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  • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
    'CMakeLists.txt' (InDetSimEvent-00-06-00) · 1f84d267
    Atlas-Software Librarian authored
    	* Updated HitIdHelpers to be safe for multi-threading.
    		* TRTHitIdHelper and SiHitIdHelper are now safe to retrieve
    		* SiHitIdHelper is now a context-specific singleton in Hive.
    		* Locked Storegate usage in SiHitIdHelper Initialize method
    		  which was previously thread-unsafe.
    	* tag as InDetSimEvent-00-06-00
    	* src/SiHitIdHelper.cxx - include barrelendcap range extension for
    	dbm dictionaries.
    	* tag as InDetSimEvent-00-05-08