- Oct 07, 2016
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
- Oct 04, 2016
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
* address some inconsistency for Inside calculation for points on surface (fixes over/undershoot problems in ShapeTester) * fix "wrong - direction" normal bugs reported by ShapeTester
- Oct 03, 2016
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
- Sep 29, 2016
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
* now able to automatically use the same compiler for plugin compilation
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
* inner structure was accessed although no inner structure allocated
* the previous version to force generation of template specialization as symbols did not work on MacOS * changed to a more portable version
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
* the VecGeomConfig.cmake file contained references to libvecgeom.a even if we build the shared lib version of VecGeom * This commit provides a fix to this
* script that steers the creation of a shared lib of navigators * some smaller adjustments to NavigationSpecializer in this context
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
* improving the way to write serialized Navigationstates from Benchmarker * able to query statically the number of NavigationStates in a serialized NavStatePool file * in result: avoid hard coded filenames + statesizes in Specializer * other adjustments in Specializer following navigation class structure evolution
* The PrintType function was disabled in the process of class structure changes * I reenable them as they are needed by code generation for navigation specialization
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
- Sep 28, 2016
Guilherme Amadio authored
- Sep 27, 2016
Guilherme Lima authored
* Details: - traps cache normal vectors for each face -- no on-the-fly calculations needed - normals are NOT averaged anymore for points near edges or vertices - NormalKernel() now always returns a normalized normal vector, even for points far away -- safety-like calculations to determine closest face
Guilherme Amadio authored
Rather than remove files from the main list of sources to be compiled, only add them when it's appropriate.
Guilherme Amadio authored
Guilherme Amadio authored
- Fix warning in XRayBenchmarkFromROOTFile - Fix warning when ROOT and Geant4 are OFF
- Sep 26, 2016
Philippe Canal authored
Philippe Canal authored
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
* dramatically speeding up closing geometry + voxelization (by avoiding useless geometry tree traversal) * report time taken in Geometry conversion + voxelization from ROOTGeoManager
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Details * Introduce some error handling when reading SOA3D/NavStatePool from serialized files * Use this is NavigationKernelBenchmarker * NavigationKernelBenchmarker can now bench combined step+safety calculcations
- Sep 23, 2016
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
* fixes problem where TGeoNavigator produced strange results in benchmarks
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
* add command line options to - switch on/off benchmarking of vector interface - analysis of state transitions (for static analysis and navigator specialization) * increased performance by caching logical volume pointer * better caching of generated points * code cleanup * factor out unit test on NavigationStates
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Sandro Christian Wenzel authored
Oksana Shadura authored