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unfoldingPlotter: fix interplay between signal phase space and ttbar category

Sebastien Wertz requested to merge fixSignalDef into master

This required to add a flag to baseTtbbPlotter.prepareTree() to avoid adding the ttbar category cut at the root selection node, and then to modify the logic for the selections in the unfoldingPlotter:

  • for ttX=ttjj/ttC: reco-level selection = (reco cuts) && (ttX category) && !(signal gen-level phase space cuts)
  • for ttB:
    • gen-level selection = (signal gen-level phase space cuts)
    • reco-level selection = (reco cuts) && ((ttB category) || (signal gen-level phase space cuts))
    • reco level for migration matrices: (reco cuts) && (signal gen-level phase space cuts)

This means that the signal gen-level cuts have to be declared even for the ttjj and ttC backgrounds.

Merge request reports
