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Commit e88c9a53 authored by Tamara Vazquez Schroeder's avatar Tamara Vazquez Schroeder
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Merge branch '21.0-RunDep-profile-generator' into '21.0'

Mu Profile Generator Script ATLASSIM-3522

See merge request atlas/athena!7399

(cherry picked from commit f6b5ff83 [formerly 86bd4bb3445113be454081a4ff855c77e7567eab])

53fef0e0 New file replaces when no data lumi file is available,

Former-commit-id: 19b840190dbe1285abfc9be05238a6d44c5dafe4
parent 5fa7a553
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#!/usr/bin/env python
#Mu profile generator. Given mu histogram in ROOT file from Data-Preparation, scale to desired number of events, and create configLumi job option.
import sys,argparse,os,time
import ROOT
import math
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
log = logging.getLogger("RunDepProfileGenerator")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate configLumi option from mu profile.')
parser.add_argument('-i','--input-file-name',help='name of ROOT file containing unscaled mu histogram',dest='in_file')
parser.add_argument('-n','--histogram-name',help='optional name of histogram to generate profile for if multiple exist in IN_FILE',dest='in_hist')
parser.add_argument('-e','--external-dictionary',help='unscaled input dictionary given as {mu:events}',dest='ex_dict')
parser.add_argument('-r','--run-number',help='run number used in default output file name',dest='run_num',required=True,type=int)
parser.add_argument('-s','--start-time-stamp',help='starting timestamp',dest='start_tstamp',required=True,type=int)
parser.add_argument('-o','--output-file-name',help='custom output file name',dest='out_file')
parser.add_argument('-c','--scale',help='total number of events by which to scale the input histogram/dictionary',dest='total_events',required=True,type=int)
#Following for output format
formatLine="'run':{run}, 'lb':{lb}, 'starttstamp':{starttstamp}, 'dt':{dt:.3f}, 'evts':_evts({evts:.0f}), 'mu':{mu:.3f}, 'force_new':False"
scaled_integral = 0
#Check total number of events in a dictionary
def integrate(input_dict):
total = 0
for val in input_dict.values():
total += val
return total
#Scales the given data desired total number of events passed as argument to option --scale
def scaleDict(input_dict,scale):
scaled_dict = dict()
global scaled_integral
skipped = 0
integral = integrate(input_dict)
for key in input_dict.keys():
new_val = round((input_dict[key]*scale)/integral)
scaled_dict[key] = new_val
#This condition checks for zero event elements getting stored in dictionary
if new_val == 0.0:
skipped += 1
#User will be warned in log of how many lumiblocks went unpopulated, and excluded from being written by dressSkeleton to the output file
log.warning("Skipped %i lumiblocks for containing less than one event.",skipped)
scaled_integral = integrate(scaled_dict)
if scaled_integral != scale:
log.warning("Final distribution has {} total events! Does not match with {} events requested.".format(scaled_integral,scale))
return scaled_dict
#Create scaled dictionary from histogram with:
# key = mu value at ceneter of bin,
# value = number of events in that bin
def extractDict(hist,scale):
data = dict()
nbins = hist.GetNbinsX()
for i in range(1,nbins+1):
data[hist.GetBinCenter(i)] = hist.GetBinContent(i)
return scaleDict(data,scale)
#Generates the configuration preInclude file for transform jobs
# rewritten from
#Parses skeleton file skeletonName and replaces the lines between #<!-- and #-->
#skeletonName is static, set in this script to RunDependentSimData/share/
def dressSkeleton(skeletonName,outName,jobIterator):
from AthenaCommon.Include import FindFile,optionsPath
sname = FindFile(skeletonName, optionsPath, os.R_OK)
if not sname: raise IOError("Input skeleton file {} cannot be read.".format(skeletonName))
s = open(sname,'r')
outfile = open(outName,'w')
outfile.write('\n## File {}: autogenerated configuration file from command\n'.format(outName))
outfile.write('##' + ' '.join(sys.argv) + '\n')
outfile.write('## Created on {}\n'.format(time.asctime()))
incomment = False
dumpedAlready = False
for line in s:
if (line.find("#<!--") == 0): incomment = True
if (line.find("#-->") == 0): incomment = False
if not incomment:
elif not dumpedAlready:
for j in jobIterator:
if j['evts'] != 0.0:
outfile.write(" {"+formatLine.format(**j)+"},\n") #Skips all zero event lumiblocks
dumpedAlready = True
def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
#Check that the user provided either a .root file or a dictionary
if len(sys.argv) == 0 or not args.in_file and not args.ex_dict:
#If no output file name privided, generate default: ""
outFName = args.out_file
if not args.out_file:
outFName = 'configLumi_run{}.py'.format(args.run_num)
#Use first histogram in file to generate dictionary, if no name provided
hist = None
inFile = None
scaled_dict = dict()
global scaled_integral
if args.in_file: #If file provided, use it
inFile = ROOT.TFile(args.in_file)
if (not args.in_hist) and inFile: #Use first histogram
if inFile.GetListOfKeys().GetSize() > 1:
log.warning('Multiple objects found in {}. Only converting first histogram.'.format(args.in_file))
for x in range(0,inFile.GetListOfKeys().GetSize()): #Loop works even if only one element in file
if inFile.Get(inFile.GetListOfKeys()[x].GetName()).ClassName() == 'TH1F':
hist = inFile.Get(inFile.GetListOfKeys()[x].GetName())
if not hist and not args.ex_dict:
print "No histogram found in {} and no dictionary provided. Exiting!".format(args.in_file)
scaled_dict = extractDict(hist,args.total_events) #This function collects data from histogram and scales to the input
elif (args.in_hist and inFile):
hist = inFile.Get(args.in_hist)
scaled_dict = extractDict(hist,args.total_events)
#If a file with histogram was not provided, then scaled_dict should contain zero items at this point.
#Checking that a command line dictionary was provided, and scaled_dict not populated will keep the dictionary
# from being over written by EX_DICT, unless the scaled dictionary contains only mu values with zero scaled events
if args.ex_dict and (len(scaled_dict) == 0):
scaled_dict = scaleDict(eval(str(args.ex_dict)),args.total_events)
if scaled_integral == 0.0:
log.warning("All lumiblocks contain zero events after scaling! No luminosity in selected range.")
else:'Preparing a RunDMC task configuration object for {} total events'.format(args.total_events))
average_mu = sum([ pair[0]*pair[1] for pair in scaled_dict.items() if (pair[0] > 0) and (pair[1] > 0) ])
average_mu /= scaled_integral'Average pileup in this task is {}'.format(average_mu))
#Now place mu and events into list of lumiblock info called JobMaker, to be written into the configLumi file by dressSkeleton()
JobMaker = []
#Iterate through items in the dictionary and add to a list in the order they were added to dictionary, should be with increasing lb
#Also offsets the timestamp proportional to first nonzero lb.
#scaled_dict.items() are (mu,evts) tuples.
#Python sorts according to keys, so this loop will iterate over mu values, which is the order they were inserted
# This sorting is unnecessary if using >=python3.6 since dicts in 3.6 are apparently ordered by insertion order.
#Uses a counter variable i to calculate the lb starting at 1, and displacement from starting timestamp
i = 0
for item in sorted(scaled_dict.items()):
JobMaker.append( {'run':args.run_num,
'mu':item[0]} )
i += 1
l = len(JobMaker)'There are {} lumiblocks in this task.'.format(l))
if l > 10:'Displaying first and last 5 lumiblocks:')
for j in JobMaker[:5]+JobMaker[-5:]: print " ",j
else:'Displaying all lumiblocks')
for j in JobMaker: print " ",j
allLB = iter(JobMaker)
skeletonName = "RunDependentSimData/"
if __name__=="__main__":
## File autogenerated configuration file from command
##../../RunDependentSimComps/share/ -r 305000 -s 1525000000 -c 2000 -o -e {0.25:0.031,0.75:0.051,1.25:0.153,1.75:0.303,2.25:0.261,2.75:0.077,3.25:0.054,3.75:0.039,4.25:0.024,4.75:0.008,5.25:0.001}
## Created on Tue Dec 12 16:13:30 2017
#Run-dependent digi job configuration file.
#We need to be able to adjust for different dataset sizes.
if not 'ScaleTaskLength' in dir(): ScaleTaskLength = 1
_evts = lambda x: int(ScaleTaskLength * x)
if not 'logging' in dir(): import logging
digilog = logging.getLogger('Digi_trf')'doing RunLumiOverride configuration from file.')
{'run':305000, 'lb':1, 'starttstamp':1525000000, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(62), 'mu':0.250, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':2, 'starttstamp':1525000060, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(102), 'mu':0.750, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':3, 'starttstamp':1525000120, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(305), 'mu':1.250, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':4, 'starttstamp':1525000180, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(604), 'mu':1.750, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':5, 'starttstamp':1525000240, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(521), 'mu':2.250, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':6, 'starttstamp':1525000300, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(154), 'mu':2.750, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':7, 'starttstamp':1525000360, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(108), 'mu':3.250, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':8, 'starttstamp':1525000420, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(78), 'mu':3.750, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':9, 'starttstamp':1525000480, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(48), 'mu':4.250, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':10, 'starttstamp':1525000540, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(16), 'mu':4.750, 'force_new':False},
{'run':305000, 'lb':11, 'starttstamp':1525000600, 'dt':0.000, 'evts':_evts(2), 'mu':5.250, 'force_new':False},
#--> end hiding
#cleanup python memory
if not "RunDMC_testing_configuration" in dir():
del JobMaker
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