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  • Todd Brian Huffman's avatar
    ## Changes to branch **freshstart** by B. Todd Huffman <BTH> · 55a31ed8
    Todd Brian Huffman authored
    This package should now be compatible with version 21.2.85 and later versions of the
    code. It might be compatible with earlier versions but no guarantees.
    Variable names for track parameters changed somewhere between 21.2.38 and
    21.2.85 of AthDerivation releases.
    Those changes are in `BTagTrackAccessors.hh`
    In order to pick up those changes a new version of an algorithm needs to be used in the
    `` file.
    `BTagTrackAugmenterAlg` needs new options set in order to run properly.
    `scripts/` has been changed to load AthDerivation version instead of
    it also defaults to run on a centos7 machine. anyone still using slc6 will need to modify the ` file.`