Merging full workflow into Tanay's HiggsDNA
Don't merge this yet! Let's do some testing first before we merge to master
This should work out of the box (fingers crossed). This will have the full h->aa->4gamma workflow included in the base class. This should also not affect any corrections that you are using currently. That still needs to be tested. There may be bugs that I haven't caught yet, so I need to do some testing... I also included some nice helper scripts for you in the scripts folder.
Merge request reports
added 1 commit
- 9381bf81 - Fixed issues with Condor. Do not use systematics - this is broken currently
I just finished fixing the issues with Condor. Turns out that the current setup breaks when applying systematics. I need to use the events array to grab rho (energy density) for isolation corrections, but other corrections (e.g., MC smearing) and other steps use only the photons array. This mismatch breaks randomly when using systematics, so avoid using them for now. I will fix this soon.
added 1 commit
- 91a48a02 - Typo with event mixing. Fixed it - now data works again
reset approvals from @takumar by pushing to the branch
I just fixed the systematics problems by restructuring the code to not use the events array directly. I've tested this with signal MC samples locally and on Condor and everything works as expected. I think we're okay to merge this request now (again? I can't tell). I may make cleanup edits in the future, but that can come later after we talk about the code when you're done with your tests.
Edited by Sergi Castellsadded 1 commit
- ac1fa636 - Added Nevents for efficiency. This currently doesn't work as expected
added 1 commit
- 74848f99 - Fixed small issue with counting failed jobs in resubmit script
added 1 commit
- 9d143c64 - Added pfPhoIso03 corrected as a branch to photons. Also fixed some bugs in cuts
added 1 commit
- a41f89c1 - Cleaned up an assert that I think breaks when events < Nevents (len Nevents = 5)