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Commit 5a1ad5b8 authored by Scott Snyder's avatar Scott Snyder Committed by scott snyder
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LArGeoCode: Avoid use of non-bound DataHandle.

Deprecating use of non-bound DataHandle, especially non-const.
Also adding const for materials.
parent 74ea722d
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Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// //
// class LArMaterialManager This is a material manager //
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "LArGeoCode/LArMaterialManager.h"
#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoMaterial.h"
#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoElement.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGate.h"
#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
#include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
......@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ LArMaterialManager::LArMaterialManager(StoreGateSvc* detStore):
throw std::runtime_error("LArMaterialManager: cannot initialize message service");
DataHandle<StoredMaterialManager> materialManager;
StoredMaterialManager* materialManager = nullptr;
status = detStore->retrieve(materialManager, std::string("MATERIALS"));
throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, list of precalculated materials is absent..");
......@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ void LArMaterialManager::buildMaterials()
msg << "**** in Material Manager " << endmsg;
GeoMaterial *Copper = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Copper");
const GeoMaterial *Copper = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Copper");
if (!Copper) throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, std::Copper is not found.");
msg << "Copper radiation length " << Copper->getRadLength() << " "
......@@ -54,10 +53,10 @@ void LArMaterialManager::buildMaterials()
GeoMaterial *Iron = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Iron");
const GeoMaterial *Iron = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Iron");
if (!Iron) throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, std::Iron is not found.");
GeoMaterial *Lead = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Lead");
const GeoMaterial *Lead = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Lead");
if (!Lead) throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, std::Lead is not found.");
msg << MSG::INFO<< "Lead radiation length " << Lead->getRadLength() << " "
......@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ void LArMaterialManager::buildMaterials()
GeoMaterial *LAr = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::LiquidArgon");
const GeoMaterial *LAr = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::LiquidArgon");
if (!LAr) throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, std::LiquidArgon is not found.");
......@@ -73,10 +72,10 @@ void LArMaterialManager::buildMaterials()
<< LAr->getDensity()/(CLHEP::g/CLHEP::cm3) << endmsg;
GeoMaterial *Air = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Air");
const GeoMaterial *Air = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Air");
if (!Air) throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, std::Air is not found.");
GeoMaterial *Kapton = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Kapton");
const GeoMaterial *Kapton = m_storedManager->getMaterial("std::Kapton");
if (!Kapton) throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, std::Kapton is not found.");
msg << MSG::INFO<< "Kapton radiation length " << Kapton->getRadLength() << " "
......@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ void LArMaterialManager::buildMaterials()
GeoMaterial *Glue = m_storedManager->getMaterial("LAr::Glue");
const GeoMaterial *Glue = m_storedManager->getMaterial("LAr::Glue");
if (!Glue) throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, LAr::Glue is not found.");
msg << MSG::INFO<< "Glue radiation length " << Glue->getRadLength() << " "
......@@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ void LArMaterialManager::buildMaterials()
GeoMaterial *G10 = m_storedManager->getMaterial("LAr::G10");
const GeoMaterial *G10 = m_storedManager->getMaterial("LAr::G10");
if (!G10) throw std::runtime_error("Error in LArMaterialManager, LAr::G10 is not found.");
msg << MSG::INFO<< "G10 radiation length " << G10->getRadLength() << " "
......@@ -253,8 +252,8 @@ void LArMaterialManager::buildMaterials()
//==GU 28 July 2005
// implement latest definitions from hard coded geometry
GeoElement* Si = m_storedManager->getElement("Silicon");
GeoElement *O = m_storedManager->getElement("Oxygen");
const GeoElement* Si = m_storedManager->getElement("Silicon");
const GeoElement *O = m_storedManager->getElement("Oxygen");
density = dB.getDouble("BarrelMotherboards", "BarrelMotherboards-00", "DG10")*(CLHEP::g/CLHEP::cm3); //LArEMBEpoxyVolumicMass
GeoMaterial* SiO2 = new GeoMaterial("SiO2",density);
......@@ -311,7 +310,7 @@ void LArMaterialManager::buildMaterials()
// Vacuum for TB cryostat
// ----------------------
GeoElement *H = m_storedManager->getElement( "Hydrogen" );
const GeoElement *H = m_storedManager->getElement( "Hydrogen" );
GeoMaterial *Vacuum = new GeoMaterial( "Vacuum", CLHEP::universe_mean_density );
Vacuum->add( H, 1. );
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