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20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Mar131110726Feb628Jan929Dec12527Nov2220151214Aug30Jul1615131293218Jun28May21229Apr25242322191817118319Mar181514131211654326Feb2322212019161513129876530Jan262524232219181715121110919Dec1815141312113128Nov27232217161514109873231Oct272524231918171412111096543229Sep2827222120191814817Aug1511432131Jul272521722Jun1298626May24232217161511109426Apr25242120191817141328Mar242221201716151498732127Feb242322211716136324Oct22Sep28Mar2421Feb25May30Aug222129Jul18121121Jun2075427May23212018Mar57Dec16Oct1510Feb11Jan14Dec22Jul25Apr10Mar16Jan1315Dec18Nov717Aug14Jul1329Jun24Mayimproved six Jc functions: 1) functions are 10-60% faster now. 2) function Jc_NbTi_Bottura.m cannot return imaginary values anymoremastermasterfixed a second bug in the recently changed cpNb3Sn_Arp_Knapp_mat.m, which gave an error if the argument T was an empty vectorfixed bug in the recently changed cpNb3Sn_Arp_Knapp_mat.m, which gave an error if 4 empty arguments were passedCorrected STEAM_MatPro_template.m that didn't correctly called CFUN_rhoCu_NIST_v2 when in .mex mode2025.3.2-release2025.3.2-releaseImproved the function cpNb3Sn_Arp_Knapp_mat.m: 1) it now works when Tc, Tc0, Tcs are either scalars or vectors. 2) if Tc, Tc0, and Tcs are all vectors with identical elements. If so, they'll be changed to scalars to speed up calculation. 3) Small speed improvement by commenting redundant "ps(idxAboveTc) = 0;". 4) changed code reformatting to make it more readable. NOTE: The edited function is expected to return the same values as before (when Tc, Tc0, Tcs are scalars).2025.3.1-release2025.3.1-releasecorrected typo in the namerenamed Matlab functions cpNb3Sn_cryocomp_mat and cpNb3Sn_cryocomp_B to cpNb3Sn_Arp_Knapp_mat and cpNb3Sn_Arp_Knapp_Bcorrected function CFUN_CvNb3Sn_Arp_Knapp_v1 to CFUN_CvNb3Sn_Arp_Knapp_v2.ccorrected STEAM_MatPro_template.m to correctly write handle_Tc_Tcs_Nb3Sn_Bordini and handle_Tc_Tcs_Nb3Sn_SummersHcFit_Benchmark: introduce lower B limit minBJcFit_Benchmark: replace macros by static const global varsMerge branch 'master' of Pancake benchmark Jc fit, use with caution (not tested yet, and no reference)fixed bug in rhoBeCu_nist_mat.m that caused an error when the argument f_scaling is a scalar (which should be the only way the function works...)- Updated COMSOL mdMerge branch 'master' of hHn_1 & hN_v1_derivCI/C: package-win64 needs compile-mex2024.12.2-release2024.12.2-releasecompile-cerngetdp job should also run for tagged versions2024.12.1-release2024.12.1-releaseCleaned up generate_ref_data.pyFixed bug in python bindings for Fortran-ordered input arrays, e.g. when transposing..gitlab-ci.yml: adapt to new CERNGetDP runner tags- updated the README.mdparallelize snapshot and compiled getdp testsCI/CD, pages job also on STEAM VM to use readily created venvCI/CD: fix and simplify pages jobCI/CD: prepare_venv job needs to be run on our runnerCI/CD: clean venvs to remove reinstalling the same packages multiple timesCI/CD: enable compiled getdp tests in addition to snapshot testsCI/CD: add artifact to compile_cerngetdp, remove deps for test-dll and test-snapshot-cerngetdpCI/CD compile-cerngetdp: more fixesCI/CD compile cerngetdp: don't clone submodulesCI/CD: compile-cerngetdp further fixesCI/CD compile-cerngetdp: trying to convince powershell to give me a temporary dir (I miss linux)CI/CD: compile-cerngetdp fix copy commandCI/CD: use temporary folderCI/CD compile_cergetdp: add copy steam-mat-lib to right placeCI/CD: add missing word in compile-cerngetdpCI/CD: pip --> pip3also call steam_material_adder