- Jun 14, 2016
Riccardo Maria Bianchi authored
fixing negative event numbers. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-287. (VP1Algs-00-14-04) * fixing negative event numbers. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-287. * new tag: VP1Algs-00-14-04 * tagged as: VP1Algs-00-14-03 Former-commit-id: d0ed5f18f05ed3a6a6b272d7576944786dceaf97
Riccardo Maria Bianchi authored
fixing negative event numbers. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-287. (VP1Gui-00-08-11) * fixing negative event numbers. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-287 * new tag: VP1Gui-00-08-11 Former-commit-id: d3fad031dfddc1ced3b82cfb77ee621134ebce92
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TileEventAthenaPool-00-04-35. * Get tests working in cmake build. Former-commit-id: 19b8e5decd7f962127dfd16c25332ee07f6e3ba8
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Updated the package to find Graphviz's dot executable using FindDoxygen.cmake, and also set up a dependency on the graphviz RPM. * Took the opportunity to also add LCG's Qt5 to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. But a bit more will be needed before we could use Qt5 in a relocatable manner from LCG. * Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-57 Former-commit-id: 687baf2f27c64633ae76f2c1efd8b05fac6480e7
Werner Wiedenmann authored
* TrigServices-20-10-04 * src/HltEventLoopMgr: add possibility to write events with truncated HLT results to a debug stream (ATR-14047) * share/TrigServicesEventLoopMgr.py: fix configuration for HLT collection names (ATR-13045) Former-commit-id: c892a6360594ec62e6fcdee76739c628aed807a6
Geert Jan Besjes authored
* coverity fixes * explicitly delete assignment operators * tag TrigTauEmulation-00-00-16 2016-05-07 Daniele Zanzi * move to r21 tau EDM * TrigTauEmulation-00-00-15 Former-commit-id: 0f582840b8d82af16adecda82312fad339776ea3
Weimin Song authored
* The numerical problem of Eigen is fixed, and smart inversion is used again. * tag TrkJetVxFitter-01-01-11 Former-commit-id: b81b534bec95e75804bb8192f077c85ca2b6bb06
Zach Marshall authored
* src/ISFEnvelopeDefSvc.cxx: Changing to unsigned int to fix Coverity defect 105509 * ISF_Services-01-00-02 Former-commit-id: fffbe9807b51eaa9edea88088a588851ac14a4f5
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Fixed the build issue in packages using this one, as pointed out by Grigori. * Modified the CMakeLists.txt file, just because the requirements file was modified. * Tagging as AsgExampleTools-00-00-11 2016-05-11 Nils Krumnack <Nils.Erik.Krumnack@cern.ch> * added a test for the AnaToolHandle::swap bug reported by Steve based on the reproducer provided by Will * tagging as AsgExampleTools-00-00-10 2016-05-10 Nils Krumnack <Nils.Erik.Krumnack@cern.ch> * fixed the athena unit tests for AnaToolHandle * tagging as AsgExampleTools-00-00-09 2016-05-09 Nils Krumnack <Nils.Erik.Krumnack@cern.ch> * added some name checks to the Athena Job-Options unit tests (and they fail for sub-tools) * going into AsgExampleTools-00-00-09 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: aafbf8d68f0cc2382fed87136c4b7bfbc5d98126
Scott Snyder authored
'Explicitly generate cliddb information. Otherwise, no one now ends up generating a clid for eflowObjectContainer.' (eflowEvent-00-02-76) * Tagging eflowEvent-00-02-76. * CMakeLists.txt: Explicitly generate cliddb information. Otherwise, no one now ends up generating a clid for eflowObjectContainer. Former-commit-id: 40f69707
Pavol Strizenec authored
* adding MNB Febs into LArNoisyROSummary * fix ATLASRECTS-3161 * tag LArCellRec-02-13-09 2016-05-19 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArCellRec-02-13-08. * LArTools -> LArCabling. * Tagging LArCellRec-02-13-07. * Fix coverity warnings 108815-108821, 108815 (uninitialized members). Former-commit-id: d46e1290301b1bd4d1c9cc43a2185567ee5ea17c
Pavol Strizenec authored
* LArNoisyROSummary changes for MNB * tag LArRecEvent-01-03-18 Former-commit-id: b0a4626056f91ccbd7336d183c2a111c2f23bd55
Pavol Strizenec authored
* Modifying LArNoisyROSummaryCnv.cxx and LArNoisyROSummaryCnv.h to include v4 of the LArNoisyROSummary TP converter. * tagging LArAthenaPool-00-12-07 2016-05-26 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArAthenaPool-00-12-06. * CMakeLists.txt: Do not fail if we cannot find run_tpcnv_test. * Tagging LArAthenaPool-00-12-05. * Get tests running in cmake builds. Former-commit-id: 72767265e8e5305c4fa9a3dea6a2d6b8a5651a68
Pavol Strizenec authored
* Creating LArNoisyROSummaryCnv_p4.cxx with additional MNB information. * Creating LArNoisyROSummary_p4.h * Creating LArNoisyROSummaryCnv_p4.h * Modifying LArTPCnv.cxx to include the new TP convertor. * Modifying selection.xml to include the new class and corresponding ID. * tag LArTPCnv-00-06-07 Former-commit-id: d2794e7e6aaba8a8e4ef2741a8504837e06f1fec
Pavol Strizenec authored
* adapting to cabling move out of LArTools * to be used in rel. 21. * tag LArCafJobs-01-02-00 29-05-2016 Pavol Strizenec <pavol @ mail.cern.ch> * fix Coverity 109099 * tag LArCafJobs-01-01-02 25-05-2016 Pavol Strizenec <pavol @ mail.cern.ch> * moving LArNoiseBurst here * creating LArHECNoise algo * to be working with rel. and higher * tag LArCafJobs-01-01-00 * tag LArCafJobs-01-01-01 20-10-2015 Pavol Strizenec <pavol @ mail.cern.ch> * proper ADC2MeV tool for skeleton * tag LArCafJobs-01-00-61 2015-10-07 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 4ff4f61a5cc38ca6d30d55b0fb8ececa621f1ac4
Pavol Strizenec authored
* Coverity fix 109088 and 109087 and fix compilation warning * tag LArCalibUtils-00-16-24 Former-commit-id: 62593c07
Carlo Schiavi authored
* Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-76 * Additional checks for empty containers 2016-05-27 John Alison <john.alison@uchicago.edu> * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-75 * Implemented the possibility to use backup primary vertex in TrigJetSplitterAllTE 2016-05-27 Carlo Schiavi <Carlo.Schiavi@cern.ch> * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-74 * Implemented the possibility to use backup primary vertex Former-commit-id: 3381fcb0d68e3debd5617074134449cc2b4fad19
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrkiPatFitter-02-08-02. * cmt/requirements: Add missing dependency. Former-commit-id: eca199fa745c4e7e034da17fe2b3579c2dfcaff5
Scott Snyder authored
Get make_unique from CxxUtils rather than std; not all builds enable c++14 yet. (xAODMuonCnv-00-02-01) * Tagging xAODMuonCnv-00-02-01. * Get make_unique from CxxUtils rather than std; not all builds enable c++14 yet. Former-commit-id: 2fcd1ef2ad54d714876c5b0392fd9b8fc9e5780f
Ye Chen authored
* Update FS Chain(ATLASDQ-407) * src/CommonMon.cxx src/HLTMuonMonTool.cxx python/TrigMuonMonitCategory.py * Tagging TrigMuonMonitoring-00-02-33 Former-commit-id: 899f1f07bf0857180a82860c4e4da3cdf02268fe
Scott Snyder authored
'Update test to work with both old and new Gaudi versions (as we are still building against both).' (EventInfo-00-11-02-10) * Tagging EventInfo-00-11-02-10. * test/MergedEventInfo_test.cxx: Update to work with both old and new Gaudi versions (as we are still building against both). Former-commit-id: a40cd52f7e42994a2c083a2764b3d96a96df6d6c
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
* Fixed compilation under mig5 * Several warnings to be fixed * Need to remove the Track To Vertex estimate from GenericTracks * Temporary tag 00-04-28 2016-04-11 Pierfrancesco Butti * Reduced number of non-Extended Plots. Former-commit-id: 7de586f4
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging egammaAthenaPool-00-01-09. * Get tests working in cmake build. Former-commit-id: de5401c0a8bb810344fb63d6c4f7da685494d0a6
Jonathan Bossio authored
JetCalibTools-00-04-66 * Using CalibArea-00-04-65 * Fix bug in JMS (not setting m_combination propertly) 2016-05-26 Jonathan Bossio <jbossios@cern.ch> JetCalibTools-00-04-65 * Using CalibArea-00-04-65 * MC15c Recommendations for AntiKt4EMTopoJets * Mass combimation for Large-R jets * JMS and Insitu code ready to add small-R jets mass calibration * Fix compiling issue in Athena Former-commit-id: 7a1924fcbe510f98b1b961ad25596678ae671766
Elmar Ritsch authored
Update obsolete geometry tags of G4_MC15_ZPrime_QuasiStable_1sim, G4_cosmics_1sim and G4_cosmicsTR_1sim RTT tests. ATLASSIM-2864 (ISF_Validation-00-03-20) * Update obsolete geometry tags of G4_MC15_ZPrime_QuasiStable_1sim, G4_cosmics_1sim and G4_cosmicsTR_1sim RTT tests. ATLASSIM-2864 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-20 Former-commit-id: d2c58e468c1cf52968cc371ed982c07c7afab34c
Elmar Ritsch authored
back-port 'FullG4_LongLived' setup and make 'MC12G4_longLived' an alias of it for backward compatibility (ISF_Config-00-02-03-02) * python/ISF_MainConfig.py, python/ISF_ConfigConfigDb.py: back-port 'FullG4_LongLived' setup and make 'MC12G4_longLived' an alias of it for backward compatibility * tagging ISF_Config-00-02-03-02 Former-commit-id: 07c66fcb7cdd3ded0ba28c45fbecd5473f70453c
Jovan Mitrevski authored
* python/AODFix.py: remove unneeded debug printout that caused problems * tagging AODFix-00-03-22 2016-05-18 Edward.Moyse@cern.ch * Re-enable muon fix. * Added AODFix_r21.py (so I don't forget to put the AODfix in there too) * tag AODFix-00-03-21 Former-commit-id: c719978e53d7dbfce4ce9457c43a0ce755ce4d1a
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging ControlTest-00-02-57. * CMakeLists.txt: Adjust timeouts. Former-commit-id: 3a56faac69d70625b843236504b1d0abf15c28ae
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging Tagging CaloAthenaPool-00-03-07. * CMakeLists.txt: Do not fail if we cannot find run_tpcnv_test. 2016-05-24 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging Tagging CaloAthenaPool-00-03-06. * CMakeLists.txt: Fix for finding AthenaPoolUtilitiesTest. 2016-05-23 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging Tagging CaloAthenaPool-00-03-05. * Get tests working in cmake builds. Former-commit-id: 016a4da64021cfd3f2b9ce9d19a39768e54de2de
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging EventBookkeeperAthenaPool-00-00-10. * CMakeLists.txt: Do not fail if we cannot find run_tpcnv_test. 2016-05-24 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging EventBookkeeperAthenaPool-00-00-09. * CMakeLists.txt: Fix for finding AthenaPoolUtilitiesTest. 2016-05-23 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging EventBookkeeperAthenaPool-00-00-08. * Get tests running in cmake builds. Former-commit-id: 28e7dc8dd86ce6ce74183f173534eb3113828c6a
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrigEventAthenaPool-00-02-63. * CMakeLists.txt: Do not fail if we cannot find run_tpcnv_test. 2016-05-24 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigEventAthenaPool-00-02-62. * CMakeLists.txt: Fix for finding AthenaPoolUtilitiesTest.' * Updates for GEO geometries becoming obsolete. 2016-05-15 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigEventAthenaPool-00-02-61. * Fix for running tests in cmake build. 2016-05-12 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigEventAthenaPool-00-02-60. * Enable running tests tests for cmake build. * Update reference file for PyDumper-00-01-79. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 90ff439120cb881c76af8a11363aa0f45bb88001
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrkEventAthenaPool-01-34-21. * CMakeLists.txt: Do not fail if we cannot find run_tpcnv_test. 2016-05-24 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrkEventAthenaPool-01-34-20. * CMakeLists.txt: Fix for finding AthenaPoolUtilitiesTest. 2016-05-19 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrkEventAthenaPool-01-34-19. * Update reference files for change in default geometry. 2016-05-15 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrkEventAthenaPool-01-34-18. * Update reference files for TrkTrack-07-02-01. 2016-05-13 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: cf8c47997ab8ea42d7f4508d845ea4b340325b90
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging ZdcEventAthenaPool-00-01-05. * CMakeLists.txt: Do not fail if we cannot find run_tpcnv_test. 2016-05-25 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging ZdcEventAthenaPool-00-01-04. * Get tests working in cmake build. Former-commit-id: 3d80dd6dafa5777bf88a76aae5791e758164634b
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging MuonEventAthenaPool-00-32-04. * CMakeLists.txt: Do not fail if we cannot find run_tpcnv_test. 2016-05-25 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging MuonEventAthenaPool-00-32-03. * CMakeLists.txt: Get tests working in cmake build. * Update reference files for change in default geometry. Former-commit-id: eec0ca62b8323d44e2f3a6199bea55b1ebb1871f
Scott Snyder authored
'Have each test use a unique pool file catalog, to prevent races when tests are run in parallel.' (LArConditionsTest-00-01-15) * Tagging LArConditionsTest-00-01-15. * Have each test use a unique pool file catalog, to prevent races when tests are run in parallel. 2016-05-25 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArConditionsTest-00-01-14. * CMakeLists.txt: Fix test dependencies. 2016-04-28 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArConditionsTest-00-01-13. * test/post.sh: More patterns to ignore for hive builds. * Tagging LArConditionsTest-00-01-12. * Move test script skeleton to test/ directory. * Tagging LArConditionsTest-00-01-11. * Get tests working in cmake build. * Tagging LArConditionsTest-00-01-10. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: c9254887c53e141963faa0cd18ffaa447e2a5ef6
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging eflowAthenaPool-00-00-12. * CMakeLists.txt: Get tests working in cmake build. Former-commit-id: c0b9d301ee0fb6fd415ca004d9320bd7ac0de268
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrackParticleTruthAthenaPool-00-00-11. * CMakeLists.txt: Get tests working in cmake build. Former-commit-id: 1a3ccd4f
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging RecAthenaPool-00-07-10. * CMakeLists.txt: Fix cmake warning. * Tagging RecAthenaPool-00-07-09. * Get tests working in cmake build. Former-commit-id: f61081e0252590b1ca47de52f03f52750e4e1b28
Antonio Limosani authored
* Restore queue for system reco job * RecPerfTests-00-08-51 Former-commit-id: 2d7af0ad50d7734a1dca64402c81400e58333172
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging JetEventAthenaPool-00-00-34. * CMakeLists.txt: Do not fail if we cannot find run_tpcnv_test. * Tagging JetEventAthenaPool-00-00-33. * Get tests working in cmake builds. Former-commit-id: 3a4014a641bbc28defa09fbe963c28de991089d9