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Commit 8a7b8fb8 authored by Tamara Vazquez Schroeder's avatar Tamara Vazquez Schroeder
Browse files

Merge branch 'rel21-0-hotSpotInHIST-improvement' into '21.0'

Rel21: upgrade of hotSpotInHIST and enwcheckCorrelHIST script

See merge request !4710

Former-commit-id: b34d67be5c421366e71c720a8e68aac65518a433
parents 7c418477 b58c7b1e
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#!/usr/bin env python
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Script to browse the unmerged HIST files and extract LBs for which at least N occurences of an object is found
# at a position foundas noisy
# Uses the pathExtract library to extract the EOS path
# See the twiki:
# -r ARG1, --run ARG1 Run number
# -ll ARG2, --lowerlb ARG2
# Lower lb
# -ul ARG3, --upperlb ARG3
# Upper lb
# -s ARG4, --stream ARG4
# Stream without prefix: express/CosmicCalo/Main/ZeroBias/MinBias
# -t ARG5, --tag ARG5 DAQ tag: data16_13TeV, data16_cos...
# -a ARG6, --amiTag ARG6
# First letter of AMI tag: x->express / f->bulk
# -e ARG7, --eta ARG7 Eta of hot spot
# -p ARG8, --phi ARG8 Phi of hot spot
# -ia ARG9, --integralAbove ARG9
# Lower bound of integral
# -d ARG10, --delta ARG10
# Distance to look around hot spot
# -o ARG11, --object ARG11
# 2D OCCUPANCY: TopoClusters,EMTopoClusters,
# EMTopoJets,TightFwdElectrons
# 1D OCCUPANCY: EMTopoJets_eta
# INTEGRAL : NumberTau,NumberTightElectrons,NumberHLTJet
# -m ARG12, --min ARG12
# Min number of occurences in a LB
# -g, --grl Look for Calo/LAr/Tile defects set in suspicious LBs
# Author : Benjamin Trocme (LPSC Grenoble) / 2015-2016
import os, sys
import string
import argparse
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
import pathExtract
import ROOT
from ROOT import *
ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True
def lbStr(lb):
if (lb<10):
lbString = "_lb000%d"%(lb)
elif (lb<100):
lbString = "_lb00%d"%(lb)
elif (lb<1000):
lbString = "_lb0%d"%(lb)
lbString = "_lb%d"%(lb)
return lbString
# Main===========================================================================================================
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.',formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-r','--run',type=int,dest='arg1',default='267599',help="Run number",action='store')
parser.add_argument('-ll','--lowerlb',type=int,dest='arg2',default='0',help="Lower lb",action='store')
parser.add_argument('-ul','--upperlb',type=int,dest='arg3',default='999999',help="Upper lb",action='store')
parser.add_argument('-s','--stream',dest='arg4',default='Main',help="Stream without prefix: express/CosmicCalo/Main/ZeroBias/MinBias",action='store')
parser.add_argument('-t','--tag',dest='arg5',default='data17_13TeV',help="DAQ tag: data16_13TeV, data16_cos...",action='store')
parser.add_argument('-a','--amiTag',dest='arg6',default='f',help="First letter of AMI tag: x->express / f->bulk",action='store')
parser.add_argument('-x','--globalX',type=float,dest='arg7',default='-999.',help='X region common to all histos',action='store')
parser.add_argument('-y','--globalY',type=float,dest='arg8',default='-999.',help='Y region common to all histos',action='store')
parser.add_argument('-ia','--integralAbove',type=float,dest='arg9',default='-999.',help='Lower bound of integral - Not sued so far',action='store')
parser.add_argument('-d','--globalDelta',type=float,dest='arg10',default='0.1',help='Distance to look around x/(x;y) for 1d/2d plot',action='store')
parser.add_argument('--histo',dest='arg11',default='',help='As many histograms as you want with : [type("2d" only so far)] [root path] [x] [y] [delta] (if not provided use global)',action='store',nargs="*")
args = parser.parse_args()
runNumber = args.arg1
lowerLumiBlock = args.arg2
upperLumiBlock = args.arg3
stream = args.arg4
tag = args.arg5
amiTag = args.arg6
globalX = args.arg7
globalY = args.arg8
integralAbove = args.arg9
globalDelta = args.arg10
hArgs = args.arg11
histos = {}
# Histograms must be necessary of this predefined type
histoTypes = ["2d"]
runFilePath = "root://"%(pathExtract.returnEosHistPath(runNumber,stream,amiTag,tag)).rstrip()
if ("FILE NOT FOUND" in runFilePath):
print "No merged file found..."
f = TFile.Open(runFilePath)
# Display the Tier0 merged histograms
c = {}
box = {}
line = {}
line2 = {}
arrow = {}
histoMerged = {}
nbHitInHot = {}
for iArg in xrange(len(hArgs)):
if hArgs[iArg] == "2d":
regionBins = []
tmp_type = hArgs[iArg]
tmp_path = hArgs[iArg+1]
if (iArg+2>=len(hArgs) or hArgs[iArg+2] in histoTypes): # No x,y,delta for this histogram choose default
tmp_x = globalX
tmp_y = globalY
tmp_delta = globalDelta
iArg = iArg +2
tmp_x = float(hArgs[iArg+2])
tmp_y = float(hArgs[iArg+3])
tmp_delta = float(hArgs[iArg+4])
histoMerged[tmp_path] = f.Get("run_%d/%s"%(runNumber,tmp_path))
histoMerged[tmp_path].SetTitle("%s - Run %d"%(histoMerged[tmp_path].GetTitle(),runNumber))
c[tmp_path] = TCanvas(tmp_path)
box[tmp_path] = TBox(tmp_x-tmp_delta,tmp_y-tmp_delta,tmp_x+tmp_delta,tmp_y+tmp_delta)
# Extract the list of bins where to count.
# Scans the window to find all bins that fall in the window
# The regionBins is defined for each histogram allowing different binning
nSteps = 1000
subStep = 2*tmp_delta/nSteps
for ix in range(nSteps):
iX = tmp_x - tmp_delta + ix * subStep
for iy in range (nSteps):
iY = tmp_y - tmp_delta + iy * subStep
tmp_bin = histoMerged[tmp_path].FindBin(iX,iY)
if (tmp_bin not in regionBins):
nbHitInHot[tmp_path] = [0.] * nLB
print histos
# Extract all the unmerged files available with the LB range
lbFilePathList = pathExtract.returnEosHistPathLB(runNumber,lowerLumiBlock,upperLumiBlock,stream,amiTag,tag)
print "I have found the merged HIST file %s"%(runFilePath)
print "I have found %d unmerged HIST files"%(len(lbFilePathList))
print "The first one is root://"%(lbFilePathList[0])
print "The last one is root://"%(lbFilePathList[-1])
# Loop on all unmerged files
fLB = {}
listLB = []
for count,lbFile in enumerate(lbFilePathList):
lbFilePath = "root://"%(lbFile).rstrip()
# Extract lb from the filename and display it
ilb = int((lbFile.split("_lb")[1]).split("._")[0])
if ilb not in listLB:
if (count%100 == 0):
sys.stdout.write("\n I processed %d/%d files \n LBs:"%(count,len(lbFilePathList)))
sys.stdout.write("%d "%(ilb))
fLB[lbFile] = TFile.Open(lbFilePath)
histoLB = {}
for iPath in histos.keys():
histoLB[iPath] = fLB[lbFile].Get("run_%d/%s"%(runNumber,iPath))
for iBin in histos[iPath]['regionBins']:
nbHitInHot[iPath][ilb] = nbHitInHot[iPath][ilb] + histoLB[iPath].GetBinContent(iBin)
# Finally create final histograms to be displayed
hCorrel = {}
cCorrel = {}
legCorrel = {}
hRatio = {}
cRatio = {}
nbHitRatio = {}
legCorrel = {}
for iPath in histos.keys():
for iPath2 in histos.keys():
corr = "%s_%s"%(iPath,iPath2)
if (iPath != iPath2):# and "%s_%s"%(iPath2,iPath) not in hCorrel.keys()):
print "====== I am checking correlation between %s and %s"%(iPath.split("/")[-1],iPath2.split("/")[-1])
hCorrel[corr] = TH2D("Correlation_%s"%corr,"Correlation_%s"%corr,50,min(nbHitInHot[iPath])-1,max(nbHitInHot[iPath])+1,50,min(nbHitInHot[iPath2])-1,max(nbHitInHot[iPath2])+1)
nbHitRatio[corr] = [-999.]*nLB
for iLB in listLB:
if (nbHitInHot[iPath2][iLB] !=0):
nbHitRatio[corr][iLB] = nbHitInHot[iPath][iLB]/nbHitInHot[iPath2][iLB]
hRatio[corr] = TH1D("Ratio_%s"%corr,"Ratio_%s"%corr,50,-1.,max(nbHitRatio[corr])+1)
for iLB in listLB:
if (nbHitInHot[iPath][iLB] !=0 or nbHitInHot[iPath2][iLB] != 0.):
print "LB: %d -> %.2f / %.2f"%(iLB,nbHitInHot[iPath][iLB],nbHitInHot[iPath2][iLB])
cCorrel[corr] = TCanvas()
legCorrel[corr] = TLegend(0.12,0.75,0.75,0.85)
legCorrel[corr].SetHeader("Run %d / %d LB in total - %d LB with correl"%(runNumber,len(listLB),hCorrel[corr].GetEntries()))
cRatio[corr] = TCanvas()
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