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JVT efficiency updates

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Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
/// @author Nils Krumnack
......@@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ namespace CP
std::string m_truthJetsName;
/// \brief differenciate between JVT and fJVT
bool m_dofJVT = false;
/// \brief the decoration for the fJVT selection
std::string m_fJVTStatus;
/// \brief the accessor for \ref m_fJVTStatus
std::unique_ptr<ISelectionAccessor> m_fJVTStatusAccessor;
/// \brief the decoration for the JVT selection
std::string m_selection;
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
/// @author Nils Krumnack
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ namespace CP
, m_truthJetsName("AntiKt4TruthJets")
declareProperty ("efficiencyTool", m_efficiencyTool, "the efficiency tool we apply");
declareProperty ("dofJVT", m_dofJVT, "differenciate between JVT and fJVT");
declareProperty ("fJVTStatus", m_fJVTStatus, "the decoration for the fJVT status");
declareProperty ("selection", m_selection, "the decoration for the JVT selection");
declareProperty ("efficiency", m_efficiency, "the decoration for the JVT efficiency");
declareProperty ("skipBadEfficiency", m_skipBadEfficiency, "whether to skip efficiency calculation if the selection failed");
......@@ -38,12 +40,21 @@ namespace CP
StatusCode JvtEfficiencyAlg ::
initialize ()
if (m_dofJVT && m_fJVTStatus.empty())
ANA_MSG_ERROR ("fJVTStatus decoration needs to be configured when running fJVT");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ANA_CHECK (m_efficiencyTool.retrieve());
m_systematicsList.addHandle (m_jetHandle);
ANA_CHECK (m_systematicsList.addAffectingSystematics (m_efficiencyTool->affectingSystematics()));
ANA_CHECK (m_systematicsList.initialize());
ANA_CHECK (m_outOfValidity.initialize());
if (m_dofJVT && !m_fJVTStatus.empty())
ANA_CHECK (makeSelectionAccessor (m_fJVTStatus, m_fJVTStatusAccessor));
if (!m_selection.empty())
ANA_CHECK (makeSelectionAccessor (m_selection, m_selectionAccessor));
......@@ -74,14 +85,18 @@ namespace CP
bool goodJet = true;
if (m_selectionAccessor || m_skipBadEfficiency)
goodJet = m_efficiencyTool->passesJvtCut (*jet);
goodJet = m_dofJVT ? m_fJVTStatusAccessor->getBool (*jet) : m_efficiencyTool->passesJvtCut (*jet);
if (m_selectionAccessor)
m_selectionAccessor->setBool (*jet, goodJet);
if (m_efficiencyAccessor && (goodJet || !m_skipBadEfficiency))
if (m_efficiencyAccessor)
float efficiency = 1;
ANA_CHECK_CORRECTION (m_outOfValidity, *jet, m_efficiencyTool->getEfficiencyScaleFactor (*jet, efficiency));
if (goodJet) {
ANA_CHECK_CORRECTION (m_outOfValidity, *jet, m_efficiencyTool->getEfficiencyScaleFactor (*jet, efficiency));
} else if (!m_skipBadEfficiency) {
ANA_CHECK_CORRECTION (m_outOfValidity, *jet, m_efficiencyTool->getInefficiencyScaleFactor (*jet, efficiency));
(*m_efficiencyAccessor) (*jet) = efficiency;
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# AnaAlgorithm import(s):
from AnaAlgorithm.AnaAlgSequence import AnaAlgSequence
......@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ smallRSysts = "|".join([
jvtSysts = "|".join([
fjvtSysts = "|".join([
def makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetCollection, postfix = '', deepCopyOutput = False,
......@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ def makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetCollection, postfix = '', deepCopyOutp
def makeSmallRJetAnalysisSequence( seq, cutlist, cutlength, dataType, jetCollection,
jetInput, postfix = '', runJvtUpdate = True,
runJvtEfficiency = True, runJvtSelection = False,
runJvtEfficiency = True,
reduction = "Global", JEROption = "Simple"):
"""Add algorithms for the R=0.4 jets.
......@@ -145,7 +146,6 @@ def makeSmallRJetAnalysisSequence( seq, cutlist, cutlength, dataType, jetCollect
runJvtUpdate -- Determines whether or not to update JVT on the jets
runJvtEfficiency -- Determines whether or not to recalculate the JVT
runJvtSelection -- Determines whether or not to run the JVT selection
reduction -- Which NP reduction scheme should be used (All, Global, Category, Scenario)
JEROption -- Which variant of the reduction should be used (All, Full, Simple). Note that not all combinations of reduction and JEROption are valid!
......@@ -225,7 +225,9 @@ def makeSmallRJetAnalysisSequence( seq, cutlist, cutlength, dataType, jetCollect
if runJvtEfficiency:
alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::JvtEfficiencyAlg', 'JvtEfficiencyAlg'+postfix )
addPrivateTool( alg, 'efficiencyTool', 'CP::JetJvtEfficiency' )
alg.selection = 'jvt_selection' if runJvtSelection else 'jvt_selection,as_char'
alg.efficiencyTool.SFFile = 'JetJvtEfficiency/Moriond2018/JvtSFFile_EMTopoJets.root'
alg.efficiencyTool.WorkingPoint = 'Medium'
alg.selection = 'jvt_selection'
alg.efficiency = 'jvt_efficiency'
# Disable efficiency decorations if running on data
# We still want to run the JVT selection
......@@ -237,10 +239,27 @@ def makeSmallRJetAnalysisSequence( seq, cutlist, cutlength, dataType, jetCollect
alg.skipBadEfficiency = 0
seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'jets', outputPropName = 'jetsOut',
affectingSystematics = jvtSysts )
if runJvtSelection:
alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::JvtEfficiencyAlg', 'ForwardJvtEfficiencyAlg' )
addPrivateTool( alg, 'efficiencyTool', 'CP::JetJvtEfficiency' )
alg.efficiencyTool.SFFile = 'JetJvtEfficiency/Moriond2018/fJvtSFFile.root'
alg.efficiencyTool.WorkingPoint = 'Tight'
alg.dofJVT = True
alg.fJVTStatus = 'passFJVT,as_char'
alg.selection = 'fjvt_selection'
alg.efficiency = 'fjvt_efficiency'
# Disable efficiency decorations if running on data
# We still want to run the JVT selection
if dataType == 'data':
alg.efficiency = ''
alg.truthJetCollection = ''
alg.outOfValidity = 2
alg.outOfValidityDeco = 'no_fjvt'
alg.skipBadEfficiency = 0
seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'jets', outputPropName = 'jetsOut',
affectingSystematics = fjvtSysts )
# Return the sequence:
return seq, cutlist, cutlength
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