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Commit f0380803 authored by Steffen Maeland's avatar Steffen Maeland Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

HitDiscCnfg folder added also for online (PixelCabling-00-00-56)

	* share/ /PIXEL/HitDiscCnfg added also for
	online, tagged as PixelCabling-00-00-56

2015-07-16 Steffen Maeland <steffen.maeland @>
	* Implemented reading of FE-I4 hit discriminator settings (HitDiscCnfg)
	from COOL. Values are filled to a map and can be retrieved via
	* Tagged as PixelCabling-00-00-55
parent f9561912
No related merge requests found
......@@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ class IPixelCablingSvc: virtual public IInterface {
static const InterfaceID& interfaceID( ) ;
// change readout speed
virtual StatusCode IOVCallBack(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS) = 0;
virtual StatusCode IOVCallBack(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS) = 0;
// change FE-I4 hit discriminator threshold level
virtual StatusCode IOVCallBack_HitDiscCnfg(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS) = 0;
// Get a list of offlineIds from a RobId.
virtual void getOfflineList(std::vector<IdentifierHash>& offlineIdHashList, int robid) = 0;
......@@ -78,6 +81,8 @@ class IPixelCablingSvc: virtual public IInterface {
enum moduletype {DBM, IBL, PIX_BARREL, PIX_ENDCAP, NONE};
virtual moduletype getModuleType(const Identifier& id) = 0;
virtual int getHitDiscCnfg(const uint32_t robId, const int link) = 0;
virtual int getHitDiscCnfg(Identifier* pixelId) = 0;
// Wrappers to PixelCablingData -- get maps
......@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
if not ('conddb' in dir()):
IOVDbSvc = Service("IOVDbSvc")
from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
if conddb.dbdata == "CONDBR2" and not conddb.folderRequested("/PIXEL/HitDiscCnfg"):
# Online mode: Let PixelCablingSvc choose the most recent map
if (athenaCommonFlags.isOnline == True):
......@@ -63,6 +70,7 @@ else:
# Run2:
elif (geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2" or (geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED" and geoFlags.isIBL() == True)):
# Do map selection based on run number
runNum = GetRunNumber()
......@@ -97,4 +105,3 @@ try:
logging.getLogger("PixelCablingSvc").info("Selected map from jobOpts: %s", ServiceMgr.PixelCablingSvc.MappingFile)
logging.getLogger("PixelCablingSvc").info("Map not selected from jobOpts")
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ std::size_t hash_value(Identifier const& id) {
PixelCablingData::PixelCablingData() {
m_allRods = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
m_allRobs = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
m_commonHitDiscCnfg = 3;
......@@ -300,6 +302,56 @@ uint64_t PixelCablingData::getOnlineIdFromRobId(const uint32_t robid, const uint
return 0;
// add_entryHitDiscCngf - insert or modify entry in map
void PixelCablingData::add_entry_HitDiscCnfg(const uint32_t frontendId, const int hitdisccnfg) {
// Insert new key-value pair
if (m_HitDiscCnfgMap.find(frontendId) == m_HitDiscCnfgMap.end()) {
m_HitDiscCnfgMap.insert(std::make_pair(frontendId, hitdisccnfg));
// Modify an existing entry
else {
m_HitDiscCnfgMap[frontendId] = hitdisccnfg;
// getHitDiscCnfg - get HitDiscCnfg mode for given FE-I4
int PixelCablingData::getHitDiscCnfg(const uint32_t frontendId) {
// Search the map for given frontend id
// If not found, return the common HitDiscCnfg setting.
boost::unordered_map<uint32_t,int>::const_iterator iter(m_HitDiscCnfgMap.find(frontendId));
if (iter != m_HitDiscCnfgMap.end()) return iter->second;
else return m_commonHitDiscCnfg;
// printHitDiscCnfg - print the contents of the HitDiscCnfg map
void PixelCablingData::printHitDiscCnfg() {
std::cout << "Common HitDiscCnfg value: " << m_commonHitDiscCnfg << std::endl;
std::cout << "Contents of HitDiscCnfg map: " << std::endl;
boost::unordered_map<uint32_t,int>::const_iterator iter = m_HitDiscCnfgMap.begin();
for (; iter != m_HitDiscCnfgMap.end(); iter++) {
std::cout << " FE ID: 0x" << std::hex << iter->first << " - HDC = " << std::dec << iter->second << std::endl;
// void PixelCablingData::copy_offonMap (std::map< Identifier, uint64_t> &outputMap){
// outputMap = m_idMap_offon;
// }
......@@ -78,6 +78,13 @@ class PixelCablingData
std::string find_entry_offlineDCS(const Identifier);
uint64_t getOnlineIdFromRobId(const uint32_t robid, const uint32_t link);
// FE-I4 HitDiscCnfg functions
void setCommonHitDiscCngf(int hitdisccnfg) {m_commonHitDiscCnfg = hitdisccnfg;}
void add_entry_HitDiscCnfg(const uint32_t, const int);
int getHitDiscCnfg(const uint32_t frontendId);
void printHitDiscCnfg(); // for debugging
std::vector<uint32_t>& get_allRods();
std::vector<uint32_t>& get_allRobs();
unsigned int get_size_onoff() {return m_idMap_onoff.size();} // get the size of the on-off map
......@@ -97,6 +104,7 @@ class PixelCablingData
std::map<std::string, Identifier> get_idMapDCSoff();
......@@ -110,6 +118,12 @@ class PixelCablingData
std::map<uint32_t,bool> m_rodReadoutMap; // save readout speed for each ROD. false=40MBit, true=80MBit
// JUNE16:
// Map of HitDiscCnfg values for each IBL FE
// Format: [0xLDDRRR, H], where L = link, DD = subdet id, RRRR = rob id, H = HitDiscCnfg
boost::unordered_map<uint32_t, int> m_HitDiscCnfgMap;
int m_commonHitDiscCnfg;
std::vector<uint32_t>* m_allRods; // vector containing all RODs in the m_idMap_rodrob
std::vector<uint32_t>* m_allRobs; // vector containing all ROBs
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
#include "CoolKernel/IObject.h"
//#define PIXEL_DEBUG
using namespace std;
......@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ PixelCablingSvc::PixelCablingSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator*svc) :
m_detStore("DetectorStore", name),
......@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ PixelCablingSvc::PixelCablingSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator*svc) :
declareProperty("Coral_Connectionstring", m_coraldbconnstring = "oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD/ATLAS_COOLONL_PIXEL"); // used to configure CORAL based tool
declareProperty("DictionaryTag", m_dictTag="PIXEL");
declareProperty("ConnectivityTag", m_connTag="PIT-ALL-V39");
declareProperty("KeyFEI4", m_keyFEI4 = "/PIXEL/HitDiscCnfg");
declareProperty("Key", m_key, "Key=/PIXEL/ReadoutSpeed");
......@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ PixelCablingSvc::PixelCablingSvc(const PixelCablingSvc &other, const std::string
m_dictTag = other.m_dictTag;
m_connTag = other.m_connTag;
m_key = other.m_key;
m_keyFEI4 = other.m_keyFEI4;
......@@ -128,6 +132,7 @@ PixelCablingSvc& PixelCablingSvc::operator= (const PixelCablingSvc &other) {
m_dictTag = other.m_dictTag;
m_connTag = other.m_connTag;
m_key = other.m_key;
m_keyFEI4 = other.m_keyFEI4;
return *this;
......@@ -168,6 +173,7 @@ StatusCode PixelCablingSvc::initialize( )
// Get the PixelID Helper
if (m_detStore->retrieve(m_idHelper, "PixelID").isFailure()) {
msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not get Pixel ID helper" << endreq;
......@@ -346,17 +352,48 @@ StatusCode PixelCablingSvc::initialize( )
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Register callback
const DataHandle<AthenaAttributeList> attrList;
sc = m_detStore->regFcn(&IPixelCablingSvc::IOVCallBack,
attrList, m_key);
if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("Unable to register callback");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Register callback to ReadoutSpeed
const DataHandle<AthenaAttributeList> attrlist_rs;
if (m_detStore->contains<AthenaAttributeList>(m_key)) {
sc = m_detStore->regFcn(&IPixelCablingSvc::IOVCallBack,
attrlist_rs, m_key);
// If regFcn fails even when folder is present -> abort
if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("Unable to register readoutspeed callback");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
else {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Folder " << m_key << " not found, using default readoutspeed"
<< " values (all modules at SINGLE_40)");
// Register callback to HitDiscCnfg
if (m_IBLpresent) {
const DataHandle<AthenaAttributeList> attrlist_hdc;
if (m_detStore->contains<AthenaAttributeList>(m_keyFEI4)) {
sc = m_detStore->regFcn(&IPixelCablingSvc::IOVCallBack_HitDiscCnfg,
attrlist_hdc, m_keyFEI4);
// If regFcn fails even when folder is present -> abort
if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("Unable to register HitDiscCnfg callback");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
else {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Folder " << m_keyFEI4 << " not found, using default HitDiscCnfg"
<< " values (all FEs at HitDiscCnfg = 3)");
return sc;
......@@ -937,6 +974,11 @@ StatusCode PixelCablingSvc::IOVCallBack(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P(I, keys)){
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("AthenaAttributeList for " << m_key << ":");
const coral::Blob& blob=(*attrlist)["readoutspeed_per_ROD"].data<coral::Blob>();
const char* p = static_cast<const char*>(blob.startingAddress());
unsigned int len = blob.size();
......@@ -979,6 +1021,100 @@ StatusCode PixelCablingSvc::IOVCallBack(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P(I, keys)){
// callback for changing the FE-I4 HitDiscCnfg property
StatusCode PixelCablingSvc::IOVCallBack_HitDiscCnfg(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P(I, keys)) {
ATH_MSG_INFO(" ----- HitDiscCnfg callback -----");
for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator key=keys.begin(); key != keys.end(); ++key)
ATH_MSG_INFO("IOVCALLBACK for key " << *key << " number " << I << "\n\t\t\t\t\t-----mtst-----\n");
const AthenaAttributeList* attrlist = 0;
StatusCode sc = m_detStore->retrieve(attrlist, m_keyFEI4);
ATH_MSG_FATAL("Unable to retrieve AthenaAttributeList");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("AthenaAttributeList for " << m_key << ":");
const coral::Blob& blob=(*attrlist)["HitDiscCnfgData"].data<coral::Blob>();
const uint32_t* p = static_cast<const uint32_t*>(blob.startingAddress());
uint32_t cooldata;
unsigned int len = blob.size()/sizeof(uint32_t);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("blob.size() = " << blob.size() << ", len = " << len);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
cooldata = *p++;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Got hitdisccnfgData[" << i << "] = 0x" << std::hex << cooldata << std::dec);
// The implementation below uses one common value, one common 3D value,
// and an exception list of individual FEs, in order to save DB space.
// Here we convert this into only one common value and an exception list, i.e.
// if the 3D FEs have a different common value they are all added to the exception list
// Update the most common value, identified by 0xH0000000, where H = 00HH
if ((cooldata & 0x8FFFFFFF) == 0x0) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Setting common HitDiscCnfg value to " << ((cooldata&0x30000000) >> 28));
m_cabling->setCommonHitDiscCngf((cooldata&0x30000000) >> 28);
// Update all 3D sensors with a common value, identified by 0xZ0000000, where Z = 10hh
else if ((cooldata & 0x8FFFFFFF) == 0x80000000) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Setting common 3D HitDiscCnfg value to " << ((cooldata&0x30000000) >> 28));
// Loop over list of robs, find the 3D sensors and insert them in HitDiscCnfg map
for (auto robid : m_cabling->get_allRobs()) {
// Skip non-IBL ROBs (DBM is not affected by the common 3D value)
if (!isIBL(robid)) continue;
for (int link = 0 ; link < 8 ; ++link) {
if (((robid&0xF)==1 && link > 3) || (((robid&0xF)==2) && link < 4)) {
m_cabling->add_entry_HitDiscCnfg((robid | (link >> 24)), (cooldata & 0x30000000) >> 28);
// Update a single link, 0xHLDDRRRR
else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Setting HitDiscCnfg value to " << ((cooldata&0x30000000) >> 28)
<< " for ROB 0x" << std::hex << (cooldata & 0xFFFFFF)
<< ", link " << std::dec << ((cooldata & 0xF000000) >> 24));
m_cabling->add_entry_HitDiscCnfg((cooldata & 0xFFFFFFF), (cooldata & 0x30000000) >> 28);
ATH_MSG_INFO(" ----- DONE Callback " << m_callback_calls << " -----");
// Print map contents
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) m_cabling->printHitDiscCnfg();
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// getOnlineIdFromRobId
// Wrapper function to PixelCablingData::getOnlineIdFromRobId
......@@ -1048,3 +1184,27 @@ PixelCablingSvc::moduletype PixelCablingSvc::getModuleType(const Identifier& id)
return isType;
// getHitDiscCnfg - wrapper function to PixelCablingData::getHitDiscCnfg
int PixelCablingSvc::getHitDiscCnfg(const uint32_t robId, const int link) {
return m_cabling->getHitDiscCnfg((link << 24) | robId);
// getHitDiscCnfg - overloaded function to be used by offline
int PixelCablingSvc::getHitDiscCnfg(Identifier* pixelId) {
uint32_t robId = getRobId(m_idHelper->wafer_id(*pixelId));
int link = getFEwrtSlink(pixelId);
return getHitDiscCnfg(robId, link);
......@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ public:
StatusCode finalize();
StatusCode IOVCallBack_HitDiscCnfg(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS);
StatusCode queryInterface(const InterfaceID & riid, void** ppvInterface );
// Get a list of offlineIds from a RobId.
......@@ -103,6 +106,10 @@ public:
uint32_t getRow(Identifier * pixelId, Identifier offlineId);
uint32_t getFEwrtSlink(Identifier *pixelId);
unsigned int getLocalFEI4(const uint32_t fe, const uint64_t onlineId);
int getHitDiscCnfg(const uint32_t robId, const int link);
int getHitDiscCnfg(Identifier* pixelId);
bool isIBL(const uint32_t robId);
bool isIBL(const Identifier& id);
......@@ -132,6 +139,7 @@ private:
ServiceHandle<IBLParameterSvc> m_IBLParameterSvc;
std::string m_dataString ;
std::string m_key;
std::string m_keyFEI4;
unsigned int m_callback_calls;
const PixelID* m_idHelper;
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