = TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoConfig()
tool = config.ConfigurationHypoTool( chainDict['chainName'], thresholds )
return tool
class TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoConfig() :
class TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoConfig(object) :
log = logging.getLogger('TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoConfig')
def ConfigurationHypoTool(self, toolName, isoCut):
......@@ -468,10 +488,10 @@ class TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoConfig() :
tool.useVarIso = False
except LookupError:
if(isoCut=='passthrough') :
print 'Setting passthrough'
log.debug('Setting passthrough')
tool.AcceptAll = True
print 'isoCut = ', isoCut
log.error('isoCut = ', isoCut)
raise Exception('TrigMuonEFTrackIsolation Hypo Misconfigured')
return tool
......@@ -494,7 +514,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
chainNameDecoder = DictFromChainName.DictFromChainName()
for c in configToTest:
print "testing config ", c"testing config %s", c)
chainDict = chainNameDecoder.getChainDict(c)
toolMufast = TrigMufastHypoToolFromDict(chainDict)
assert toolMufast
......@@ -507,4 +527,4 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
toolEFCombiner = TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoToolFromDict(chainDict)
assert toolEFCombiner
print "All OK""All OK")
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# PURPOSE: AthenaMT Migration
from AthenaMonitoring.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool, defineHistogram
from AthenaMonitoring.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool
class TrigMufastHypoMonitoring(GenericMonitoringTool):
def __init__ (self, name):
super(TrigMufastHypoMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
self.HistPath = name
self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #muFast; P_{T} (GeV)", xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100),
defineHistogram('PtFL', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} of not selected muons from #muFast; p_{T} (GeV)", xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100),
defineHistogram('Eta , Phi', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta vs Phi reconstruction of #muFast; Eta; Phi",xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2, ybins=25, ymin=-3.15, ymax=3.15),
defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #muFast; Eta",xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2),
defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #muFast; Phi",xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15),
defineHistogram('ZatSt, Phi', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Z vs Phi reconstructed in MIDDLE station; Z (cm); Phi (rad)",xbins=50, xmin=-1200., xmax=1200., ybins=25, ymin=-3.2, ymax=3.2),
defineHistogram('XatSt , YatSt', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Y vs X reconstructed in MIDDLE station; X (cm); Y(cm)",xbins=50, xmin=-1200., xmax=1200., ybins=50, ymin=-1200., ymax=1200.),
defineHistogram('ZatBe', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="DCA along Z; Z (cm)",xbins=100, xmin=-2100, xmax=2100),
defineHistogram('XatBe', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="DCA along X; X (cm)",xbins=100, xmin=-1000, xmax=1000) ]
self.defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #muFast; P_{T} (GeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
self.defineHistogram('PtFL', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} of not selected muons from #muFast; p_{T} (GeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
self.defineHistogram('Eta , Phi', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta vs Phi reconstruction of #muFast; Eta; Phi",
xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2, ybins=25, ymin=-3.15, ymax=3.15)
self.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #muFast; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
self.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #muFast; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
self.defineHistogram('ZatSt, Phi', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Z vs Phi reconstructed in MIDDLE station; Z (cm); Phi (rad)",
xbins=50, xmin=-1200., xmax=1200., ybins=25, ymin=-3.2, ymax=3.2)
self.defineHistogram('XatSt , YatSt', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Y vs X reconstructed in MIDDLE station; X (cm); Y(cm)",
xbins=50, xmin=-1200., xmax=1200., ybins=50, ymin=-1200., ymax=1200.)
self.defineHistogram('ZatBe', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="DCA along Z; Z (cm)",
xbins=100, xmin=-2100, xmax=2100)
self.defineHistogram('XatBe', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="DCA along X; X (cm)",
xbins=100, xmin=-1000, xmax=1000)
class TrigmuCombHypoMonitoring(GenericMonitoringTool):
def __init__ (self, name):
super(TrigmuCombHypoMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
self.HistPath = name
self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="p_{T} reconstruction from #muComb; p_{T} (GeV)",
xbins=210, xmin=-105, xmax=105) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('PtFL', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="p_{T} of not selected muons from #muComb; p_{T} (GeV)",
xbins=210, xmin=-105., xmax=105.) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('StrategyFlag', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Combination Strategy from #muComb; Strategy Code",
xbins=12, xmin=-1.5, xmax=10.5) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #muComb; Eta",
xbins=108, xmin=-2.7, xmax=2.7) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #muComb; Phi (rad)",
xbins=96, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Z0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PCA along Z from ID track from #muComb; PCA(Z0) (mm)",
xbins=100, xmin=-200, xmax=200) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('A0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PCA along x-y from ID track from #muComb; PCA(A0) (mm)",
xbins=100, xmin=-0.6, xmax=0.6) ]
self.defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="p_{T} reconstruction from #muComb; p_{T} (GeV)",
xbins=210, xmin=-105, xmax=105)
self.defineHistogram('PtFL', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="p_{T} of not selected muons from #muComb; p_{T} (GeV)",
xbins=210, xmin=-105., xmax=105.)
self.defineHistogram('StrategyFlag', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Combination Strategy from #muComb; Strategy Code",
xbins=12, xmin=-1.5, xmax=10.5)
self.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #muComb; Eta",
xbins=108, xmin=-2.7, xmax=2.7)
self.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #muComb; Phi (rad)",
xbins=96, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416)
self.defineHistogram('Z0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PCA along Z from ID track from #muComb; PCA(Z0) (mm)",
xbins=100, xmin=-200, xmax=200)
self.defineHistogram('A0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PCA along x-y from ID track from #muComb; PCA(A0) (mm)",
xbins=100, xmin=-0.6, xmax=0.6)
class TrigMuisoHypoMonitoring(GenericMonitoringTool):
def __init__ (self, name):
super(TrigMuisoHypoMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
self.HistPath = name
self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('CutCounter', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="MuIsoHypo cut counter;cut; nevents", xbins=9, xmin=-1.5, xmax=7.5, opt="kCumulative") ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('SumPtCone', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="MuIsoHypo SumPt in cone around muon;E [GeV/c]; nevents", xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=15.) ]
self.defineHistogram('CutCounter', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="MuIsoHypo cut counter;cut; nevents",
xbins=9, xmin=-1.5, xmax=7.5, opt="kCumulative")
self.defineHistogram('SumPtCone', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="MuIsoHypo SumPt in cone around muon;E [GeV/c]; nevents",
xbins=200, xmin=0., xmax=15.)
class TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoMonitoring(GenericMonitoringTool):
def __init__ (self, name="TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoMonitoring"):
super(TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypoMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
self.HistPath = name
self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; P_{T} (MeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Pt_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; P_{T} (MeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15) ]
self.defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; P_{T} (MeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
self.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
self.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
self.defineHistogram('Pt_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; P_{T} (MeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
self.defineHistogram('Eta_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
self.defineHistogram('Phi_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFMSonlyHypo; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
class TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoMonitoring(GenericMonitoringTool):
def __init__ (self, name="TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoMonitoring"):
super(TrigMuonEFCombinerHypoMonitoring, self).__init__(name)
self.HistPath = name
self.Histograms = [ defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; P_{T} (MeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Pt_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; P_{T} (MeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Eta_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2) ]
self.Histograms += [ defineHistogram('Phi_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15) ]
self.defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; P_{T} (MeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
self.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
self.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
self.defineHistogram('Pt_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; P_{T} (MeV)",
xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
self.defineHistogram('Eta_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; Eta",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
self.defineHistogram('Phi_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo; Phi",
xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
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