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Commit 001dc50f authored by Carlos Chavez Barajas's avatar Carlos Chavez Barajas Committed by Graeme Stewart
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Increases the time limit from 50 to 60 minutes in test CheckKeysV6 (TrigP1Test-00-07-57)

	* Increases the time limit from 50 to 60 minutes in test CheckKeysV6
	* TrigP1Test-00-07-57
parent af574f42
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......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ get_files -xmls LVL1config.dtd
#upload the first key
echo "upload the first key"
cmd1="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release 'P1HLT' --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu1 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup1 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l FINE --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 50 -w_t 60 >& uploadSMK1"
cmd1="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release 'P1HLT' --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu1 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup1 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l FINE --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 60 -w_t 60 >& uploadSMK1"
echo $cmd1
eval $cmd1 &> uploadSMK1.log
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ hlt__setup2=ef_Default_setup_rerun.xml
#upload the second key
echo "upload the second key"
cmd2="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release 'P1HLT' --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu2 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup2 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l FINE --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 50 -w_t 60 >& uploadSMK2"
cmd2="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release 'P1HLT' --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu2 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup2 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l FINE --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 60 -w_t 60 >& uploadSMK2"
echo $cmd2
eval $cmd2 &> uploadSMK2.log
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