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STEAM Material Library

STEAM Material Library is a collection of functions written in C, that is used by various simulations at CERN to caclulate and use material properties (volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, resistivity e.t.c.).

Table of Contents


The documentation is more complete than this README, we recommend taking a look:

Some of this documentation can also be accessed through the docs folder.

Implementation in CERN simulating interfaces


To add and use a material function on CERNGetDP, two steps are needed. First, the user needs to add the C-function in steam-material-library\models\c\*\ and then, using steam-material-adder on cerngetdp\steam_material_adder, one can automatically add functions from steam-material-library just by filling out the characteristics of the function on the excel sheet. There are precise instructions on steam_material_adder repository.


Hardcoded functions on pyBBQ interface have been replaced with the corresponding C-functions from steam material library providing more accurate results.


LEDET interface runs in MatLab, so a mex-based wrapper around the C-code was built. The bindings\matlab\ file compiles the C-functions from the models\c\*\ folders into mex files and saves them in into the bindings\matlab\mex_compilation directory. It also creates a MATLAB class to wrap all the mex function calls. The interface is like any other native MATLAB function.


To compile the shared libraries, simply build the cmake project. For example, with cmake .. && cmake --build . --config Release -j4 -v in a user-created build-directory. More detailled instructions may be found in the documentation.


A pre-built python wrapper of these functions is available on PyPI.

Function Parameters

Functions of specificheat & volumetric heat capacity in J/(kg K) and J/(K*m^3) correspondingly (plus 2 interpolation functions- BHAir and BHIron2):

C function name Arguments 1st Arg 2nd Arg 3d Arg 4th Arg 5th Arg
CFUN_BHAir_v1 1 x
CFUN_BHIron2_v1 1 x
CFUN_CpHeMass_v1 1 T
CFUN_CpNb3Sn_v1 4 T Tc Tc0 Tcs
CFUN_CvAg_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvAl_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvAl5083_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvBeCu_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvBrass_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvBSCCO2212_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvCu_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvG10_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvHast_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvHe_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvHeMass_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvIn_v0 1 T
CFUN_CvKapton_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvNb3Sn_v1 2 T B
CFUN_CvNb3Sn_v2 4 T B Tc0 Bc20
CFUN_CvNbTi_v1 5 T B I C1 C2
CFUN_CvNbTi_v2 2 T B
CFUN_CvSteel_v1 1 T
CFUN_CvTi_v1 1 T

Functions of Thermal conductivity in W/(K*m):

C function name Arguments 1st Arg 2nd Arg 3d Arg 4th Arg 5th Arg
CFUN_kAg_v1 1 T
CFUN_kAl_v1 2 T RRR*
CFUN_kAl1350_v1 1 T
CFUN_kAl1350_v1 1 T
CFUN_kAl5083_v1 1 T
CFUN_kBeCu_WiedemannFranz_v1 2 T rhoBeCu
CFUN_kBrass_v1 1 T
CFUN_kCu_v1 1 T RRR rho_B0 rho
CFUN_kCu_Wiedemann_v1 1 T T rho
CFUN_kG10_v1 1 T
CFUN_kHast_v1 1 T
CFUN_kIn_v1 1 T
CFUN_kKapton_v1 1 T
CFUN_kSteel_v1 1 T
CFUN_kStycast_v1 1 T

Functions of Resistivity in Ohm*m.

C function name Arguments 1st Arg 2nd Arg 3d Arg 4th Arg 5th Arg 6th Arg 7th Arg 8th Arg 9th Arg 10th Arg 11th Arg 12th Arg
CFUN_rhoAg_v1 5 T B RRR Tref_RRR c0_scale
CFUN_rhoAgMg_v1 2 T B
CFUN_rhoAl_v1 2 T RRR*
CFUN_rhoBeCu_v1 2 T f_scaling
CFUN_rhoCu_v1 5 T B RRR Tup_RRR c0_scale
CFUN_rhoHast_v1 1 T
CFUN_rhoIn_v0 1 T
CFUN_rhoSS_v1 1 T

Functions of Critical Current, Critical Current density & Critical Temperature in A, A/m^2 & K correspondingly.

C function name Arguments 1st Arg 2nd Arg 3d Arg 4th Arg 5th Arg 6th Arg 7th Arg 8th Arg 9th Arg 10th Arg 11th Arg 12th Arg
CFUN_fisc_I_Ic_n_rhom_Am_BSCCO2212 5 I Ic n rho_m A_matrix
CFUN_HTS_JcFit_sunam_v1 3 Top_IN Bnorm_IN thetaFieldTape_IN
CFUN_HTS_JcFit_SUPERPOWER_v1 3 Top_IN Bnorm_IN thetaFieldTape_IN
CFUN_HTS_JcFit_THEVA_v1 3 Top_IN Bnorm_IN thetaFieldTape_IN
CFUN_IcNb3Sn_HiLumi_v1 3 T B Area
CFUN_IcNb3Sn_v1 3 T B Area
CFUN_IcNb3Sn_WithStress_v1 6 T B Area S a c Bc20 Smax
CFUN_IcNbTi_v1 3 T B Area
CFUN_Jc_Bordini_v1 6 T B C0 Tc0_Nb3Sn Bc20_Nb3Sn alpha
CFUN_Jc_Nb3Sn_Bottura_v1 9 T B Bc20 Tc0 CJ p q wireDiameter Cu_noCu
CFUN_Jc_Nb3Sn_Summer_v1 5 T B Jc_Nb3Sn0 Tc0_Nb3Sn Bc20_Nb3Sn
CFUN_Jc_NbTi_Bottura_v1 11 T B Tc0 Bc20 Jc_ref C0 alpha beta gamma wireDiameter Cu_noCu
CFUN_Jc_NbTi_Cudi_fit1_v1 8 T B Tc0 Bc20 C1 C2 wireDiameter Cu_noCu
CFUN_Jc_NbTi_Cudi_v1 12 T B Tc0 Bc20 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 wireDiameter Cu_noCu
CFUN_Jc_T_B_BSCCO2212_block20T_new_v1 3 T B f_scaling
CFUN_Jc_T_B_BSCCO2212_block20T_v1 3 T B f_scaling
CFUN_Jc_T_B_BSCCO2212_block20T_Power_Gosh_v1 3 T B f_scaling
CFUN_Jc_T_B_BSCCO2212_Power_Jiang_Wesche_v1 3 T B f_scaling
CFUN_JcNbTiLowCurrent_v1 2 T B
CFUN_Tcs_Nb3Sn_v1 6 J_sc B Jc0 Jc_Nb3Sn0 Tc0_Nb3Sn Bc20_Nb3Sn
CFUN_TcsNbTi_v1 4 B I C1 C2

Other functions:

C function name Arguments 1st Arg 2nd Arg 3d Arg 4th Arg 5th Arg 6th Arg 7th Arg 8th Arg 9th Arg 10th Arg 11th Arg
CFUN_hHe_v1 2 T THe
CFUN_n_T_B_BSCCO2212_Jiang_Wesche_v1 3 T B n0
CFUN_PvsT_cryocooler_SHI_SRDE_418D4 1 T
CFUN_QHCircuit_v1 10 t t_on T U_0 C R_warm w_QH h_QH l_QH mode (int)
CFUN_QHCircuit_v2 11 t T rho_SS t_on U_0 C R_warm w_QH h_QH l_QH mode (int)
CFUN_quenchState_v1 2 Is Icrit

RRR* for Aluminium types

In the matrix below one can find the values for RRR based on the aluminium type used.

Aluminium type RRR
6061 2.853 - 3.551 (k: 2.55, rho: 3.055)
5083 1.868 - 1.954 (k: 1.89, rho: 1.943)
1350 62.51
1100 37
2014 2.789
2024 - 0 5.8
7075 - T6 2.05