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Commit 5763ffec authored by Lukas Alexander Heinrich's avatar Lukas Alexander Heinrich Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

added Navigation conversion (TrigDecisionMaker-00-02-41)

	* added Navigation conversion
	* tagging TrigDecisionMaker-00-02-41

2014-12-01  scott snyder  <>

	* Tagging TrigDecisionMaker-00-02-40.
	* Algorithm -> AthAlgorithm.

2014-11-25  scott snyder  <>

	* Tagging TrigDecisionMaker-00-02-39.
	* Fix coverity warnings.
parent 1e87c212
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-* External
use StoreGate StoreGate-* Control
use AthenaBaseComps AthenaBaseComps-* Control
use EventInfo EventInfo-* Event
# Trigger-specific: level 1...
......@@ -149,9 +149,14 @@ class WriteTrigDecision ( object ) :
if doxAOD:
from xAODTriggerCnv.xAODTriggerCnvConf import xAODMaker__TrigDecisionCnvAlg
alg = xAODMaker__TrigDecisionCnvAlg()
alg.xAODKey = "xTrigDecision"
TopAlg += alg
from xAODTriggerCnv.xAODTriggerCnvConf import xAODMaker__TrigNavigationCnvAlg
TopAlg += xAODMaker__TrigNavigationCnvAlg()'TrigDecision writing enabled')
def addItemsToList(self, itemList) :
......@@ -42,16 +42,19 @@
using namespace TrigDec;
TrigDecisionMaker::TrigDecisionMaker(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
: Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
: AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
m_trigConfigSvc("TrigConf::TrigConfigSvc/TrigConfigSvc", name),
m_lvl1Tool("HLT::Lvl1ResultAccessTool/Lvl1ResultAccessTool", this),
m_storeGate("StoreGateSvc", name),
m_l1_error(0), m_l2_error(0), m_ef_error(0), m_td_error(0), m_td_skip(0),
m_l1_error(0), m_l2_error(0), m_ef_error(0),
m_td_error(0), m_td_skip(0),
m_l1_notFound(0), m_l2_notFound(0), m_ef_notFound(0),
m_l1_notReq(0), m_l2_notReq(0), m_ef_notReq(0),
m_l1_passed(0), m_l2_passed(0), m_ef_passed(0)
m_l1_passed(0), m_l2_passed(0), m_ef_passed(0),
declareProperty("TrigConfigSvc", m_trigConfigSvc, "Trigger config service");
......@@ -66,7 +69,6 @@ TrigDecisionMaker::TrigDecisionMaker(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcL
declareProperty("L2ResultKey", m_l2ResultKey = "HLTResult_L2");
declareProperty("EFResultKey", m_efResultKey = "HLTResult_EF");
declareProperty("HLTResultKey", m_hltResultKey = "HLTResult_HLT");
declareProperty("EvtStore", m_storeGate);
// declareProperty("EventInfoKey", m_evtInfoKey = "McEventInfo");
// declareProperty("TrigDecisionTool", m_trigDec, "The tool to access TrigDecision");
......@@ -97,47 +99,20 @@ StatusCode TrigDecisionMaker::initialize()
m_ef_passed = 0;
m_hlt_passed = 0;
// get message service and print out properties
m_log = new MsgStream(messageService(), name());
StatusCode sc;
if (outputLevel() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Initializing TrigDecisionMaker..." << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Properties:" << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " doL1 = " << (m_doL1 ? "True":"False") << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " doL2 = " << (m_doL2 ? "True":"False") << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " doEF = " << (m_doEF ? "True":"False") << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " doHLT = " << (m_doHLT ? "True":"False") << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " TrigDecisionKey = " << m_trigDecisionKey << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " TrigL1ResultKey = " << m_l1ResultKey << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " TrigL2ResultKey = " << m_l2ResultKey << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " TrigEFResultKey = " << m_efResultKey << endreq;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << " TrigHLTResultKey= " << m_hltResultKey << endreq;
// get StoreGate
sc = m_storeGate.retrieve();
if( sc.isFailure() ) {
if (outputLevel() <= MSG::ERROR) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to locate Service StoreGate!" << endreq;
return sc;
sc = m_lvl1Tool.retrieve();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to retrieve lvl1 result access tool: " << m_lvl1Tool << endreq;
return sc;
sc = m_trigConfigSvc.retrieve();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to retrieve trigger config service " << m_trigConfigSvc << endreq;
return sc;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Initializing TrigDecisionMaker..." ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Properties:" ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " doL1 = " << (m_doL1 ? "True":"False") ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " doL2 = " << (m_doL2 ? "True":"False") ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " doEF = " << (m_doEF ? "True":"False") ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " doHLT = " << (m_doHLT ? "True":"False") ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " TrigDecisionKey = " << m_trigDecisionKey ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " TrigL1ResultKey = " << m_l1ResultKey ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " TrigL2ResultKey = " << m_l2ResultKey ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " TrigEFResultKey = " << m_efResultKey ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( " TrigHLTResultKey= " << m_hltResultKey ) ;
ATH_CHECK( m_lvl1Tool.retrieve() );
ATH_CHECK( m_trigConfigSvc.retrieve() );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -147,37 +122,33 @@ StatusCode TrigDecisionMaker::initialize()
StatusCode TrigDecisionMaker::finalize()
// print out stats: use also to do regression tests
if (outputLevel() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"=============================================" <<endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Run summary:" << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Events processed : " << m_nEvents << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Level 1 : passed = " << m_l1_passed << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Level 1 : not found = " << m_l1_notFound << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Level 1 : not requested = " << m_l1_notReq << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Level 1 : SG errors = " << m_l1_error << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Level 2 : passed = " << m_l2_passed << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Level 2 : not found = " << m_l2_notFound << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Level 2 : not requested = " << m_l2_notReq << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST Level 2 : SG errors = " << m_l2_error << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST EvFilter : passed = " << m_ef_passed << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST EvFilter : not found = " << m_ef_notFound << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST EvFilter : not requested = " << m_ef_notReq << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST EvFilter : SG errors = " << m_ef_error << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST HLT : passed = " << m_hlt_passed << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST HLT : not found = " << m_hlt_notFound << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST HLT : not requested = " << m_hlt_notReq << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST HLT : SG errors = " << m_hlt_error << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST TrigDecision not written : " << m_td_skip << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"REGTEST SG errors in storing TD : " << m_td_error << endreq;
(*m_log) <<MSG::DEBUG <<"=============================================" <<endreq;
delete m_log; m_log = 0;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("=============================================" ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Run summary:" ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Events processed : " << m_nEvents ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Level 1 : passed = " << m_l1_passed ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Level 1 : not found = " << m_l1_notFound ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Level 1 : not requested = " << m_l1_notReq ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Level 1 : SG errors = " << m_l1_error ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Level 2 : passed = " << m_l2_passed ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Level 2 : not found = " << m_l2_notFound ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Level 2 : not requested = " << m_l2_notReq ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST Level 2 : SG errors = " << m_l2_error ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST EvFilter : passed = " << m_ef_passed ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST EvFilter : not found = " << m_ef_notFound ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST EvFilter : not requested = " << m_ef_notReq ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST EvFilter : SG errors = " << m_ef_error ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST HLT : passed = " << m_hlt_passed ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST HLT : not found = " << m_hlt_notFound ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST HLT : not requested = " << m_hlt_notReq ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST HLT : SG errors = " << m_hlt_error ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST TrigDecision not written : " << m_td_skip ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("REGTEST SG errors in storing TD : " << m_td_error ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("=============================================" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -229,7 +200,7 @@ StatusCode TrigDecisionMaker::execute()
if (!l1Result && !l2Result && !efResult && !hltResult) {
(*m_log) << "The whole trigger seems off for this event (no L1/L2/EF/HLT results) - no TrigDecision produced" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_ERROR ("The whole trigger seems off for this event (no L1/L2/EF/HLT results) - no TrigDecision produced");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -249,39 +220,31 @@ StatusCode TrigDecisionMaker::execute()
// get the bunch crossing id
const EventInfo* eventInfo = 0;
if ( m_storeGate->retrieve(eventInfo).isFailure() ) {
if (outputLevel() <= MSG::WARNING) {
(*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to retrieve event info"
<< endreq;
if ( evtStore()->retrieve(eventInfo).isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Failed to retrieve event info" ) ;
} else {
EventID* myEventID = eventInfo->event_ID();
if (outputLevel() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Run " << myEventID->run_number()
<< "; Event " << myEventID->event_number()
<< "; BC-ID " << myEventID->bunch_crossing_id()
<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Run " << myEventID->run_number()
<< "; Event " << myEventID->event_number()
<< "; BC-ID " << myEventID->bunch_crossing_id() ) ;
char x = getBGByte(myEventID->bunch_crossing_id());
trigDec->m_bgCode = x;
std::string tdKey = updatedDecisionKey();
StatusCode sc = m_storeGate->record(trigDec, tdKey, true);
StatusCode sc = evtStore()->record(trigDec, tdKey, true);
if (sc.isFailure()) {
if (outputLevel() <= MSG::ERROR) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to record TrigDecision to StoreGate with key " << tdKey << "!"
<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "Failed to record TrigDecision to StoreGate with key "
<< tdKey << "!" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Recorded TrigDecision to StoreGate with key = "
<< tdKey << "." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Recorded TrigDecision to StoreGate with key = "
<< tdKey << "." ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -292,26 +255,25 @@ TrigDecisionMaker::ResultStatus TrigDecisionMaker::getL1Result(const LVL1CTP::Lv
result = 0;
if (!m_doL1) return NotRequested;
if ( m_storeGate->contains<LVL1CTP::Lvl1Result>("Lvl1Result") ) {
if ( m_storeGate->retrieve(result, "Lvl1Result").isFailure() ) {
if ( evtStore()->contains<LVL1CTP::Lvl1Result>("Lvl1Result") ) {
if ( evtStore()->retrieve(result, "Lvl1Result").isFailure() ) {
return SGError;
return OK;
if (!m_storeGate->contains<ROIB::RoIBResult>(m_l1ResultKey)) {
(*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Trying to do L1, but RoIBResult not found" << endreq;
if (!evtStore()->contains<ROIB::RoIBResult>(m_l1ResultKey)) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Trying to do L1, but RoIBResult not found" ) ;
return NotFound;
const ROIB::RoIBResult* roIBResult = 0;
StatusCode sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(roIBResult, m_l1ResultKey);
StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(roIBResult, m_l1ResultKey);
if (sc.isFailure() || !roIBResult) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Error retrieving RoIBResult from StoreGate" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "Error retrieving RoIBResult from StoreGate" ) ;
result = 0;
return SGError;
......@@ -322,8 +284,7 @@ TrigDecisionMaker::ResultStatus TrigDecisionMaker::getL1Result(const LVL1CTP::Lv
m_lvl1Tool->createL1Items(*roIBResult, true);
result = m_lvl1Tool->getLvl1Result();
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Got ROIBResult from StoreGate with key "
<< m_l1ResultKey << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Got ROIBResult from StoreGate with key " << m_l1ResultKey ) ;
return OK;
......@@ -336,7 +297,7 @@ TrigDecisionMaker::ResultStatus TrigDecisionMaker::getHLTResult(const HLT::HLTRe
result = 0;
if (level != L2 && level != EF && level != HLT) {
(*m_log) << "Level must be either L2 or EF or HLT in getHLTResult!" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_ERROR ("Level must be either L2 or EF or HLT in getHLTResult!");
return Unknown;
......@@ -344,20 +305,20 @@ TrigDecisionMaker::ResultStatus TrigDecisionMaker::getHLTResult(const HLT::HLTRe
const std::string& key = (level == L2 ? m_l2ResultKey : (level == EF) ? m_efResultKey : m_hltResultKey);
if (!m_storeGate->contains<HLT::HLTResult>(key)) {
(*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << "Trying to get HLT result, but not found with key "
<< key << endreq;
if (!evtStore()->contains<HLT::HLTResult>(key)) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Trying to get HLT result, but not found with key "
<< key ) ;
return NotFound;
StatusCode sc = m_storeGate->retrieve(result, key);
StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(result, key);
if (sc.isFailure()) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Error retrieving HLTResult from StoreGate" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "Error retrieving HLTResult from StoreGate" ) ;
result = 0;
return SGError;
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Got HLTResult from StoreGate with key " << key << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Got HLTResult from StoreGate with key " << key ) ;
return OK;
......@@ -369,10 +330,10 @@ std::string TrigDecisionMaker::updatedDecisionKey()
bool alreadyThere = true;
while (alreadyThere) {
if (m_storeGate->contains<TrigDecision>( key )) {
if (evtStore()->contains<TrigDecision>( key )) {
if (outputLevel() <= MSG::WARNING)
(*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << key << " already exists: "
<< " using new key " << key << "+." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING ( key << " already exists: "
<< " using new key " << key << "+." ) ;
key += "+";
else alreadyThere = false;
......@@ -386,7 +347,7 @@ char TrigDecisionMaker::getBGByte(int BCId) {
const TrigConf::BunchGroupSet* bgs = m_trigConfigSvc->bunchGroupSet();
if(!bgs) {
(*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << " Could not get BunchGroupSet to calculate BGByte" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING ( " Could not get BunchGroupSet to calculate BGByte" ) ;
return 0;
......@@ -398,7 +359,7 @@ char TrigDecisionMaker::getBGByte(int BCId) {
// }
if((unsigned int)BCId>=bgs->bgPattern().size()) {
(*m_log) << MSG::WARNING << " Could not return BGCode for BCid " << BCId << ", since size of BGpattern is " << bgs->bgPattern().size() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING ( " Could not return BGCode for BCid " << BCId << ", since size of BGpattern is " << bgs->bgPattern().size() ) ;
return 0;
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#define TrigDecisionMaker_TrigDecisionMaker_H
// Base class
#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
// core stuff
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace TrigDec {
* @author Ricardo Goncalo <> - Royal Holloway, U. of London
* @author Tomasz Bold <> - UC Irvine - AGH-UST Krakow
class TrigDecisionMaker : public Algorithm
class TrigDecisionMaker : public AthAlgorithm
enum ResultStatus { Unknown, OK, NotRequested, NotFound, SGError, ProcError }; //!< errorCode of trigger result retrieval
......@@ -106,8 +106,6 @@ namespace TrigDec {
MsgStream* m_log; //!< std message stream for printouts
bool m_doL1; //!< flag whether or not to consider L1 trigger information
bool m_doL2; //!< flag whether or not to consider L2 trigger information
bool m_doEF; //!< flag whether or not to consider L3 (EF) trigger information
......@@ -123,7 +121,6 @@ namespace TrigDec {
ServiceHandle<TrigConf::ITrigConfigSvc> m_trigConfigSvc; //!< handle to the full (L1 & HLT) trigger config service
ToolHandle<HLT::ILvl1ResultAccessTool> m_lvl1Tool; //!< tool to ease the access to the L1 results (RoIs, items, etc)
ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> m_storeGate; //!< hadle to std SG service
// For statistics
unsigned int m_nEvents; //!< statistics: number of processed events
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