- May 27, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Setting up the package to behave correctly in the CMake build. * Tagging as ISF_FatrasInterfaces-00-03-08
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging ISF_FatrasEventAthenaPool-00-00-03. * Remove #define private. 2015-07-10 Peter van Gemmeren < Peter.van.Gemmeren -at- cern.ch > * small change to Converter::updateLog() to get const DataObject* * tag ISF_FatrasEventAthenaPool-00-00-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging InDetSimEventAthenaPool-00-00-05. * Add a regression test for reading old data files. * Tagging InDetSimEventAthenaPool-00-00-04. * Revert to InDetSimEventAthenaPool-00-00-02 to allow further development in the trunk. (ATLASSIM-2667) 2016-01-19 Olivier Arnaez <Olivier.Arnaez@cern.ch> * Merging with InDetSimEventAthenaPool-00-00-02-branch * Tagged as InDetSimEventAthenaPool-00-00-03 2015-12-07 Olivier Arnaez <Olivier.Arnaez@cern.ch> * Updates for dealing with HepMcParticleLink_p2 * Changed SiHitCollectionCnv.h,SiHitCollectionCnv.cxx,TRTUncompressedHitCollectionCnv.h,TRTUncompressedHitCollectionCnv.cxx * Tagged as InDetSimEventAthenaPool-00-00-02-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-09. * cmt/requirements: checkreq fixes. * Tagging InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-08. * Remove #define private. * Add unit tests. * Tagging InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-07. * Add regression test for reading old data file.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging InDetSimEventTPCnv-00-00-07. * InDetSimEventTPCnv/InDetHits/TRT_Hit_p1.h, InDetSimEventTPCnv/InDetHits/SiHit_p1.h: Remove explicit ctors (fix coverity warnings). 2016-03-18 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging InDetSimEventTPCnv-00-00-06. * Remove #define private. * Tagging InDetSimEventTPCnv-00-00-05. * Add unit tests. * Tagging InDetSimEventTPCnv-00-00-04. * Revert to InDetSimEventTPCnv-00-00-02 to allow further development in the trunk. (ATLASSIM-2666) 2016-01-19 Olivier Arnaez <olivier.arnaez@cern.ch> * Merging with InDetSimEventTPCnv-00-00-02-branch ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging InDetSimData-03-00-09 * InDetSimData/InDetSimData.h, src/InDetSimData.cxx: Add move assignment. Add ctor taking vector by move. * InDetSimData/InDetSimDataDict.h: Naming convention fix.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging InDetLowBetaInfo-00-02-03. * Const fixes.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging InDetCompetingRIOsOnTrack-02-00-02. * InDetCompetingRIOsOnTrack/CompetingPixelClustersOnTrack.h: src/CompetingPixelClustersOnTrack.cxx: Add move assignment op.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging InDetOverlay-00-06-05. * src/InDetOverlay.cxx: Const fixes. * Tagging InDetOverlay-00-06-04. * src/InDetOverlay.cxx: Remove #define private by introducing InDetRawData::merge. Fixes compilation with gcc5.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TrkPrepRawData-07-00-06 * Fixes for ATLASRECTS-2371
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Adding a statement to the requirements file to handle this package correctly in the CMake build. * Tagging as TrkMeasurementBase-02-00-02 2015-11-26 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrkMeasurementBase-02-00-01. * Restore dictionary generation. DataModel -> AthContainers.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Remove user-written (but do-nothing) constructor and copy ctor, to solve coverity 12287 12287 09/07/2014 (Low) Copy without assign :/build/AtlasOffline-dev/AtlasEvent/rel_2/InstallArea/include/TrkTrackLink/TrkTrackLink/ITrackLink.h in function "" * tag as TrkTrackLink-01-00-03
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Comply with ATLAS naming conventions * Tagging as TrkTrackSummary-00-23-16
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TrkSegment-02-00-08. * TrkSegment/Segment.h: Add hasContainedMeasurements. * src/Segment.cxx (operator=): Protect against missing measurement vector.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* attempt to fix 12423 09/07/2014 (Low) Missing assignment operator :/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/src/SpacePoint.cxx in function "operator =" * tag as TrkSpacePoint-05-00-04
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack-02-00-06. * TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack/PseudoMeasurementOnTrack.h: Add hasSurface. Add virtual/override keywords. 2015-11-26 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack-02-00-05. * cmt/requirements: Restore dictionary generation.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fix coverity defects 13100 09/07/2014 (Medium) Uninitialized scalar field :/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkCaloClusterROI/src/CaloClusterROI.cxx in function "CaloClusterROI" 13101 09/07/2014 (Medium) Uninitialized scalar field :/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkCaloClusterROI/src/CaloClusterROI.cxx in function "CaloClusterROI" * update copy/assignment operators to include m_energy,m_phiWidth,m_etaWidth * tag as TrkCaloClusterROI-01-00-01 * tag as TrkCaloClusterROI-01-00-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix coverity defects 12288 09/07/2014 (Low) Copy without assign :/build/AtlasOffline-dev/AtlasEvent/rel_2/InstallArea/include/TrkMultiComponentStateOnSurface/TrkMultiComponentStateOnSurface/ComponentParameters.h in function "" 12442 09/07/2014 (Low) Missing assignment operator :/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkMultiComponentStateOnSurface/TrkMultiComponentStateOnSurface/MultiComponentStateOnSurface.h in function "" 12289 09/07/2014 (Low) Copy without assign :/build/AtlasOffline-dev/AtlasEvent/rel_2/InstallArea/include/TrkMultiComponentStateOnSurface/TrkMultiComponentStateOnSurface/MultiComponentStateOnSurface.h in function "" 13084 09/07/2014 (Medium) Uninitialized scalar field :/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkMultiComponentStateOnSurface/src/MultiComponentStateOnSurface.cxx in function "MultiComponentStateOnSurface" * Tagged as TrkMultiComponentStateOnSurface-02-00-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixing coverity defects: 12193 09/07/2014 (Medium) Function address comparison :/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkCaloCluster_OnTrack/src/CaloCluster_OnTrack.cxx in function "dump" 12361 09/07/2014 (Medium) Explicit null dereferenced :/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkCaloCluster_OnTrack/src/CaloCluster_OnTrack.cxx in function * tag as TrkCaloCluster_OnTrack-01-00-03
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TrkCompetingRIOsOnTrack-02-00-05. * cmt/requirements: Restore dictionary generation.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TrkV0Vertex-01-00-04. * TrkV0Vertex/V0Candidate.h, src/V0Candidate.cxx: Add move ctor and assignment. * TrkV0Vertex/V0Hypothesis.h: Add friend decl for tp converters.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging VxVertex-03-00-15. * VxVertex/VxTrackAtVertex.h: Add setOrigTrackNoCache.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TrkTruthTPCnv-01-00-06. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions. Fix clang warnings.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2016-01-05 RD Schaffer <R.D.Schaffer@cern.ch> * tagging TrkTruthAthenaPool-00-02-05 * src/PRD_MultiTruthCollectionCnv.h: removed use of __IDENTIFIER_64BIT__ 2016-01-04 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Made sure that PRD_MultiTruthCollectionCnv would build when __IDENTIFIER_64BIT__ is not defined. * Tagging as TrkTruthAthenaPool-00-02-04 2013-03-19 John Chapman separation for PRD_MultiTruthCollection is implemented.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TauTrackEvent-00-00-10-02. * TauTrackEvent/TruthTau.h: Fix coverity warning.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-11-12 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AnalysisUtils-00-02-41. * AnalysisUtils/ParticleCandidateList.h: Fix declaration of const_reference (fixes clang warning). * Tagging AnalysisUtils-00-02-40. * Avoid division by constants. * Tagging AnalysisUtils-00-02-39. * AthenaBaseComps cleanup. 2015-11-03 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Removed all the declareInterface<...>(...) calls from the tool base classes. As these are no longer compatible with the latest version of Gaudi, and hence don't compile in the CMake nightly. * The tools are not used for anything useful at this point anyway, so this shouldn't affect too many people. * Tagging as AnalysisUtils-00-02-38 2014-09-26 Karsten Koeneke <karsten.koeneke@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging ParticleEvent-00-22-30. * Remove obsolete #includes (fix clang compilation). 2015-11-17 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging ParticleEvent-00-22-29. * ParticleEvent/INav4MomToTrackParticleAssocs.h, src/INav4MomToTrackParticleAssocs.cxx, ParticleEvent/TrackParticleAssocs.h, src/TrackParticleAssocs.cxx: Add assocStore(), nAssocStores(). Fix bug in addAssocStore(). * ParticleEvent/Lib/Base.h, ParticleEvent/ParticleImpl.h: Add set_origin() taking a link. * ParticleEvent/SelectedParticles.h, src/SelectedParticles.cxx: Const fix. * DataModel -> AthLinks, AthContainers. 2015-05-20 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging ParticleEventTPCnv-00-04-18. * test/ParticleEventTPCnv.xml: Add test xml file. 2015-11-17 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging ParticleEventTPCnv-00-04-17. * DataModel -> AthLinks, AthAllocators * Tagging ParticleEventTPCnv-00-04-16. * Avoid #define private. * Tagging ParticleEventTPCnv-00-04-15. * ParticleEventTPCnv/ParticleShallowCloneCnv_p1.h: Fix forward declaration. * ParticleEventTPCnv/ParticleLinksCnv_p1.h: Rewrite to avoid referencing links. Simplify. Avoid #define private. * Add unit tests. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Now that the Gaudi development in the CMake nightly has settled a bit, cleaned out the RootTruthParticleCnvTool code a bit. So that it would build correctly in both dev(val) and the CMake nightly. * Tagging as McParticleEventTPCnv-00-03-19 2016-02-17 Peter van Gemmeren <gemmeren@anl.gov> * Tagging McParticleEventTPCnv-00-03-18. * Remove #include of transient McEventCollection from persistent state 2016-01-11 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Since using -DATHENAHIVE didn't pan out too well in the CMake nightly, modified RootTruthParticleCnvTool to not rely on a macro to declare its inputDataObjects() and outputDataObjects() functions. * Tagging as McParticleEventTPCnv-00-03-17 2016-01-10 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Once again following the changes in Gaudi's master branch. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging EventTagTPCnv-00-01-05. * EventTagTPCnv/RawInfoSummaryForTag_p1.h: Fix uninitialized members.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TagEvent-00-05-21. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging JetTagInfoTPCnv-00-01-20. * Avoid #define private (gcc port).
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-11-16 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging JetTagInfo-00-03-36. * JetTagInfo/SLTrueInfo.h, src/SLTrueInfo.cxx: const fix. (Missed this in the previous commit.) * Tagging JetTagInfo-00-03-35. * gcc5 port: * JetTagInfo/IPTrackInfo.h, src/IPTrackInfo.cxx: TrackGrade should be passed by const reference, not value. Add ctor taking track directly by EL. Add trackLink(). * JetTagInfo/MSVVtxInfo.h, JetTagInfo/SVInfoPlus.h, JetTagInfo/SecVtxInfo.h: RecVertex should be passed by const reference, not value. * JetTagInfo/MultiSVInfoPlus.h, src/MultiSVInfoPlus.cxx: Add move assignment op. Add addVtxInfo taking arg by unique_ptr. * JetTagInfo/SETrackInfo.h, src/SETrackInfo.cxx: Vectors should be passed by const reference, not by value. Add ctors taking ELs directly. Add electronLink()/photonLink(). * JetTagInfo/SMTrackInfo.h, src/SMTrackInfo.cxx: Vectors should be ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging JetTagInfoAthenaPool-00-01-08. * src/JetTagInfoCnv.h, src/JetTagInfoCnv.cxx: Do not put using declarations in the global namespace in a header file.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-10-01. * Fix coverity warnings. 2016-02-26 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Declaring an explicitly dependency on PyROOT in the requirements file for CMake. With the recent cleanup in library dependencies in the CMake nightly, now this library was missing the PyROOT symbols. * Tagging as AthenaROOTAccess-00-10-00 2016-02-13 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-99. * AthenaROOTAccess/TTreeTrans.h, src/TTreeTrans.cxx: Update for IProxyDict changes. 2016-01-21 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-98. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix dictionary * AnalysisTriggerEventTPCnv-00-01-04
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Small python fixes * Tagged MCTruthClassifier-00-01-43 2015-09-28 Oleg Fedin * add aditional protection against null pointer * fix classification for Bkg electrons in Sherpa * Tagged MCTruthClassifier-00-01-42 2015-08-06 Oleg Fedin * add protection against zero pointer in the * isHardScatVrtx function 2015-07-15 Oleg Fedin * add protection to work with DxAOD * tagged as MCTruthClassifier-00-01-41 2015-06-15 Oleg Fedin * add classification of origin for the neutrino * The code prepared by Pierre-Antoine Delsart * tagged as MCTruthClassifier-00-01-40 2015-06-04 Oleg Fedin * fixed bug for Particle gun ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging LumiBlockComps-01-00-24. * Fix warnings. * Tagging LumiBlockComps-01-00-23. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging LumiBlockTPCnv-00-02-07. * test/LumiBlockTPCnv.xml: Add test xml file. 2015-11-12 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LumiBlockTPCnv-00-02-06. * Avoid #define private hack. * Tagging LumiBlockTPCnv-00-02-05. * Add unit tests for LumiBlockRange converters. * Tagging LumiBlockTPCnv-00-02-04. * src/LumiBlockTPCnv.cxx: Avoid duplicate TPCnv entries.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tag JiveXML-02-02-90 * finally fixed NICOS 'Major Warning' due to using AlgTool instead of AthAlgTool 2015-06-09 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer -at- mail.cern.ch> Juergen Thomas <jpt -at- hep.ph.bham.ac.uk> * tag JiveXML-02-02-89 * addressing coverity defect (FormatTool) 2015-04-25 Juergen Thomas <jpt -at- hep.ph.bham.ac.uk> * tag JiveXML-02-02-88 * change variable type for event number to 'unsigned long' from 'unsigned int', as high-rate tests can have > 4 billion as event number ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)